Everyone hurriedly looked at the lower right corner.

I don't even look at the game screen.

Many people have already turned on screen recording at this moment.

He was ready to see Fang Hao's expression at the moment.

What will it look like?

Is it frightened?

Or take a big startle?

Or foaming at the mouth?

The audience's faces were full of expectation.

Just waiting for the material to be recorded, a new mask of pain will be included.

At this moment, in the picture in the lower right corner is Fang Hao's face.

Everyone's eyes looked at Fang Hao's expression and movements without blinking.

But what is he doing?

He was motionless.

Nothing happened.

It's as if the picture has been stuck.

There is no crash.

There is no mentality explosion.

There is no panic look of breaking defenses or false alarms.

At this moment, Fang Hao frowned slightly.

Zheng'er Bajing looked at the game screen at the moment, and his face showed a standard "analysis" expression.

He...... He's too calm!

"Hmm... It looks like it's just a little dangerous. "

"But fortunately, we were quite lucky."

"At this last moment, there is such a platform to save."

Fang Hao's tone and movements could not be more normal than normal.

It's like answering a teacher's question during class.

You can't even hear any mood swings in him!


Just outrageous, you know!

The audience was speechless.

Anchor We have been watching for so long, really watching you play games?

You're so bad to break your defense!

Why are you so stable?


With Fang Hao's calm, the audience was not calm.

The live broadcast room is filled with a lot of question marks and asterisks.

[The anchor loses you Reim! ] 】

[I'll go **** mom ** stinky ***].

[*** mom **** mom **** mom **** your horse **].

【????? 】

【???????? 】

[What kind of mentality are you!] 】

[Vozh! Now my blood pressure is up! 】

[I was in a good mood just now, now I see that the anchor has nothing at all, and my mood is starting to feel uncomfortable! ] 】

[You *** ****, give me back my happiness! ] 】

[Near death! ] That's the reaction...].

[This is too bland! ] The anchor is cold, isn't it! 】

[On this little Yinzi'er, at least a keyboard is gone! ] 】

[If you put it on the pig, it is estimated that you can eat the burning smoke! ] 】

[As a result, the anchor is so calm? ] I'm stupid...].

Many barrages with extremely high content filled Fang Hao's live broadcast room.

The audience exploded.

Lao Tzu came to see you break the defense, not TM's to be broken by you!

Now you look stupid like this, you know!?

The audience was filled with indignation.

Originally came to break the defense.

As a result, the anchor was so calm, and the original happiness ... Without!

And seeing the barrage at this moment, Fang Hao was quite speechless:

"I said in my heart that this game is not that difficult."

"You don't say that you break the defense, where is the point of breaking the defense?"

"I'm a very ordinary person."

"This game is obviously not that difficult."

"If you don't let me break my defense, what can I do? I'm desperate, too! "

Fang Hao's words once again made the fire in the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room rise.

Everyone is so angry!

I can't wait to pout Fang Hao directly.

The same anchor, you look at people!

Why can you be so calm!?

[Anchor, I want to remind you! ] Pretending to be calm will hurt the body! 】

[When a normal person encounters this scene, it is impossible for him not to react at all! ] 】

[That's right! 】

[I have every reason to suspect that the anchor is pretending! ] 】

[In fact, the anchor has long been angry, but pretends to be fine! ] 】

[Pretend to be a master, huh?] I tell you, there is a time when you break the defense! 】

[How many foreign technology bigwigs have overturned! ] 】

[The more emotions are accumulated like this, the more ruthless the outbreak will be! ] 】

[Please, anchor! ] For us, even if it is pretending ... Let's break the defense! 】

Just as the audience was talking, Fang Hao at this moment had already operated the character to make his character rise again.

Let's not say anything else.

At the very least, get out of this hanging state.

However, now that Fang Hao is at this level, he no longer has the proficiency of the system reward.

Everything in this level is strange to him.

Plus mind wandering at the moment.


Following a successful left jump from the cliff

Fang Hao climbed up from the side of the cliff...

Lose! Fail! Finish!


In the game screen, the game character Brother Hammer falls straight in midair.

There was a sound that seemed to be mocking and mocking.


Along with the water tank, a few drops of water splashed out.

Fang Hao went home.

At this moment, the entire game screen seems to be still.

Even the barrage in the live broadcast room was temporarily stopped at this moment.

After the audience hesitated for more than a dozen seconds.

Countless barrages broke out directly!


[Coming, coming, coming, coming! ] 】

[Finally here is the groove! ] 】

[Hahahaha! You have today too! Laugh until your stomach hurts! 】

【Go home often! 】 】

[Hahaha! Appeared! Suffocating operation! 】

[Good life! ] 】

[Panicked! ] 】

[Play this game, you must whistle, hey! ] To whistle! 】

[Hahahaha! Laugh me to death! 】

[Back to the original starting point, standing dumbly in front of the mirror...].

[Laugh me to death! ] It is recommended that the anchor screen in the lower right corner be maximized directly! 】

[It's still that immersive!] 】

[This is the operation, have you learned to waste it?] 】

[Hahaha, learning is wasted! ] 】


The much-anticipated famous scene has appeared!

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