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Chapter 1094: Visit the Xiao family

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Chapter 1094 Visiting the Xiao Family

"Uh ... Xiao Chen, I haven't seen it, but Lord Hong Ying ... that is, Lord Hong Chan has specifically instructed that if Xiao Chen comes here to buy medicine or sell medicine, he must give a strong discount. So I guess she and Xiao Chen should be very good friends! "The clerk's expression was a little jī jī, and the appellation of Hong Zhu also rose to a new level. His tone was full of awe. Obviously, this person is also Hong Ying A member.

"Well, of course I know that! Really, it made me happy for a long time. Forget it, you should contact Hong Zhuo first! I'm leaving now!" Jin Beibei waved helplessly, the clerk The information in my mouth is now worthless!

She originally thought that Hong Zhuan would know the whereabouts of Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying, but she did not expect to make another mistake!

"Okay, please walk slowly. If you contact Master Hong Ying, I will tell her about this as soon as possible." Watching Jin Beibei's figure, the clerk bent down and said respectfully.

She stood for a long time outside the drugstore, and Jinbeibe was completely speechless. Just on the way to the drugstore, she also called Shen Jingxuan and Ye Xiaoye, but the mobile phones of the two were not even in the service area! It's weird! Are these people all missing?

"Cousin! Cousin! Where the **** have you been! Babe can't find you anymore!" Depressed by Jinbei, Yang Tian shouted, attracting a lot of passers-by to watch, and a lot of color His eyes narrowed to her chest.

出租车 "Taxi!" Jin Beibei took a few deep breaths after venting, decided in his heart, and immediately waved and beckoned.

出租车 A taxi quickly stopped beside her. After getting in the car, Jinbeibe reported the address of Cheng's home expertly. The driver nodded and rushed off the throttle.

Since I can't find anyone now, Jin Beibei can only go to Cheng's house to see. Maybe cousin Mengying will be at Cheng's house? Or maybe Cheng ’s family will know where his cousin is going. If Cheng Mengying can be found, then Xiao Chen will definitely be found!

The reason why she didn't choose to go to the Cheng family the first time was because Jin Beibei's impression of the Cheng family was not very good. When Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying were together, the Cheng family always blocked everything, so she didn't want to go from the bottom of her heart. It is now a last resort.

When I arrived at the Cheng family, Jin Beibei hurriedly paid the fare, and couldn't wait to find Cheng Chengqiu, the father of Cheng, and Cheng Zhongming, the father of Cheng Mengying, to ask them about the news of Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying.

However, Jin Beibei still hopes to fail this time. The two people also asked three questions. They only knew that Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying had disappeared mysteriously after the trouble of Kuishan faction, and no news came!

The Cheng family had also sent eyeliners to try to find them, but the traces of these two people were like a sinking sea, without any valuable clues!

With a look of disappointment, Farewell said goodbye to Cheng Tianqiu and Cheng Zhongming. Jin Beibei walked out of Cheng's house absently and stood at the gate in a daze.

Now there is only one place left for Jin Beibei to ask: the Xiao family. If Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying cannot be found there, or she learns about them, she can only return without success. End the family visit early and return to Tianquan first.

"Grandpa Xiao, Uncle Xiao, how are you!" Came to the Xiao family, Jin Beibei quickly walked into the living room of the Xiao family, just saw Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Hai discussing something, Jin Beibei is like seeing loved ones Kindly, quickly greeted and walked over.

"Babe ?! It's been a long time! Didn't you go to Tianquan to practice with your grandfather? I heard that it takes three years for the practice to come back. It seems that this time has not yet come? Why did you come back?" Xiao Yuanshan 愣After a while, jokingly said, "Wouldn't it be that you burned the beard of the head of the house, and drove you away?"

"No! The boss likes me, and I took the leave this time!" Jin Beibei didn't have a joke, he asked anxiously after explaining a sentence: "Grandpa Xiao, uncle Xiao, you guys It ’s all here, I ask you, do you know where your brother-in-law Xiao Chen and cousin Mengying have gone? I have asked all the places after I came back, but there is no news of them! "

Hearing the names of Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying, Xiao Yuanshan changed his face, sighed slightly, and shook his head: "Well! Actually, we are also looking for them! Both of them have been missing for a year and haven't even called. Over! "

It turned out that just before Jinbeibei arrived, Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Hai were discussing anxiously, where should they go, to find Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying.

At that time, Xiao Feng disappeared for no reason, and even involved the Cheng family. This incident has already caused a heavy blow to the Xiao family. If it was not for Xiao Chen's sudden rise, maybe the Xiao family would be in a state of weakness and disappear in the long river of history. It's up!

如今 Now Xiao Feng has not been found, but Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying are gone! Xiao Yuanshan is very old, and the old man can no longer withstand the pain of losing his grandson and granddaughter after losing his son!

So Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Hai agree that ~ www.readwn.com ~ you must find both Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying!

"Ah ?! Missing for so long? I said, no wonder there is dust in the villa!" Jin Beibei was taken aback, only then realized the seriousness of the problem, she thought that the two had gone out for a trip !!

"唉, we have tried to find them, but there is no news at all." Xiao Hai's expression was very helpless. Although the entire Xiao family's career is developing steadily, the house always feels a little less popular!

Jin Beibei considered for a while and asked Xiao Yuanshan: "Grandpa Xiao, when did you last see your cousin and cousin? When did they leave any information or signals?"

After facing the fact that Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying disappeared, Jin Beibei didn't want to let go of any clues, so she asked very carefully.

"Actually, I also learned from Cheng Tianqiu. Meng Ying was almost bullied in Kuishan faction. Xiao Chen was annoyed by the leader of Kuishan faction because he wanted to rescue her. He was ordered to martial arts killing and later There is no news of them. "Xiao Yuanshan said with a gloomy face, slowly speaking.

什么 "What? Martial arts hunting order! Isn't that cousin and cousin husband more auspicious? ..." Jin Beibei was startled when he heard the name.

When she was in the Tianquan faction, she had also heard of such a martial arts hunting order. Both parties kept dead, and one of them had to lose their lives to stop it!

Jin Beibei's brow could not help wrinkling deeply, and she was extremely worried about their safety.

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