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"Xiao Chen, I ... I'm out of energy ... I want to lie in bed ... comfortably sleep ..."

The gauntlet girl said, suddenly the whole person was fainted as soon as it was dark, but even if she fainted, her hands clenched Xiao Chen's body, showing how persistent she was.

In fact, Xiao Chen was already conscious at this time. When the punishment girl pushed him just now, he was awake, and the pumping was his response, but no matter how he tried, he could n’t control his body any more, as if The whole body doesn't belong to him anymore.

In desperation, Xiao Chen's Yuan Shen can only stay in the sea of ​​consciousness, silently watching everything Xiao Xun has done for himself.

To be honest, Xiao Chen's heart was a little touched, secretly this ladyboy was kind, she lost her own life without killing her before, or she would really regret it! Although she played for Qitianmen, her heart was not bad, she was a kind girl.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen was also very depressed. When the mine collapsed before, he did not deliberately do not escape, but he just happened to be at the breakthrough point, and even he could not control the speed of energy absorption. To leave.

I didn't expect that the top of the hole on his head would collapse so quickly, the crushed stone smashed into him, knocking him directly.

Now Xiao Chen has not only been smashed into a serious injury, but even her previous practice has been abandoned. This injury is more serious than before.

I tried to yell a few times, but found that he didn't respond at all. Xiao Chen couldn't help secretly crying. Although the nearby load-bearing structure was not damaged and it was relatively safe, he and the punishment girl both sustained injuries and bleeding. , If no one comes to the rescue in time, let alone to heal, the bleeding can kill them!

"咣 咣 咣!"

"Deputy director, big things are not good!"

When Xiao Chen frowns, Jia Xiaoliu is patting Jia Hongyong's room door vigorously, and hissing while shouting: "Don't sleep, come out and see! The newly opened mine area has collapsed!"

Jia Hongyong opened the door with sleepy eyes. He lay down late last night. At this time, Zheng Xiang was sleeping. He was awakened from his dream by Jia Xiaoliu. He got up in his stomach and had nowhere to spit. He knocked directly on his head. He said impatiently, "What is noisy? I don't stand well in the middle of the night, and yelled when I ran here, right?"

"No! It's the newly opened mining area that collapsed! The VIP you invited ... No, in short, you have to check it out! It's too late to be late." Although Jia Xiaoliu was anxious, he hadn't forgotten the VIP I'll fool things over.

"What ?! Collapsed?" Jia Hongyong was shocked, completely awake, grabbed a coat and flashlight, ran quickly towards the mine, Jia Xiaoliu hurriedly followed him.

宏 Jia Hongyong turned his head and asked Jia Xiaoliu wonderingly, "How can a sudden collapse of a good mine? I remember it was reinforced only two days ago!"

At this moment his heart kept praying, hoping that Xiao Xiaoxia wouldn't do anything, otherwise he could be considered to be the end!

"I'm not quite sure about this either. I was watching the vigil just now and suddenly heard a muffled noise from the mine, and then a lot of dust and mist came out. I waited for more than ten minutes at the door and found no one from Come out inside and hurry up to find you. "Jia Xiaoliu explained panting.

"I have a big wipe! You waited for more than ten minutes at the door before rolling over to report? Why did you go there early?" Jia Hongyong was so angry that he almost didn't give Jia Xiaoli a kick directly Ye Fei.

He stayed at Tianyu Mine for a long time. He knew that the hour or two after the mine disaster was a golden time for organizing rescue. If he missed this time, the risk factor of the people who stayed inside would increase greatly! Not only are the injuries not treated, but the air is getting thinner!

这个 "This ... I thought he had better luck and would escape by himself! So I didn't expect to report the first time ..." Jia Xiaoli scratched his head and said with guilt.

Jia Hongyong glared at Jia Xiaoliu fiercely, seeing that he had already reached the door of the mine, and was too lazy to scold him again. He turned on the flashlight and rushed into the mine, but he did not go far enough, and was coughed by the diffuse dust. Non-stop.

"Cough ... why is it so serious? Did Xiao Xiao blow up the mine?" Jia Hongyong whispered away the dust blocking his eyes.

At this moment, the road in front of them was not only low in visibility, but also covered with dust and fog. Even if the flashlight was turned on, it couldn't shine far, but fortunately there was only one passage in the entire mine, otherwise they just went inside I'm going to get lost.

副 "Deputy director, otherwise you wait here for a while, shall I go out and get two gas masks? Ahem!" Jia Xiaoliu also frowned and made suggestions.

Jia Xiaoliu was not afraid of inhaling too much dust, but because of the battle in front of him, he couldn't see the road at all. He took a few steps and almost tripped on the gravel several times.

"No need ~ ~ I already saw him." Jia Hongyong waved his hand, raised the flashlight, and shone the emitted light not far away. Sure enough, he saw a shy figure. The dust was tattered, but Xiao Chen's clothes could still be seen vaguely.

宏 Jia Hongyong walked towards Xiao Chen who was lying on his back. It felt a bit wrong when walking and walking. He took a closer look and found that besides Xiao Chen, there was a person lying beside him!

"Why? Why is there another person? Who is this man?" Jia Hongyong quickly walked to Xiao Chen and Xun Xiao, blurted out in surprise.

"Uh ... I don't know! I haven't seen anyone other than your guest just now. What's going on? Isn't he already hiding in there?" Jia Xiaoliu also stunned, When I looked carefully at the girl who was sentenced to death, I found that I had never seen it at all, and could not help but understand it.

"I came in and inspected before you vigil. There is absolutely no one hiding here, it must have ran in behind!" Jia Hongyong glared at Jia Xiaoliu angrily, "It's a waste! I didn't sneak into such a big living person Find!"

Jia Hongyong squatted down, reached out and explored the breath of Xiao Chen and Xiao Xun, and found that both were still alive, but their breaths were weak, thinking about it: "Forget it, help me to lift both of them out and look back. Find someone to deal with the collapse here! "

小 Jia Xiaoli agreed and Jia Hongyong carefully carried Xiao Chen and Xun Xiao out, and returned to the room that had just been cleaned up for Xiao Chen. ☆ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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