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Chapter 1248: Mysterious Teleportation Circle

"Know what?" The young disciple sneered, giving the persuasion a glance, and said with a high-spirited education: "Elder Sun is confused, you are also confused? Xiao Gongzi killed Xiao Chen several times before, How can it still be safe now? To say that there is no fool, whether you believe it or not, I do not believe it anyway! "

"You stupid, do you not know what to pretend to be there?" Xiao Chen glared at the young disciple and said, of course: "Ben and Xiao like the young girl, and are now pursuing her, and I am so forgiving, She has already forgiven her! "

The gauntlet girl suddenly turned red when she heard these words, and quietly lowered her head. Her heart was like a deer ramming. Is Xiao Chen a confession? And in front of so many people, he was ashamed. Should he promise him?

No, no! Maybe Xiao Chen just wanted to flicker at Kaitianmen, so he said so intentionally! He seems to have done this before, this man is so smooth, he can't speak reliably, let's observe it again and say it again!

"You're bullshit!" The young disciple refused to be outdone, and said indifferently: "There are so many women behind you, why are you still free to pursue others? This is too bad a reason!"

"Why? It's hard to buy it, I'm happy!" Xiao Chen sneered, a thunderball condensed in his hand, staring at the young disciple and said, "It's your kid, dare to jump up and down in front of Ben Dayou, like a monkey It ’s like, is n’t it embarrassing? Is n’t it that the one that was just struck by lightning was not enough, and now you want to try again? ”

I watched a blue shiny thunder ball suddenly appear in Xiao Chen's hands, and the young disciple was suddenly frightened, and stepped back several times.

Although he relied on being an excellent disciple of the martial arts, he dare to reprimand the punishment young girl, but he had nothing to do with Xiao Chen who talked with his fist. He did not expect that Xiao Chen would be so partial to her, for a while Frightened and scared, he didn't know what to say.

"It's boring, was this bluffed?" Xiao Chen poked his lips, disdainfully put away the thunderball, and greeted everyone to jump on the back of Bai Ze Ling Beast again.

Taking Xiao Chen's current cultivation practice as an example, I was too lazy to harass this group of people. At the moment, the most important thing is to find Shen Jingxuan first.

Sitting on the back of Bai Zeling Beast, Xiao Chen looked down at Tang Qianling's party and said calmly: "There are still important things for the young and old, and I have no time to waste time with your dregs here, you can continue to work on it!" "

He said, Bai Ze Ling Beast took a breath, raised his forefoot and Xiao Chen and his team disappeared into the mist quickly.

"Huh! I haven't gotten out of the promotion. The danger is high in His Holiness's Secret. When you run into it, and every day should not be called insane, you should be deserved when you die!" Tang Qianling was relieved. , With a resentful glance at Xiao Chen's back.

I turned around and looked at Tang Qianqi's injury. Tang Qianling found that he was just a little shocked, and it was not a big deal, so he no longer took his mind, and continued to command others to enter the retreat and prepare for a breakthrough.

After Xiao Chen and his team ran forward a certain distance, they confirmed that Tang Qian led them to no longer see themselves, and then they let the Bai Ze Ling Beasts turn around and race towards the teleportation method.

Xiao Chen naturally wants to go out, but just after he met with Tang Qianling and others, he suddenly came up with an idea, so he didn't intend to let them see that they went out boldly!

Xiao Chen intends to take this opportunity to look for the mysterious place described by Jia Musen outside the secret territory while inquiring about the Hong and Song families!

Before his death, Jia Musen said that he accidentally learned that Qitianmen sent the workers of Tianyu Mine to a mysterious place. It is possible that Xiao Chen's father, including Cheng Mengying's uncle and Tang Tang's parents, were sent there.

Although it is only a speculation, Xiao Chen always has a faint feeling. The disappearance of his father seems to have an unclear relationship with Qitianmen. If he can find the mystery, maybe he can really find out where his father is!

In addition, after Jia Musen became the young master, he gradually came into contact with family affairs, and also faintly knew some of Qitianmen's experiments in biochemical experiments.

It ’s just that Jia Yutou is always responsible for the family's external cooperation and liaison. After Jia Yubian lost his life, Qi Tianmen turned to him for this matter, so only Jia Yutou knew the specifics. Content.

The second uncle treated Jia Musen and always took measures to prevent death. Therefore, Jia Musen could not obtain detailed information. All he knew was that Qitianmen had joined the three major families to develop and develop people. No details are clear. .

Jia Musen has always been extremely trusting in treating Xiao Chen. This matter was also notified to him in fifteen and ten. Xiao Chen didn't say anything, but there was a strong worry in his heart. Between the mysterious place and the test of this biochemical man, Doesn't it matter?

Will my father be transformed into a biochemical person ~ www.readwn.com ~ and sent to that mysterious place? !!

辰 On the way to the mysterious land, Xiao Chen had discussed this matter with Cheng Mengying and Tang Tang. Both of them also felt that this possibility was very high, and their worries about their loved ones became more and more serious.

Now that this opportunity is available, Xiao Chen is thinking about it, while the main members of several sectarian families are swarming into the secret state of the Lord, take a closer look at the situation!

After leaving the mysterious state of the Lord silently, Xiao Chen and his party stayed near the pier and asked many people back and forth, but unfortunately they could not ask for the specific addresses of the Hong and Song families.

After all, in the inner martial arts, there are so many small and medium-sized families. These two are usually very low-key and have no business dealings with other families, so fewer people know them.

But in the process of inquiring about the news, Xiao Chen and others got another message. Not far from the west of Mystery Pier, there seems to be a similar teleportation circle!

However, when asked around the circle, Xiao Chen found that although there were many people who mentioned this situation, they basically did not really see the teleportation circle. Most people just passed on the rumors, and the more they passed, the more mysterious they were. No one knows exactly where that teleportation circle leads.

Although many monks know the rumor, their expressions are also believable. Since the process of entering the Supreme Master ’s secret has been so mature, everyone knows the basics, and they can work with their fellow brothers and sisters, and the security is much higher. , Who would be willing to venture into another unknown teleportation circle? [To be continued] []

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