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Chapter 1035: You give up!

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Chapter 1035: Give Up!

"The shelf is pretty, but you can handle it?" Jia Shouyi sneered, blinking slightly, easily avoiding the attacks of Jia Renzhong.

The people of Jiu Jia didn't hesitate, quickly turned around and kicked Jia Shouji, pointing directly at his big lame leg, full of momentum, but the intention was too obvious, and Jia Shouxi easily escaped.

The next several attacks by Jia Renzhong were all avoided or resolved one by one by Jia Shouyi. Under the turbulence of Jia Renzhong, he was a little confused with the rules, and he simply beat them up, but the results were useless.

"Well! Jia Renzhong is not good! You see what he is aiming for are insignificant parts, and the more they fight, the more chaotic, the attack and the empty door are exposed at the same time, it is estimated that it won't be long before he will be kicked down!" Xiao Chen couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Jia Ren's awkward attack on the stage.

"It's also normal. This boy is always alone and cultivates by himself. It is estimated that he lacks experience in battle, so he dare not aim at the chest and head, etc." Jia Musen guessed the reason behind: "Otherwise Wan The hand was too heavy to kill the opponent directly, so it was not worth the disqualification. "

"What's so scary?" Xiao Chen shrugged and said indifferently: "I really want to kill him, so I can control the dead man! I can still talk and walk, so he won't be cancelled Qualification! Then let him perform an XX fly and commit suicide in public. "

"It's very light." Jia Musen said quietly: "If the man's chest is blown out of a big hole or his head is blown away, even if you control it, it's useless! Is it a zombie movie and it also plays special effects? of?"

"Uh ..." Xiao Chen touched his nose and was speechless for a while. Jia Musen really made some sense. He had never encountered such a situation, so he was not sure whether the dead could be controlled.


Xiao Chen also wanted to continue teasing with Jia Musen. Suddenly, a loud noise came out from the stage. Jia Ren could not attack for a long time. He was slightly anxious and a little careless. He was caught by Jia Shouyi and he kicked off!

When Xiao Chen and Jia Musen turned their heads, they saw Jia's hand grabbing Jia Renzhong and slammed into his lower abdomen a few times. Then he threw his hand and Jia Renzhong fell directly to the ground, his face turned out Green, painful with grinning teeth, covering his lower abdomen with both hands, could not breathe for a long time.

"It's so useless. I just stabbed you a few times. I'm on my stomach like a dead dog. There's no sense of accomplishment against a rookie like you. Hurry up and give up! Don't delay everyone's time, we are all busy "Yes!" Jia Shouxi walked over, standing in front of Jia Renzhong, looking down at him and smirking.

"Cough! I ... I can still fight ..." Jia Renzhong said reluctantly, gritted his teeth to support him and wanted to stand up. Although his internal organs were painful like tears at this time, he was not reconciled. , Don't want to give up on this!

And I just recognized Jia Musen as the boss, and now they are watching from the audience! If the first game is a terrible defeat, and you will step down without a point, then the boss will definitely be disappointed!

"Well, it's a mean life! Since you are so obsessed, then I'll do you well!" Jia Shouxi was very disdainful of the dying struggle of Jia Renzhong, smiled disdainfully, and raised his foot to him Go away, intend to kick him directly, or simply kick off the ring.


"Ah !!!" Jia Renzhong was unable to resist and was kicked by Jia's hand. He felt a sudden pain in his chest and screamed. The whole man flew out!

When he was about to fly out of the ring, he didn't know if it was a subconscious reaction. He suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed the bulge on the edge of the ring. He was able to stabilize his body on the edge of the ring without falling.

"Oh, you guys have good luck, didn't they fall?" Jia Shouyi was a bit surprised, he should be strong enough to let him fly out!

In amazement, he walked over and glanced, and found that Jia Renzhong grabbed the position of the step, which happened to have a point of focus, and no wonder he could die!

Jia Shou sneered, stepped on his right hand with a sneer, and impatiently said, "Hurry up! What's the point of dragging a dead skin on your face? Are you scratching your skin?"

"His--" As the saying goes, ten fingers are connected to the heart. At this time, a painful pain came from his right hand. Jia Renzhong could not help but take a sigh of relief. The corners of his mouth were twitching, but there was still no meaning to let go. Gritted his teeth.

When I saw this scene, Jia Musen shivered with anger, and couldn't help rushing to the side of the ring and shouted, "Jia Shou! Are you too much! Everyone is a child of the Jia family. Is it necessary to do so absolutely?"

"Yo, Master Muson is distressed? In fact, I don't want to do this, but who knows that the kid's donkey has a bad temper, or should you let him take the initiative to lose? Don't you suffer from these flesh again." Jia Shouyu Did not take Jia Musen to heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Gui, don't you care as a referee? Jia Shouyi is clearly a foul!" Jia Musen was so furious that he couldn't take Jia Shouyi. He could only clen his fist and turned his head to Gui not far away. Shouted.

"Master Master, I have made the rules very clear just now. Jia Shouyu did not violate the rules, so I have no right to interfere with him." Uncle Gui replied calmly.

"Mu Sen, I don't think you'll have a dog to worry about the rat, and think about your situation!" Jia Huoyan sat on the stand, ironically.

"That is, Uncle Gui has been with Grandpa for so long. Does he still need to teach you what he does? Don't mess up, where can you stay cool!" Jia Tuyu was sitting on the other side of the stand. Sarcastic.

"Ah!" Jia Musen was so embarrassed by this group of people who cares nothing about the family, and he was about to refute. Jia Renzhong on the stage heard another scream, and his arm was kicked by Jia Shouyi again. The fracture was broken, and it hung softly, looking crumbling, and couldn't hold it.

"People, otherwise ... you give up! If you continue this way, your right hand will be a waste!" Jia Musen could not bear it. He also knew that Jia Renzhong valued this opportunity and wanted to climb up the gap. , But the price is too high!

"Master Master Mori, I ... I can still hold on! You don't have to ... Ah!" Jia Renzhong's words didn't fall, and Jia Shouqi kicked him a few more feet. His right hand finally fell down weakly and his body was lost. After the fulcrum, it quickly fell from the ring platform.

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