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Chapter 1158: 1 breakup letter

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The human brain is actually similar to a computer. If too much data is processed, it will freeze. After Tang Tang's brain sorts out those memories, she can wake up.

"Well then! If you are tired, remember to call us, don't stand alone!" Cheng Mengying nodded, and nodded, turned and walked away.

I just took two steps, Cheng Mengying looked back and saw Xiao Chen sitting motionless beside the bed, and Tang Tang on the bed showed no sign of waking up, and could not help but sigh slightly, and proceeded to pack the luggage.

咦 "Oh, whose clothes is this?" Tian acid acid suddenly asked strangely: "It's already broken like this, and it's full of soot, why do you keep it?"

The girls turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw that Tian Tingran picked up a folded set of chef's clothes, turned it back and forth a few times, and then dropped another set of chef's clothes from it, and then an envelope fell. On the ground, but Tian Tuan didn't notice.

Picking up two sets of chef's clothes, Tian acidur took a serious look, and said with a look of surprise: "Wow! It's still a couple chef's clothes! Xiao Chen husband, this men's suit should be yours, right? This women's chef Who's the costume? "

"Huh? This is ..." Xiao Chen turned his head and saw Tian Suan's chef's uniform in his hand, a moment's glance, just to explain, Tian Suan acid suddenly looked at Cheng Mengying and said: "Oh right, right, This dress should be Meng Ying's! "

Cheng Mengying suddenly hesitated, how did she get on her?

Tian Suan acid said something in a whisper: "I remember, didn't the two of you sell together earlier? Alas, it wasn't so fun to think of it! In private, I was even playing with uniforms to seduce and bewildered. I really envy the sour sister! "

"Uh ... this ..." Xiao Chen was sweating coldly and was about to explain, but unexpectedly was interrupted by Cheng Mengying.

I saw Cheng Mengying pointing at the women's chef's clothes, glaring at Tian Tian sourly, and said angrily: "You're sour, stupid, but you can open your eyes a little bigger and take a good look, this little sister-in-law can wear it Is it such a big size? It ’s obviously well worn by other people, right? Do n’t rip anything at me! ”

Even though she said this, Cheng Mengying was also very puzzled. She looked carefully at the two sets of chef uniforms, always feeling that she had seen somewhere, but she couldn't remember it for a while!

And if Tian Tianran didn't say it, she really didn't notice that these two outfits were actually couple outfits, so she didn't have such bad taste!

"Okay, the clothes in front of you are brought by Xiao Chen, so don't toss anymore, pack up your luggage quickly! And the letter on the ground, don't forget to pack up!" Ling The child has just packed his luggage and is coming over to help Tian Tiansuan. He points to the envelope on the ground.

Tian Tuan picked up the envelope and looked at it carefully. He suddenly exclaimed with joy: "Wow haha! Look at it, look at it, it says Xiao Chen kisses it! And the font is so beautiful, obviously The woman wrote it! Are you interested in it and appreciate what it contains? "

After speaking, Tian Suanci held the envelope like a treasure in his hand and muttered to himself: "Hey, I don't know what was written in it," "Baidu · Kaihang Text" Sour Sister is a little bit Can't wait! "

But before waiting for Tian Tuan to open the envelope, Qian Qianxue walked quickly, grabbed the envelope in his hand, and frowned and educated, "Sour, what's the matter with you? How can you watch Xiao Chen casually? What about his privacy? Maybe it ’s his parents ’stay. It ’s bad for you, you have to change it!”

After finished speaking, 绫 Qianxue carefully folded the envelope, and then folded the couple's cook clothes together, and then put the envelope into the pocket of the cook clothes.

Although Qian Qianxue is also a little curious, she still respects Xiao Chen and is unwilling to unpack others' letters without authorization.

"Oh, you want to see it!" Xiao Chen didn't mind too much, stood up and walked in front of his clothes, and explained: "This couple's cook suit was originally when I was in high school in Songning City, and Tang Tang set up a stall in the morning market, and then she ordered it from the Internet for 120 yuan. "

After scratching the folds on the clothes, Xiao Chen took out the envelope that Qian Qianxue had collected again, looked at the handwriting on it, and shook his head with a smile: "Although this clothes don't look very valuable now, but for the original As far as we are concerned, it is a lot of expense, so I intentionally stayed as a memorial. "

不久 Shortly after Xiao Chen stood up and left, Tang Tang's eyelashes suddenly moved undetectably, but Xiao Chen and others focused their attention on the chef's clothes and envelopes, so no one noticed.

"Really ... really? Can Sour Sour really be able to see?" Tian Suan's eyes suddenly turned on, and when she was about to reach out, she felt that three sharp eyes were staring at her, and her body froze involuntarily. .

自然 She naturally knew who the masters of these eyes were, and she could feel the condemnation in this gaze, and quickly put her hands back.

In fact, Tian acid also knows that she should not spy on the privacy of others, but she never knows Xiao Chen as much as Cheng Mengying ~ www.readwn.com ~ so I always hope to know a little more about Xiao Chen ’s past, which is now the case , There is nothing bad.

Looking at the longing of Tian Suan acid, but under the pressure of Cheng Mengying's daughters, he did not dare to reach out. Xiao Chen could not help but shove the envelope directly into her hand and said lightly: "Of course, this is no secret. . "

He held the envelope carefully in his hand, Tian Tianran involuntarily swallowed his saliva, and felt that the eyes cast by Cheng Mengying's women were more severe.

Although my heart was a little disturbed, but driven by a strong curiosity, Tian Tianran couldn't help pulling out the stationery and reading it by the light.

Cheng Mengying, Ling Er, and Qian Qianxue glanced at each other. Although a little embarrassed, they did not consciously extend their necks and tilted their heads quietly toward the stationery in Tian Suan's hands.

Putian sour can naturally feel the movements of some of them. She was afraid that Cheng Mengying would not be able to see them, and then turned back to blame herself and read it out loud.

"Xiao Chen, I thought about it over and over again, let's separate, I don't think we are suitable."

"I said you changed, but I may have changed."

"Either I am selfish or ruthless, anyway, I want to leave."

"You are not looking for me, I will not let you find ... Tang Tang ..."

I was thinking, Tian Tiansuan felt more and more wrong. When she read it, she finally understood that ... this is a breakup letter! [To be continued] []

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