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Chapter 1359: Funeral compensation

In fact, Liu Huaishui is most concerned about where he is going to get another part of the compensation. After all, the contract clearly states that it is necessary to take back 10,000 Lingjing, but now it is still halfway!

In the event of a failure, if Shang Feng asks to pay for it himself, Liu Huaishui will lose more than he can!

"Director Liu, why don't you help us think about it again? You see that our five thousand spirits have been honest, you can't let us leave it alone!" Zhao Ximu begged again, bitterly.

Liu Huaixu's eyes turned, and suddenly he thought of an idea, and said Zhao Ximu obliquely: "If you don't, you can give me another five thousand Lingjings, and I will find a way to help you unblock them. Maybe I can really ask for more. Here comes a great master! "

"Liu, you really like the lion's mouth!" Zhao Xingxuan, who was standing with his hands behind his back, suddenly couldn't help but yelled angrily: "You da da Xiuxian Chamber of Commerce, even one The stupid kid with no hair can't deal with it. Not only did the Zhao family lose face in Yanlin Town, but now they dare to let us give another five thousand Lingjing? I think you are thinking that Lingjing is crazy. Right?"

"Oh, old thing, do n’t give Lingjing what you want, and the cost will be paid by our chamber of commerce. Anyway, it ’s not out of the question!" Liu Huaishui sneered, said yin and yang, "But do n’t blame me. Remind you that if Xiao Qiang comes home to claim debts after three days, it will not be thousands of Lingjings that can be destroyed. Take it as a donkey's liver and lungs. Think about it yourself! Goodbye! "

After he finished speaking, Liu Huaishui swept his sleeves and took two bodyguards to step outside the door.

"Director Liu, please stay! Please stay!" Zhao Ximu was shocked, and finally realized the seriousness of the problem from Liu Huaixi's words. He couldn't help but start a cold sweat and immediately ran to Liu Huaixu who was about to walk to the door. Stop it.

"What else to do? Is it possible that you still want to return the five thousand Lingjing fine you just returned?" Liu Huaishui stared at Zhao Ximu. Sarcastically.

"That ... Director Liu, my Taigong has a quick temper and speaks very aggressively. Director Liu must not have general knowledge with him," said Zhao Ximu, not afraid to get angry. Accompanying the smiley face: "I suddenly remembered that at the beginning, it seemed that our Zhao family had hired a master for the lease service. Now the year has not yet come, we can't just let it go, right?"

"You can rest assured that the contract period is not over yet, and our Chamber of Commerce will naturally continue to provide services." Director Liu tucked up his sleeves and stared at Zhao Ximu with a smile. The spring breeze smiled as if he had never been angry just now.

"That's good, that's good." Zhao Ximu nodded again and again, and a big rock in his heart finally landed on the ground.

"But I also made my words very clear today," Liu Huaishui said sharply, and said slowly: "As long as you are willing to get some more Lingjing, I will go back and talk to Shangfeng, and do things naturally It ’s a little smoother, and it ’s faster to send someone over. You wo n’t wait for ten and a half months to invite the next master. What do you think? ”

希 Zhao Ximu's face changed back and forth several times. He still couldn't make up his mind, and Liu Huaixu was not in a hurry, so he stood at the door of Zhao's house. Interesting look at the west.

After groaning for a while, Zhao Ximu finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay! Just do what you say! But this time we have to do things according to the contract. You must send our Zhao family a stronger offering, at least if it is Yuan Infant master only! This will ensure that the master can secretly investigate the strength of Xiao Qiang on the one hand, and consolidate the position of the Zhao family in Yanlin Town on the other! "

"You can rest assured." Liu Huaishui agreed, "We da da Xiuxian Chamber of Commerce's reputation in the industry is excellent. As long as it is a matter stipulated in the contract, we will definitely complete it in accordance with the treaty, there will be no breach of contract. . "

I saw that Liu Huaishui said so. Zhao Ximu was not good at dragging any more, so he personally ordered 5,000 Lingjing and brought it over. Then reluctantly handed it to Liu Huaishui.

Although the cost of compensation is much higher than expected, Zhao Ximu weighed the pros and cons inside. Spend these Lingjing, when there is always money to be earned, it is better than Xiao Qiang to come to the door to ask for the account, but he can do nothing about him, watching the Zhao family be swept away by him is much better!

"Hahaha! Mr. Zhao really is an understanding person." Liu Huaishui counted the number of Lingjing, patted Zhao Ximu's shoulder after confirming that he was correct, and smiled with satisfaction: "After I go back, I will check the procedures first." OK, and then go to his martial arts personally and take a look at him after you have settled the matter. You can rest assured that I have good news! "

Looking at the back of Liu Huaixu's group, Zhao Ximu's mind was also up and down. He always felt that Liu Huaixu was a strange and strange person. When he talked, the strange nouns jumped out and looked very unreliable. However, at the moment, besides Da Da Xiu Xian Chamber of Commerce, I can't find a better patron. I can only hope that the Chamber of Commerce will give it another try!

Actually, Zhao Ximu thought more ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ Although Liu Huaishui seemed smooth and unreliable, he did attach great importance to the reputation of the chamber of commerce and did not want to see the loss of customers.

So after returning to Liuxian County branch and handling the related matters, Liu Huaishui immediately took the two men before him to the forest gate where Guan Weicai was located.

Hori Mori Club in the living room.

A middle-aged man wearing a blue robe, listening diligently as Liu Huaishui recounted the whole thing, his brows frown from time to time.

When he heard the two bodyguards of Da Da Xiuxian Chamber of Commerce suddenly attack each other somehow, but he didn't know what happened, the middle-aged man's face even showed a very surprised expression, apparently Xiao Xiao's strength Quite daunting.

"Close the door. The specific situation basically looks like this. We have expressed deep regret at the death of the old seniors." After briefing what happened, Liu Huaishu took out a The heavy bag was gently placed on the table and pushed over to the middle-aged man.

"This is it?" Guan Zhanmen glanced at the bag on the table, although he probably knew what it was, he asked a symbolically.

“Here is the funeral compensation fee for Guan Weicai ’s elders. A total of 10,000 Lingjing, it ’s a little bit of our Chamber of Commerce, please check it out!” Liu Huaishu sat down and explained without changing his face.




【To be continued 『』. 】

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