High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1190: Not an opponent

"Come over here, my Sun Abiao has many means to ensure that your soul will fly to the sky!" Sun Abiao walked slowly, rubbing his palms as he walked, staring at the two people with a mouthful, murmured Murmured: "Hey, I ca n’t think of good luck today. There are actually two such superb items, and I will take them to my door!"

"Shameless! Indecent! Scum!" Li Xian'er looked at Sun Ah Biao in disgust, saying ruthlessly.

"Thank you for your ridiculous praise!" Sun Abiao Tian licked his lips shamelessly, suddenly a momentary glance, squinted his eyes and looked at Hong Zhuan, his face beamed joyfully: "Well? I didn't expect your body to have aura!" Wow haha, it looks like today's trip is really worth it! "

"It turned out that you have this ability, no wonder you can find Lu Shuangshuang and Lin Ke'er!" Hong Chan finally understood the reason, and said with a cold face: "But that's all there is to it! Don't try to take them away alive. ! "

"Have you finally stated your purpose?" Sun Ahbiao seemed unsurprising, but said with a smirk on his face: "Unfortunately, I didn't expect to stop there. I also want to have fun with some of you. "

Seeing Sun Abiao's appearance as if she had prepared for it, Wu Hongzhuan screamed uneasily in her heart, and immediately turned her mind on, revealing the strength of the five-layer peak of the magician, her mouth turned, and suddenly a stunned smile.

Before Sun Yabiao had time to respond, she saw a charming smile on Hong Zhuan's face, her eyes suddenly straightened, and she felt that the whole world was brightened by her smile.

Wu Hongzhu Ying's lips slightly opened, and she said in a very seductive voice, "Little stupid, do you think your sister is beautiful? Come and play with your sister for a while!"

仙 Li Xianer was standing beside Hong Zhuan, so she didn't see her smile, but when she heard Hong Zhu's voice, she couldn't help but feel a little unconscious.

Even though Hong Zhuan's voice did not come to her, but Yu Wei also made Li Xianer almost unbearable.

The other person was still like this, and Sun Abiao who was facing Hong Zhan was even more embarrassed. I saw that his expression was emaciated, and some parts of his body were almost congested and bursting. , Still talking in his mouth, "Okay! I'll be here! My sister is waiting for me!"

仙 Li Xianer heard Sun Abiao's gong-like voice, and suddenly a sober spirit, sober, turned around and looked at Hong Zhuan in surprise, still wondering, what happened to Hong Xiang secretly? What waves are inexplicable?

At this time, Li Xianer couldn't care less, and whispered, "Sister Hong Zhuan, don't talk to him so much, let me smash this scum directly!"

I heard Li Xianer say this, Hong Zhuan looked still, still staring at Sun Abiao, but slightly turned her fingers, and gently clicked Li Xianer.

"Huh?" Seeing Hong Zhuan's strange performance, Li Xianer took a moment's notice, and suddenly came over: Hong Zhuan wasn't messing around, but she was doing magic! And she pointed at herself, letting her do her best!

Li Xianer immediately turned her head and saw that Sun Abiao was indeed an inferior soul, and she was totally unprepared. She knew that this was the best time for her shot, and she revealed the ninth-level top of the refining period. Feng's strength, then flew over, hitting Sun Abiao with all his power!


仙 Li Xianer's palm wind sturdyly patted on Sun Abiao's body, shot him upside down and smashed directly into the wooden house not far behind him, making a crackling noise.

"Hmm! This kind of **** and scum is simply unbearable. Can you just stand up to it and feel embarrassed?" Li Xianer worked with a single blow, his arms clasped in disdain.

I waited for a while, but when there was no movement in the wooden house, Li Xianer took a step and prepared to go to another wooden house to save people, but just after taking a step, he was caught by Hong Zhuo.

等等 "Wait, he's still alive!" Hong Zhan pointed at the wooden house solemnly.

仙 Li Xianer turned around and saw that although no one came out of the room, a black mist gradually diffused and gradually spread out of the room.

Seeing this scene, Li Xianer frowned and hadn't waited for her to release her consciousness and check the condition of the room. The black mist suddenly expanded rapidly, and the entire cabin was wrapped in instantly. It's not clear what's going on in the cabin.

After a while, a fuzzy figure slowly emerged from the dark mist.

The two women were shocked in their hearts, and were fully alert and alert. Before long, the figure soon revealed their true colors, and it was Sun Abiao who looked extremely angry!

I saw the weird black mist behind him suddenly shrink rapidly, and kept pouring into Sun Abiao's body. After a while, the black mist of the entire cabin had poured into Sun Abiao's body!

In addition, there are some extremely heavy black fog surrounding Sun Abiao, which looks very eerie.

"You two stupid smash! Actually use this kind of tricks to attack me, and see how I kill you!" Sun Abiao has obviously become really angry, screamed angrily, the black mist surrounding his body is conscious. Creeping!

Hung Hong-chan's expression is very serious ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is obviously a bit jealous of Sun Abiao's ability.

But Sun Abiao didn't wait for the two women to respond, and instantly exerted the black mist on her body to the extreme, with her palms wide open, and fluttered like a bat!

阿 While looking at the flying flutter, Sun Abiao whispered in his mouth, "The devil destroys the flower palm!"

"Li Xianer, get out of the way! We are not his opponents!" Hong Chan was suddenly shocked. Although this Sun Abiao looked strangely ugly, and only had five levels of cultivation, the power he emitted was far better than Ordinary monks are higher!

The practice of evil cultivation is extremely unscrupulous, such as using the blood of freshly dead people, or relying on corpse poison and corpse qi, etc., because they practice everything and use it to the extreme, even persecution of ordinary people is at their best Therefore, their ability to cultivate is extremely insidious, and ordinary monks at the same level or even a little higher cannot resist it!

Even though evil cultivation is the existence of everyone, it is precisely because of the trickiness of their martial arts mentality that they often succeed in facing ordinary monks!

At the same time, Sun Abiao cultivated the poison of the latrine, which was very corrosive! Most people can't carry it!

After Wu Hongzhuan gave a loud sigh, he subconsciously flickered, Kankan avoided the dark fog, and then immediately turned his head and looked at Li Xianer.

It's a pity that Li Xianer was not so lucky. Although she had heard the reminder from Hong Zhuan, she still had no time to avoid, and her right leg was swept away by the black mist! [To be continued] []

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