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Chapter 1091: Black token

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Chapter 1091 Black Token

Jia Yubian was snickering and Jia Huoyan escaped, and suddenly felt a shadow covering his head. Looking up, it was Xiao Chen who stared at him fiercely, and asked in a cool tone: "Why Tang Tang Sudden crazy? Did you secretly move your hands and feet? "

啊 "Ah? I ... didn't ..." Jia Yu's eyes flickered, and she quickly wanted to deny it.

"It seems that if I don't put your son to death today, you won't tell the truth!" Xiao Chen did not wait for him to finish, immediately condensed ice hockey again, and strode to the bed, going with a single palm. Jia Huoyan took pictures!

"Wait! Wait! Xiao Chen, don't do it first !!" Seeing Xiao Chen's palm was about to be photographed on Jia Huoyan, Jia Yubian was so horrified that he took out a black token from his arms and said loudly : "This! As long as you hold this token, Tang Tang will obey your order! If she is too far away from this token, she will become very irritable and out of control!"

"What a real bone is a bit of bone, I don't know the pain if I don't die! Turn back and solve the matter, and I'll clean up you!" Xiao Chen immediately reached out, grabbed the token, had no time to look closely, and ran back with Cheng Mengying go with.

I rushed outside the courtyard of Jia Musen, and before entering the door, Xiao Chen heard the exclamation of several women, and a moan from the punishment girl. Although the voice was very low, it was clearly heard in Xiao Chen's ears.

Xiao Chen suddenly realized that the situation was a little bad, and quickly speeded up and rushed into the room.

Sure enough, Xun Xun was sitting on the ground with a pained face, apparently just tangled by Tang Tang, while Ling Er and Xi Qianxue clasped Tang Tang's hands forbiddenly, Tian Tianran was holding him tightly Tang Tang's legs do not let go.

However, the repairs of some of them were too low. Even Tang Tang, who was injured, couldn't suppress it, his eyes were out of focus, and Tang Tang's irritable look struggled a few times. Seeing that several women were about to be freed by her.

"Get out of here! Find a safe place to hide now!" Xiao Chen raised the black token that he had been holding, and rushed over, but didn't know how to use it. He could only open his hands and tighten Tang Tang. Hold tightly in his arms.

Tang Tang first roared a few times, and when she was first embraced by Xiao Chen, she struggled a few times, but when her body touched the black token, she gradually gave up the struggle and slowly calmed down. Come down.

Xiao Chen felt that Tang Tang had calmed down, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but still hugged her tightly and didn't dare to let go immediately. He used his eyes to show Cheng Mengying a few, first went to check the sentenced girl's injury, but he continued Pay attention to Tang Tang.

I waited until Tang Tang's eyes were empty again, and after the body was motionless, Xiao Chen carefully supported her and sat back on the bed.

"Xing ... are you okay? Where was you injured? I'll check it for you!" Xiao Chen sat by the bed and waited for a while, watching Tang Tang lean on the back of the bed and be motionless, sure she would not have another attack Then, he got up and walked over, took the young girl's hand, and asked with concern.

"It's ... it doesn't matter much. Tang Tang's strength is not as high as mine. How could I hurt me? I was just pushed by her and accidentally hit the table, so it hurt a little." The chick subconsciously drew a hand and answered indifferently.

Xiao Xing felt very embarrassed. This was the second time she was held by Xiao Chen, and she still held hands in front of so many girls. She had never made such an intimate move with other men before, so Xiao Xie His face turned red, and the words were unfavorable.

"Don't say it so lightly! Tang Tang has a special constitution and has cultivated five poisonous cheats. What if you accidentally get poisoned?" Xiao Chen didn't notice so much, and said solemnly.

"Ah? I'm not poisoned ..." Xun Xiao didn't pull her hand back for a long time, protesting a little depressively.

Xiao Chen injected a little vitality into the body of Xun Xing's girl, and circulated through her body again. No abnormalities were found, so she was half-hearted, watching her face become a big red cloth. , Wondering, "What's the situation with you? Why are you like a quail, so twitchy? Tell me where I got hurt!"

"Xiao Chen, don't ask me! People refuse to say that it is because the injury is inconvenient for the boys to know, why can't they even see it? There is no eyesight! It's really emotional intelligence!" Cheng Mengying was not angry Xiao Chen glanced at him in vain, and pulled the punishment girl to go to the back room.

"Uh ..." The moment Xiao Xun turned around, Xiao Chen took advantage of the light from outside the door and finally saw a less obvious palm mark on the clothes on her chest. Then she understood what was going on. Suddenly a little awkward.

Cheng Chengmeng ignored Xiao Chen, and as she walked, she told the punishment girl: "Girl Xing, don't care about Xiao Chen's pig, and go back to rest for a while!" The two entered the room after speaking.

Xiao Chen touched her nose, and smiled and said to the remaining women: "Linger, Qianxue, sour ~ www.readwn.com ~ Are you all right? If you are hurt by Tang Tang, you need to be the first time Tell me, I will heal you! "

"Reporting to husband Chen Chen, it seems that Sour Sour's **** have also been stabbed by Tang Tang. Please come and check me out!" Tian Suan immediately frowned and rubbed the two **** of meat on her chest. With a "painful" expression on his face, he pretended to be fragile.

"Don't be sour, just after Xiao Chen let us run away, you can run faster than rabbits, what are you pretending to be!" Ling Er, standing beside Tian Suan, gave a grin, not trivial Knocking her head, the little girl thought every day to make Xiao Chen tease her, and they already saw it.

"Xiao Chen, we are not injured, you can rest assured!" 绫 Qian Xue said with a smile.

"Oh, that's good, you can go to rest first, Tang Tang will let me watch it!" Xiao Chen nodded, and after sending the girls out of the door, she turned around and sat next to the bed, staring at her eyes. Tang Tang sighed slightly.

He took out the black token and put it in his palm. Xiao Chen looked at it carefully, and wanted to see if there was any mystery in it. He originally planned to go to Jia Yubian again with the token, forcing other news, but he was afraid. If you go far by yourself, Tang Tang will go crazy again, so dare not stay away.

After studying it for a while, Xiao Chen felt that the appearance of the token was nothing special, similar to the ebony token he got before entering Neiwulin, and it should also be made of ebony.

Xiao Chen turned around and found nothing, so he tried to inject a vitality into the token, but made new discoveries!

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