High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1341: Dead so terribly

"Mr. Zhao, we all made things so big. People in this Qin family can still be so angry. What the **** are you talking about? Are they scared and scared to come out?" Facing the closed door, Zhu Huyuan looked as iron as he frowned and stood beside Zhao Wendeng and whispered.

"It's very possible!" Zhao Wendeng nodded deeply, looking at the silent Qin family, and snorted: "It is estimated that they are now meeting to discuss countermeasures, maybe they are already raising Lingjing and preparing for compensation. It ’s ours, after all, we Zhao Zhao ’s family is so powerful that it is easy to annex the Qin family. They think that counseling is the right choice. ”

He said that, but the waiting time outside the door was a little long, and Zhao Wendeng began to be impatient.

Realizing the anxious mood of Zhao Wendeng, Zhu Huyuan's eyes turned and he said aggressively: "Dahao Zhao, let's just go straight in and face the Qin family and face it! Otherwise, God knows what time to wait like this. Rushing in can also give the Qin family a power, what do you think? "

"Absolutely no way!" Zhao Wendeng immediately categorically rejected Zhu Huyuan's proposal and solemnly warned: "Don't think of doing this stupid thing. The old thing in the Qin family is now in the state of great completion. Just rushing in like this will definitely be even more detrimental to us. Besides, the main purpose of coming here today is to ask for compensation, only as a last resort ... "

"Woohoo ..."

Zhao Wendeng's words were not finished. Suddenly I heard a loud noise coming from outside the crowd, but also mixed with sad crying, and suddenly stopped with a bit of wonder.

Turning around, Zhao Wendeng suddenly realized that the crowd not far away was separated, and a group of people in filial piety came in from outside the crowd.

A man headed by Aya holds a black-and-white photo. The person hanging inside is his father. The people standing next to him are constantly throwing paper money into the air, and wailing and crying from time to time.

In addition, there were several people carrying the stretcher behind, an old sow lying on it, and a group of people walked towards Zhao Wendeng.

Zhu Zhu Nuanyuan also found the coming person, and after seeing the person in the photo, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded. What happened to my heart? Did the Qin family see themselves blocked at their door, and became so angry that they killed Zhao Ximu?

I'm not right! Those who bereavement looked very stubborn, and they were not like those of Zhao Yi's family. They had never seen them before. What is going on here?

"Master, you died so terribly!" The head of the man holding the statue walked in front of the Qin family's door with a look of pity, and suddenly burst into tears and shouted loudly.

"I have a grass, what are you doing? My father is alive and well, how could he vomit blood and die?" Zhao Wendeng was frightened and his father died? how is this possible? The guy holding the statue didn't even know him. Where did he come from?

The man ignored Zhao Wendeng and continued to cry at the door of the Qin family: "Qin family, you guys are nothing! Not only did you kill the Zhao Nu family's nursing home for no reason, but we also lost our master Zhao Ximu's blood. Even the sows who are about to give birth at Zhao Yi's family have been scared to death by you. It is simply a loss of conscience! Sin cannot be forgiven! "

"No talk nonsense over there, how can we Zhao Zhao's family raise pigs? Who are you ..." Seeing that person ignored him, Zhao Wendeng jumped angrily and roared loudly.

This group of people made it clear that they were not from Zhao's family. They dared to curse their father in front of so many people, and they didn't know where to lift a dead pig to fool them. Is it too long?

"Sister Zhao, why don't you even know me, I'm a little six!" Before Wendy Zhao had finished speaking, the man holding the statue suddenly turned his eyes and threw himself to the ground with a thump. Lived his big lame, shouted sadly.

"What little six son, I don't ..." Zhao Wendeng quickly went through his mind, totally do not remember that there was such a subordinate in his family, was trying to deny, and was interrupted by this guy again.

"Just this morning, when you brought someone to the Qin family to discuss, the younger the owner, the more he wanted to get angry, he shouted" deceiving too much ", and then spit out a blood, and then he died!" The man cried loudly.

Such a vivid description, the picture is full of feelings, and even Zhao Wendeng froze for a moment, then hesitated a little bit before he prepared to deny: "This is not possible ..."

"Dahao Zhao, you don't know!" Xiao Liuzi stole Zhao Wendeng's words again, let go of the hand holding his big lame leg, one finger was on the sow, and the other hand was on the ground, crying: " Even our old sow was over-stunned by the death of the young owner and was scared to death! "

Zhu Huyuan, who was standing next to Zhao Wendeng, was already stunned at this time. His limited brain capacity could not accept such a large amount of information, and he was struggling to digest everything the little Liuzi said ~ www. readwn.com ~ The more people around, the more people around, pointing at Zhao Wendeng and whispering to each other. The words of Xiao Liuzi were spread out at once. Everyone looked different and felt very much. Those who are interested in listening to gossip are shocked and unacceptable. Zhao Ximu is too weak to say that people have killed a nursing home. He was so angry that he vomited blood and died?

Xiaoliu was still crying there: "This old sow is the only source of income for our Zhao Ye family. I originally wanted to wait for it to help the family after I got off the cub. I didn't expect it to go like this, Zhao Da You have to decide for it! "

"Fuck your mother's shit!" Zhao Wendeng was completely furious at this time, struck Xiao Liuzi fiercely, gave him a heel, and then yelled, "We have a big family, Zhao Ye. How is it possible? Fallen to rely on the old sow to help? "

Hearing Zhao Wendeng said this, the people around seemed to feel a bit reasonable, but the little six was crying and making noises, and said the same thing. Those people in the back were also sad, so they did n’t seem to be fake. !!

Zhao Wendeng scolded, suddenly suddenly flashing in his head, pointing at the little Liuzi who got up hard and cursing: "Your dog is invited by the Qin family the next day, deliberately come to us to discredit Zhao Yi's family, right? Old? Xunzi originally only wanted to pay for compensation. Since the Qin family is so ignorant, don't blame the old sister-in-law for being polite to you! "

The original confused people suddenly smashed the pan. They adhered to the principle of watching the liveliness, and everyone whispered. [To be continued] []

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