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Chapter 1052: Vs. Shi Yuchuan

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Chapter 1052 Against Shi Yuchuan

In fact, Xiao Chen just gave a phantom to the punishment girl. There was no human puppet at all, and she was shocked by her acting skills. Now it seems that the effect is pretty good.

"This ..." Xing Xia bit her lower lip and thought about it for a while. If she really won the game this time, she would definitely offend Xiao Chen. The consequences are absolutely unthinkable! This man is a lunatic, and God knows what he will do! Don't say it's 20 pieces of spiritual jade at that time, maybe it will ruin your life!

Looking at Jiamusen with a doubtful look, Xiao Xun took a deep breath and said unwillingly: "Jiamusen, you won this game, I give up!" After that, he nodded again at Uncle Gui and said it again .

木 Jia Musen was a little stunned, but naturally he would not ask the reason, but nodded politely and accepted the "war result" with a smile.

He knew that it must be Xiao Chen's threat that worked just now, otherwise, how could the convict girl, such as the Devil King, successfully admit to herself?

I heard that the criminal son confessed to concede, and the audience burst into a bang. People from other schools suddenly exploded. They started to discuss and give pointers. I do n’t know what happened to the criminal son.

Talk about it, but there is a young man in that group, with a clear and happy expression, and secretly in his heart, it is not that he is playing against Jia Musen, otherwise he can only admit defeat!

This person is Shi Yuchuan. In fact, he found Xiao Chen present very early. He had originally wanted to have a relationship and was forced to hide in the crowd. He was afraid to be too public. For fear that Xiao Chen saw him, Come on for his mischief!

火 Jia Huoyan and Jia Tuyue almost did not blow their lungs. When Jia Jinyan announced the rules of the game, they knew that it was impossible for them to get the position of heir. After all, the score gap was too big.

But when they saw Xing Xun and Jia Musen, they were still overjoyed. They only hoped Xing Xun's hard lesson to Jia Xun. It would be better if he couldn't take care of himself, even the homeowner could not be taken! No matter how many calculations, no one can directly give up the game!

However, it is necessary to investigate the reason. Only Xiao Chen and Xingzi had a few words before the game, and they held people's hands. It seemed to be a shudder, and they did not use force to threaten them, so they could n’t take the matter. Come to stab, or it will definitely be ridiculed by Jia Jinyan again!

After the penalty girl finished talking, she stomped her hate and listened to the humming argument in the audience. She also ignored the boss, quickly jumped off the platform, left the Yanwu Stadium, found a corner, took out her mobile phone, and quickly dialed Pass a number, intend to report Xiao Chen's affairs to the martial arts.

小 "Small punishment? Didn't you take part in the competition at Jia's? Why would you have time to call me?" After the call was answered, the elder Sun asked with a look of wonder.

"Elder Sun, this is the case! I found Xiao Chen at Jia's house. According to him, he should have come to help Jia Musen to take over the heirs of the family, so I gave up the game for the first time and wanted to report to you as soon as possible!" The chick explained very quickly.

"What ?! Xiao Chen is at Jia's?" Elder Sun was also a bit surprised, and quickly asked: "Are there anyone besides Jia Musen beside him?"

"I don't know this very well. I also saw him just before the game. I haven't found any other companions for the time being." Xun Xiao recalled.

"Well ... so, stay in Jia's house first, and watch the movement of Xiao Chen secretly. I immediately report the situation to the head and let him make the decision!" Elder Sun ordered immediately.

"Ah?" Xiao Xun was a little dumbfounded. "But ... I will leave after the game. I ca n’t stay with Jia for a long time, right? Otherwise, Xiao Chen will doubt me, and Jia's family may not agree. Sun Elder, do you think ... "

The gauntlet girl is so depressed! Elder Sun just said a word, but how easy is it to stay? There is no excuse for him, why stay at home and refuse to leave?

"Can't you think of a way by yourself? For example, stay and watch, or have dinner before leaving. I want to remind you of this little thing. I really don't know what else you can do!" Immediately impatiently interrupted: "Well, don't say anything, I'll hurry to talk to the head, you wait for me!"

"I ..." Xun Xun just wanted to answer, just listened to "click" on the phone, Elder Sun hung up the phone directly!

The convicted girl shook her head helplessly, put her phone away, turned reluctantly and walked back, scolding Xiao Chen hundreds of times in her heart.

Strangling Xiao Chen! Smelly Xiaochen! When did you come out bad, but it happened at this time, causing me to be scolded again, really a broom star! My nemesis!

"Xiao Chen, look, that criminal son is back! What happened to her just now? How did she run away in demon? Is it a good thing you did?" At this time Jia Musen had returned to the stage and stood with Xiao Chen. I just saw Xun Xiaoru muttering her mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ Entering Yanwu Field with unwilling expression, as if she had suffered a great grievance, and asked a little curiously.

Xiao Chen turned his head and glanced away, saying, "Oh, she's such a godlike person. I just used a little blindness to scare her. You don't need to care about her, right, Who is the next game? "

When Xiao Xing was on the phone outside Yanwu just now, Xiao Chen had overheard all the content with her sense of mind, quite dismissive, and not at all concerned.

Now he just wants to get the game early, quickly find a place, get some Lingyu to upgrade, after all, he has been targeted by Kaitianmen, and the Jia family has basically settled down, and Jia Musen will definitely succeed in the ranks. Too much worry.

"Next, there will be Jia Renzhong against Shi Yuchuan, please come to the stage to prepare!" Before Jia Musen answered, Uncle Gui announced it aloud on the stage.

Shi Yuchuan turned over and jumped onto the ring platform, arching his arms around him, and said with a humble expression: "Hello everyone! Below is Shi Yuchuan, a three-generation disciple of the Liuhe school. Today, I can come to the Jia family, one of the three major families in Neiwulin. The junior is deeply honored! The next game will definitely go all out! I don't know who is the master Jia Renzhong against me. "

After Xu Xuxu talked about it, Shi Yuchuan smiled and looked at the children of the Jia family, waiting for Jia Renzhong to stand up.

"I'm Jia ... Oh ..." Jia Renzhong immediately stood up and raised his hand to signal, but put his hand down just after half of his hand was raised, his face was in pain, and he felt the pain in his arm was extremely painful. The injury has not healed yet.

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