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Chapter 1033: Continue to help

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Chapter 1033: Continue Help

"Maybe ... maybe he just wanted to save some face for everyone, so he didn't do his best? After all, his grandsons were also present, and there were foreign aid from other families. It seems that it is not appropriate to kneel down in a big court, right? "Xiao Chen came up with another reason.

"唉, no culture, it's terrible! Let me give you some science!" Tian Lao patiently and tempted, "Don't you feel your brain is blank when you are extremely angry and want to get angry?"

"Yeah, there is a saying that I was stunned by anger, didn't that mean it! But what does this have to do with being injured?" Xiao Chen was like an open-minded elementary student.

"You don't know. When human beings are furious, not only will their brains be emptied, but the martial arts inside their bodies will be completely uncontrolled for a few seconds, no matter whether they are monks or practitioners!" The long essay explained: "If he is not injured, let alone press you down on your knees, even if you are lying down, it is normal! You can still support it just now, indicating that his current full strength is only that high, which is obviously force. He was restrained by internal injuries! Wu Zun's consummation he showed was just an empty shell with no appearance! "

"That's the case. I said that I didn't have anything at all just now. I thought I had become a master of the Supreme Master and my own resistance ability had improved." Xiao Chen realized this, nodded his head, and immediately asked: " Then is his internal injury serious? Shouldn't he fart before the game is over? Then I will just use force to get Jia Musen into the position of homeowner? "

"You think so beautiful! I think he can recover completely after another one or two years of recovery." Tian Lao replied casually, remembering another thing, and then ordered: "Yes, You have to find a way to get some more Lingyu, and now the vitality stored in your body is not enough to directly break into the Yuan infant period. You must rely on Lingyu to upgrade. "

"Let me go. Why don't you say it earlier? Otherwise, I could find Jia Hongyong directly in Tianyu Mine that day!" Xiao Chen was suddenly bitter and bitter, and then for a while, where did he go? Where is Lingyu? You can't go to Jia's warehouse to steal it? It was miserable to be found!

"Do you think I don't want to say? In order to make a breakthrough in one go, I have saved too much vitality in your body, and it is easy to get into the magic with a little carelessness, and a sudden explosion, but these vitalities are not enough. You are absolutely successful. I want to maintain strength and calculate how much spirit jade you still need to upgrade. Do you think it is as simple as playing? ”Tian Lao retorted.

"Well ... I'm wrong, isn't it? How much spirit jade is needed this time? I'll find a way to get it!" Xiao Chen shook her head with a bitter smile.

"It's probably a hundred dollars! For the time being, don't look for me lately because it doesn't matter anything, lest I be distracted, you will easily explode!" Tian Lao hurriedly dropped a sentence, and no more There is no echo.

Xiao Chen sighed helplessly, the last word of Tian Lao just now, can not help but let him cold sweat!

Doesn't this mean that you always carry a bomb in your body, and you don't know when it will explode? This is also too cheating ... oh no, cheating for you!

And at this moment, where would I go to get so many jade? It was definitely impossible to find Jia Musen, and Xiao Chen didn't want to let him be involved again, and if he gets caught again, it will be troublesome.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Chen felt that after waiting for Jia Musen to sit firmly on the heirs, he tried to find a way to get him a little bit. For now, don't consider upgrading.

"Master Musen, thank you very much for what you just did!" Xiao Chen was thinking, Jia Renzhong ran over and thanked Jia Musen again and again: "If you didn't help with the negotiation, I would definitely not win such a good one Results! "

"Everyone is a child of the Jia family, and I should help you. Don't be so polite." Jia Musen waved his hand, but was a bit embarrassed. In fact, Xiao Chen shot just now, and has nothing to do with him, so it feels like it ashamed.

"Master, Mr. Muson, it will be useful to me in the future. Just speak, I promise I won't let you down!" Jia Renzhong is not an uninteresting person, naturally understands Jia Musen's intention to help, and immediately vowed his promise. Road.

"Oh, you can just call me Jia Musen or Mu Sen. Master listens awkwardly." Of course Jia Musen would not refuse, and smiled politely.

"How can you do that! You are a child of the lineage, I dare not break the rules." Jia Renzhong waved hands again and again.

Jiamusen no longer said more, and smiled slightly: "Okay, you go back to rest! There is still a game tomorrow, we must work hard to win the position of elder!"

Ji Jia nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'll go first. Come to me if you have any questions. See you tomorrow!"

Looking at Jia Renzhong's back, Xiao Chen patted Jia Musen's shoulder and said, "Yes, yes, it seems that this younger brother has properly followed you, then it depends on how you use him. "

"It's not all your credit!" Jia Musen sighed ~ www.readwn.com ~ and went side by side with Xiao Chen.

"We are brothers, why should we divide each other!" Xiao Chen laughed and tentatively said, "Yes, your grandfather had a lot of momentum just now! Did n’t anyone at this level have any pain? "

"It should be, I don't seem to have seen him sick or injured." Jia Musen shook his head, recalling the scene of grandpa's anger just now, feeling a little scared, and frowned: "But Xiao Chen, you were a bit reckless just now Then, in case the grandfather really shot in anger, it is estimated that both of us will suffer, I am afraid they will also affect Cheng Mengying. "

"Rest assured, I have a sense of size!" Xiao Chen opened the topic when he saw that nothing could be tested: "Yes, tomorrow's game will be set in the performance martial arts field. It sounds like it's going to be real, and it should be played directly. If you're not sure, just stop playing and let me deal with those two silly ones. "

Xiao Chen is indeed more cautious about tomorrow's game. Although the first two games have won, they can only be regarded as dangerous.

The two guys, Jia Tuyu and Jia Huoyan, are not completely useless sons and wives, each with their own plans and plans. Otherwise, he might have been pitted one step ahead. He didn't want to get to the last scene. What happened.

"How do you do it? I rely on you to help me in every game. Am I not a waste?" Jia Musen shook his head and said, "And Jia Huoyan and Jia Tuyu are not fools. Now I lead the scores, they certainly won't If you miss this opportunity easily, you will definitely think of many ways to rectify me. "

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