High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1258: Demand fair elections

Chapter 1258 Demanding Fair Elections

After a while, all the disciples and elders at Qitianmen have gathered in the Guangxi market. Everyone in the group was talking in a low voice, very confused about the current situation.

After all, martial arts have never convened all of us before. Is there anything serious?

Seeing that the people in the martial arts were all there, the elder Sun crouched beside him quickly ran the magic energy, forcibly suppressed the turbulence in his stomach, stood up and walked in front of the crowd, and took a few breaths. I want to ease my mood.

Xiao Chen and Xun Xing naturally followed up with each other. The former was leisurely and relaxed, but the expression of the latter was a little tense, and my heart was a little embarrassed.

After all, I am about to upgrade from an ordinary disciple to the head of Qitianmen in an instant. I still feel a little uncomfortable, and I do n’t know how to face the next situation.

Xiao Xiaochen glanced back at the punishment girl, smiled slightly, and rubbed her head, indicating that he was there, so don't be afraid.

"The disciples of Qitianmen, all obey orders!" Elder Sun took a deep breath and announced loudly: "Since the head of Situ has entered Xiuxian Realm to retreat, he may not return again in a short time, so he is entering Xiuxian Realm. Before that, he has officially passed the position of the head of the palace to Xing Gongzi! Starting today, the head of Xing Gongzi will have full authority to manage the affairs of Qitianmen! "

"Ah ?! No, Situ's decision is too casual, right? How can he be passed on to the ordinary disciple Xing Gongzi?"

"Yeah! No matter the seniority or strength, the old man is far more than Xing Gongzi! If you really want her to be in charge, the old man will be the first to disagree!"

"I'm not convinced! I have made so many contributions to Qitianmen before, why can't the martial arts keep in mind, but let such a little girl be in charge? I ask the martial arts to be fair! Come again!"

"That's right! Who would be willing to do something for a young girl who has a bad smell? She's almost like a wife to me! If she's in charge, I think it's over!"

"You're almost a round older than her, so sorry to want her to be your wife? Let me go!"

Just now Elder Sun announced that all the disciples and elders of Qitianmen were all frantic, and they raised various objections. There was a lot of enthusiasm and anger in the entire Guangchang market, and almost no one agreed to let the punishment girl When in charge.

Someone even jumped out and provoked the punishing chick directly. If she wanted to be one-on-one with her, whoever could win would be the one in charge!

When the disciples were divided, and the infighting was about to start, several blue lightning flashes suddenly lighted up, giving no time for anyone to react. They immediately flew into the disciples and hit them separately. Some of the happiest guys!


There were several extremely screams from the crowd, and those who had been struck by lightning were unable to resist, fell directly to the ground, twitched, and spit foam in their mouths.

The other disciples, who were temporarily safe and sound, withdrew immediately, for fear of accidentally hitting the pond fish. There were a few more open spaces in the expanse, and the disciples struck by lightning were lying in the middle. The rest watched them screaming. When it was silent, it didn't take long for him to get an electric scorch, curled up and motionless, and he couldn't die anymore.

"Who else wants to be unconvinced, or wants to be singled out? Ben Daxian, as your personal guard at the head of the prison, is always ready to accompany you to the end!" When the disciples were astonished by the sight in front of them, a A low, deterrent sound suddenly sounded.

Everyone swarmed and looked around, and saw Xiao Chen's hands holding two thunderballs condensed into a ball, staring blankly at them.

Seeing everyone's attention being attracted, Xiao Chen turned her strength on, releasing a powerful coercion from her body, and spreading out to everyone in front of him!

The disciples of Qitianmen have not yet seen what Xiao Chen is capable of, and suddenly felt a strong sense of suffocation, like grasping his neck by a giant gigantic hand, or smashing his chest with a boulder. With Venus in his eyes, he couldn't breathe.

Looking at the two crackling thunder **** in Xiao Chen's hands, feeling the incomparable coercion, some relatively weak disciples soon could not hold up, his face was pale, his legs were soft, and he fell to the ground. .

And some other disciples who have broken through to the strength of His Holiness, are also struggling face-to-face, clenching their fists, and supporting the coercion released by Xiao Chen. They dare not have any slackness, for fear of being careless. Like the low-level disciples, he fell to the ground embarrassed.

There is a question in the minds of all the disciples, who is this guy? Although he could not see his strength, the coercion he released was even more powerful than their Situ Qitian's head, which was simply too bad!

In the hearts of the disciples, when secretly trying to figure it out, Xiao Chen glanced around ~ www.readwn.com ~ I felt that my authority was almost the same. I still want to transfer the power to the punishment girl, and then take it back. Lightning ball and spreading coercion in his own hands.

Qi Qitian's disciples Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and those lying on the ground were finally able to get up, but still dare not rub the dust on their bodies, and stood there with their heads down.

"Who still has an opinion now? Want to challenge?" Xiao Chen waited for a while, and when no one was talking, she said in a deep voice: "Since you have no idea, let's be honest with the young and the big! Listen to the palm of punishment The gate ordered the next task, who would dare to recklessly disregard the head of punishment, and the few black bodies on the ground would be his end! "

The entire Guangxi market was silent. After Xiao Chen's warning, none of the disciples of Kaitianmen dared to mess up again, all standing honestly in place, without saying a word.

No matter what time, strength is the best right to speak. Besides, those corpses on the ground are too shocking. A glance at all makes people feel horrible.

"Xiao Chen, thank you!" Xing Xiaoniu took a small look at Xiao Chen and said softly.

Although the punishment girl always felt that Xiao Chen was slick and lacking the right shape, when he encountered trouble, he could stand up first and stop in front of himself, blocking the mess, which made the punishment The chick's favor for him suddenly increased a lot.

Xiao Chen shook his head slightly, then raised his chin and nominated those disciples of Qitianmen who were afraid to come out in front of him, and signaled that the punishment girl should not be concerned, or deal with these people first.

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