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Chapter 1164: Just looking for you

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After thinking about it, the person in charge ran to Tang Qian to report again, but it turned out that even the room where the young master Tang Qian led was empty.

负责 The person in charge didn't have Tang Qianling's mobile phone number. Without help, he could only send someone to look for Tang Qianqi and Tang Qianling's traces, hoping to convey the news to them as soon as possible.

All of a sudden the chickens and dogs jumped in the courtyard of the Tang family. People came and went, running around, but they could not find the whereabouts of the two men.

After several hours, Xiao Chen and Tang Tang drove the flying sword to the Tang family.

Xiao Chen first released his consciousness and checked the position of Tang Qianqi. After all, the Tang family had a great career, and there were still many masters in it. He didn't dare to take Tang Tang to venture straight into it.

Xun probed the Tang family, and Xiao Chen could not find the trace of Tang Qianqi.

Standing in the air and thinking for a while, Xiao Chen suddenly thought that these big families would usually build some secret passages to collect precious treasures of heaven and earth, or to avoid the pursuit of enemies by being an air-raid shelter, maybe Tang Qianqi Where will it be?

At this point, Xiao Chen simply expanded the scope of the consciousness and explored again. After breaking through to the infancy of the Yuan Dynasty, his distance of consciousness has greatly expanded, so there is no need to worry.

As expected, Xiao Chen finally found Tang Qianqi when he explored a cave somewhere in the back of the Tang family.

Tang Qianqi was standing outside the cave at this time, and there seemed to be a person hiding in the cave. Xiao Chen took a closer look and found that Tang Qianling was actually hiding inside. At this time, he closed his eyes and seemed to be practicing Kind of cheats.

Xiao Chen just planned to take back the consciousness and flew directly to him, and suddenly heard Tang Qianqi's voice.

"Special, isn't it that I want to say, this young master is really full and bracing. It's okay to come to this place where the birds don't shit, and also to cultivate any rotten five poisonous secrets!" Tang Qianqi first-hand Block out the direct and scorching sun. He muttered to himself, complaining.

Tang Qianling practiced at a certain distance from the entrance of the cave, so even if Tang Qianqi amplified his voice to sing, he would not hear it. Tang Qianqi confirmed this. Only then will he recklessly scold: "The owner has warned him three or two times. He not only didn't listen, he also stubbed me to protect him. Mom, it's an egg. This trip is coming soon. It's been cooked! "

It turned out that before, Qian Qianling stayed in the Tang family's own room to practice, but since he discovered that there is a hidden cave in Houshan, he immediately decided to move the training position here.

The reason for this is also very simple. The owner of the Tang family did not agree with Tang Qianling's practice of the five poisonous cheats. After all, the Tang family was considered a decent family, and the five poisonous cheats belonged to the left side of the magical cultivation.

Xi Tang Qian led as the young master of the family and actually practiced this kind of magical secrets, which spread to the family's reputation!

When Tang Qianling categorically abandoned the Tang family's mentality before practicing the five-drug secrets. The owner of the Tang family accidentally learned that he was so angry that he not only scolded Tang Qian but also nearly killed him.

However, what made the Tang family's head angry and smoking was that Tang Qianling still insisted on doing what he did, and felt that the Tang family's mentality could not be compared to the five poisonous secrets. Let the Tang family's homeowner persuade him, Even if he used his methods, he could not change his determination at all!

The courage of Tang Qianling to practice the five poisonous secrets was so great that even the Tang family owner said that if he continued to cultivate. He is about to abolish his family lordship, and he refuses to give up.

I just did n’t want to give up the family master who was hard to come by, so in the end, he could only choose to hide here and secretly cultivate.

"Hello, small flag, what are you doing here hiding with your master in this hot day? Are you going to stage a dog-blood love relationship with a broken family arm and the same family name?" Tang Qianqi was depressed, suddenly Hear a familiar voice from the air.

When Tang Qianqi was shocked, he immediately looked up and saw that Xiao Chen came down from the sky with Tang Tang. He jumped from the flying sword and looked at him with a smile.

"Xiao ... Xiao Chen! How did you ... how did you know that I was here?" Tang Qianqi jumped up, took a few steps back and forth, and looked at Xiao Chen in shock.

"Ask so many dry farts?" Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he suddenly scared Tang Qianqi.

"... Well, are you here to see us lead the young master? He's in there, I'll call you ..." Tang Qianqi's legs were a little weak, but they still supported the walk to the entrance.

"Stop!" Xiao Chen suddenly made a noise, walked behind the trembling Tang Qianqi, and said coldly, "Don't cry, I'm here to find you today!"

"Looking for ... Looking for me?" Tang Qianqi was startled, watching Xiao Chen turn to him, and quickly asked charmingly: "Excuse Xiao Xiaoxia to find me?"

"I brought someone to see you, you might as well turn around and look at it!" Xiao Chen smiled slightly and pointed at the back of Tang Qianqi.

Tang Qianqi turned his head bravely, glanced behind him, and suddenly straightened up ~ www.readwn.com ~ pointed to Tang Tang with a surprised look and asked: "She ... she hasn't taken the potion Are you in control? Why ... why now it looks like nothing? "

"That's not easy? Tang Tang has been cured by me! I came to you today just for her!" Xiao Chen said coldly.

啊 "Ah? I ... I didn't give her the medicine! Xiao Xiaoxia, are you mistaken?" Tang Qianqi asked tentatively.

"It's not for prescribing medicine. There is another important thing. You better be honest, otherwise ..." Xiao Chen snorted and made an expression that you know.

"Other things?" Tang Qianqi just asked, seeing Xiao Chen staring at him with a smile, and immediately squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Okay, you can say anything. Well ... as long as I know, I will definitely confess and never lie! "

After speaking, Tang Qianqi secretly glanced at the cave behind him, praying silently, hoping that Tang Qianling could quickly finish the cultivation, and he could not drag Xiao Chen for a long time. He really wanted to put out some moths, not only himself Tang Qianling, who is in a state of practice, also scores minutes to finish!

"It's a simple thing." Xiao Chen hugged his hands on his chest, looked down at Tang Qianqi, and said blankly, "A while ago, you have been to the Five Poison Sect of Waiwulin, right? As long as you Tell me honestly, where did you take Tang Tang's parents, then I won't embarrass you! "




【To be continued 『』. If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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