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Chapter 1139: 5-line gate

Li Xianer bit her lower lip and added: "But Master, rest assured, as long as you give me a little more time, Tuer will surely help you find the right candidate!"

The woman in black raised the cup in her hand and was about to put it to her mouth. When she heard the words stagnate, she put the cup back on the table and shook her head. "I heard that Xiu Gong faction is also intensively looking for candidates. If they can't find someone before they find someone, let alone our five elements, I am afraid that the entire Xiuxian faction will be in trouble! "

"Ah ?! Didn't other factions and families find anything?" Li Xianer was startled and asked subconsciously.

"That's right! At present, only the Hong family has found a barely capable one, but one person is definitely not enough." The woman in black nodded, her face a little annoyed.

"But Master ... this is the right person to find too hard, do we have no other way to enter the Xiuxian Realm?" Li Xianer complained depressedly.

In the past few months, she has been running around looking for shoes. She has worn off a few pairs of shoes, and the money spent is countless. As a result, she still fails to complete the task. There are too few suitable people!

The woman in black shook her head helplessly, staring at Li Xian'er's eyes and said, "In fact, you also know that you were also a good candidate. If it weren't for your constitution, it is not suitable for cultivating immortals, which greatly affects the cultivation progress. France has become one of the candidates, and now we don't have to look so tired. "

Li Xianer was a little shocked, and her head fell down in sorrow. In fact, she wanted to make more contributions to the martial arts. But the indisputable facts are there, no matter how hard you try to cultivate, you still cannot break through. At present, it is only hovering in the gas refining period, and there is no way to go further. This is the biggest crux of Li Xianer's heart.

"I'm sorry for Xianer. I was anxious for the teacher. I talked a little harder just now. Don't go too far." The woman in black saw that Li Xianer was a little sad at the center, and reached out and touched her head. He said apologetically.

"It's okay Master, I didn't blame you. Just a little blame ..." Li Xianer looked up and smiled reluctantly: "After all, I also know that the most critical moment has come now. One step into the Xiuxian Realm. And if they succeed in finding their ancestors, I am afraid that it is not just the inner martial arts, it is estimated that the entire outer martial arts and the secular world will be chaotic! "

Li Xian'er always has a carefree attitude to the outside world. She has the same personality as the ordinary people, but this is an inconspicuous shell that she pretends to be. Whenever she returns home alone, she will become dumb, Do not like to communicate with people.

To Li Xianer. The woman in black is like her mother, and she has taken good care of her since she was small.

Even after knowing that her constitution was not suitable for cultivation, Master was only disappointed for a while. Then I collected a lot of precious celestial treasures, and insisted on giving it to her for a long time. After that, she changed her constitution a little, and set foot on the way to cultivation.

So no matter what Master wants her to do or even need her life, Li Xianer will not hesitate. Being blamed is nothing to her at all, not to mention Master just sighing.

"Forget it. Let's not talk about it," the woman in black waved her hand, trying to relieve some of the heavy atmosphere: "If it can't be found, it doesn't matter, we will use the most dangerous way to enter the Xiuxian world! Anyway! , You must not let those who cultivate ghosts succeed! "

"Well, Master, I ..." Li Xianer nodded, and was interrupted by the woman in black just when she wanted to say something.

"Come here, we won't mention anything else. As a teacher, I have n’t eaten your cooking for a long time. Today, let my teacher taste your craft and have a full meal! Other things, I will talk later! "The woman in black took a trick and took out some vegetables and meat from the table, shook it in front of Li Xianer, and smiled softly.

"Okay! It ’s been a long time since the cooking was done, and the craft may be a little rusty. Master, if you eat it later, do n’t blame me if it ’s not delicious enough!" Ingredients, temporarily put aside the negative emotions, and ran into the kitchen with joy and busy.

Looking at Li Xianer's busy back, the woman in black was also filled with a warm smile.

She is also just an ordinary woman. If it was not for the trouble of the ghost cultivation school, she would also like to live with secular circles in the secular world with Li Xianer, and live a bland mortal life.

It's a pity that things don't always follow everyone's wishes!

That night, after eating dinner, the woman in black stayed at Li Xianer's house and talked with her lover by candlelight at night until she slept late at night.

The next morning, the woman in black was about to leave. Before leaving, she hesitated for a long time. She still told Li Xianer that it would be a while before the Hong family in the Xiuxian school would be transferred. Chan's girl, she will assist Li Xianer together to find suitable candidates together.

After telling Li Xianer about this, the woman in black seemed to be relieved, ordered her a few words, and then left.

The woman in black was sent away, and Li Xianer returned to the room ~ www.readwn.com ~ and sat down for a long time, sighing slightly.

In fact, Li Xianer's mind was very contradictory to certain practices of the Xiuxian faction. When the woman in black first handed her the task, she tried her best to complete it, but unfortunately did not find a suitable one in a short time, but once, Her master said that she missed it, so that Li Xianer knew that looking for candidates for sacrifice might actually be life-threatening!

After knowing this, she had a feeling of resentment from the bottom of her heart, and was particularly reluctant to help them find someone. For fear of losing her life to several innocent girls because of herself, she usually went out, although she was running around, but Did not deliberately look for it.

It ’s like when the Five Elements Gate was watching in secret, Li Xianer would n’t be doing those things for the second generation of rich and catching ghosts for real estate agents. This is simply to lower the level of her cultivation. Every time after doing these things, She was disgusted by her actions!

Li Xianer also considered whether she should simply showdown to her master and tell her that she was unwilling to do these morally ruined and life-threatening things.

But every time she spoke, she remembered how the Master treated her well and how she was able to disagree with each other and found her countless precious treasures. It took her a lot of hard work to help her set foot on cultivation. On the way. (To be continued)

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