High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1242: 1 thunder

As soon as he touched the skin of Bai Zeling Beast, Xiao Chen felt a thorn in the palm of his hand when the current was strong and weak, so he immediately stimulated his vitality, absorbed all the electric current in Bai Zeling Beast, and then in his body. Be resolved.

This time, Xiao Chen was not overwhelmed by the current, but still stood steadily. The current that he sucked in was very well operated in his body, and then silently disintegrated in Dantian, like a mud cow into the sea. Generally, there are no fluctuations.

However, although it has absorbed a lot of current, Xiao Chen has not been able to continue the upgrade. It seems that this trick does not work every time!

"Woo ..." Bai Ze Ling Beast felt a lot of pressure on his body, whispered a little, woke up, opened his green eyes and glanced at Xiao Chen, his eyes confused.

"Okay, don't pretend to be a dead dog, hurry up! Otherwise I will let you taste the thunder again!" Xiao Chen stood up, condensed a thunderball, and held it on the head of Bai Ze Ling Beast. Up, then stretched his leg and kicked it, raising the corner of the eyebrow slightly, threatening impatiently.

Looking at the crackling thunder ball in Xiao Chen's hand, Bai Ze Ling Beast was frightened, exhausted with all his strength to support its huge body with four feet, and then his head was slightly lowered, and his mouth was weak, and he uttered "Woohoo. Murmured.

"I know you can talk to people, don't look like a dog, always whine!" Xiao Chen sneered and kicked him again.

Bai Ze Ling Shou was a little surprised, and immediately remembered that he might have heard the self-talk to himself, and had no choice but to scratch his hind legs and said, "Eh ... Nah, even four of them practiced for hundreds of years. Dripping beast, can you stop comparing the puppet with the dog? Spicy low-level creatures, even casually step on a bunch of steps! "

Although Bai Ze Ling Beast already knew that Xiao Chen's strength was much higher than himself, he did not have any fear of Xiao Chen, but was curious as to why this guy, like himself, can also show his strength in the secret realm of the Lord without being Suppression has become the level of the King's great consummation. Is this guy also a spirit beast?

"Oh, I didn't expect you to have self-esteem!" Xiao Chen shrugged and said with a rather disdainful pout. "What's so great about a spirit beast? I also have a training dog, and I'll take it to another day His Holiness will break through, and then you can come and watch, wait for it to upgrade to the universe super invincible Venerable Dog, and you will be killed in minutes! "

"Your dog's name is really long enough," muttered Bai Zeling, and waved his front claws again. "Spicy, okay. After it comes, you can call me to watch it. It's fine. I flashed first, and I'll see you inside! "

After I finished speaking, Bai Ze Ling Beast threw himself, turned his head and drilled into the woods, ready to apply oil to his feet, and took the opportunity to leave this place.

"Come back! What's the matter if you don't take the big or small?" Xiao Chen frowned, immediately smashing the thunder ball in his hand, and hit the ground in front of Bai Ze Ling Beast!


Thunderball blasted the ground directly into a pit, and Bai Ze Ling Beast stunned, and then realized that Xiao Chen was here this time. He turned around quickly, walked back obediently, and returned unwillingly. In front of Xiao Chen.

"Next, I ask you a question, and you answer it!" Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction and said slowly: "You'd better be honest, if I find you are lying, you should know what will happen as a result of!"

After speaking, Xiao Chen condensed another thunderball, injected a hint of vitality into it, hung the thunderball that had expanded several times in a moment over the white beast, and made a "you know" Expression.

Bai Ze Ling Beast immediately lowered his head, posing in an honest manner.

辰 Xiao Chen asked lightly: "What are your goals for trying to bring me to this broken place? Why did you attack those chicks before?"

"I don't have a senior horse, so I think it's fun, and seeing you are weak and want to bully you ..." Bai Ze Ling Beast fluttered suddenly, suddenly heard a crackling sound getting closer, it looked up At a glance, it was found that Xiao Chen had put the thunder ball on top of her head, and she could almost feel that the current was "burning" the hair above her head.

Bai Ze Ling Beast frightened his legs, immediately changed his face, and explained in a serious way: "Just now I was joking, but actually I wanted to catch some aura full of silver, came here to be stabbed by thunder, look at four God horse results! "

"What are you talking about ?! I think you're stupid by Lei Cho! For this kind of shit, you catch people everywhere?" Xiao Chen obviously didn't believe the ghost words of Bai Zeling Beast, but he didn't understand the reason before, he also Do not want to rush to kill the spirit beast in front of him.

With a flash of light in his head, Xiao Chen simply lifted the thunder ball to the eyes of Bai Ze Ling Beast, and said with patience, "Don't lie to me, I have no time to listen to you nonsense, and tell the truth!"

Looking at the lightning ball in front of him, Bai Zeling was scared and almost did not become a cross-eyed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Anxiously shouted: "Omi lied! This is indeed the case! Because of the mystery of the four enemies here There is a hole in the ground that has a lot of natural treasures, but there are often spicy thunder robs just now, and those thunder and lightning do not split ordinary silver and animals. "

所以 "So you just try to find someone with aura and try it, and see what it will look like after the split?" Xiao Chen asked slightly, his face a little heavy.

Bai Ze Ling Beast blinked green eyes and nodded obediently.

"If you go to your grandma's legs, you will be full of aura on your own. Why not try the thunderstorm yourself? Instead, find some innocent people to do the experiment. Do you say you are full?" Xiao Chen kicked it fiercely, and scolded angrily.

I didn't expect that I had become a test piece of this ghost thing. If it wasn't for life, I had to find it and share the damage. Maybe Xiao Daxiao is now a wandering soul!

"I'm scared! What if that thunder robs me and swells my shit? Of course, I should look for Yinxian to look around!" Bai Ze Ling Beast had no guilt, but said with confidence.

"It's time to chop you to death!" Xiao Chen glanced angrily at Bai Ze Ling Beast. Turning his head, he noticed that there were a few fragments lying on the ground not far away, which looked quite familiar.

"How do you talk about Xiu Si ..." Bai Ze Ling Beast was about to protest, Xiao Chen sighed angrily: "Don't talk! Stay silent for me! Otherwise you will be electrocuted directly!"

(To be continued)

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