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Chapter 1408: So lovely

Chapter 1408: What a Look

"It's nothing, you can take it!" Cheng Mengying pushed the clothes back again and said with a smile: "I was so disgraced just now that you took the initiative to bring me back to change clothes and wash. I haven't had time to thank you! You It's been a big help for me, this is my thanks! "

"That ... that's okay, thank you so much Yaoyao!" Xiaoyue hesitated a little bit, and finally put away his clothes, and then he took it in front of the mirror with a happy look, and compared his own He found that he was just right, and the smile on his face couldn't help getting brighter.

I took another picture, Xiaoyue remembered that people were still waiting for herself, and quickly turned around and smiled happily: "Sister Yao Yao, you are so kind to me, I don't know what to do ...?"

"Huh? What's wrong? Is there something dirty on my face that I haven't cleaned?" Looking at Xiaoyue looking at herself, the smile on her face gradually solidified, Cheng Mengying touched her face in amazement, and gathered again I looked closely at the mirror in the past, but did not see any difference.

"No ... No!" Xiao Yue was suddenly awakened after hearing Cheng Mengying's question, and she quickly shook her head and said, "I just think ... Sister Yao Yao, you look so beautiful!"

"Haha, you little girl, your mouth is so sweet, do you still want me to give you a few clothes?" Cheng Mengying was naturally very happy to hear someone praise herself, but still joking with a smile.

"It's really pretty!" Satsuki stomped her feet, suddenly remembered something, biting her lower lip and shouting softly: "Actually, Yao Yaoyao, your condition is so good, you don't need to work in such a place, If you want to ... forget it, it's nothing! Let's do it quickly! I'll teach you how to polish those metals to save the most effort! "

The words behind Xiaoyue's voice were relatively low. Cheng Mengying was negligent for a while and didn't understand what she was saying. She thought that Xiaoyue thought that she was also good-looking and good-looking. meaning.

At the same age as a flower, when some people live a good life, some people come out to work because of their poor family conditions, leaving their clothes aside, while others look envious and jump out of the room. Xiaoyue, Cheng Mengying quietly made a decision.

估计 Anyway, I don't think I will stay here too long. Before I leave, I will give all the worldly clothes to Xiaoyue. Anyway, I put it on my own, and it takes up space! Give it to those who need it most!

The next time, the two were led by different people, studying the work they were going to do one by one. After a busy day, Cheng Mengying and Xishan Giant Cow were both ashamed, and their expressions were very sad.

Although the content of their work is relatively simple, as long as they remember the proportion of each type of quenching material, compared with their previous lives, the sense of drop is too great, so both people feel particularly depressed.

That night, the two were assigned to a small broken house. The environment inside was similar to that of Xiaoyue's room. Since they only received one salary, it was clear that there was only one place where they lived.

After entering the door, Cheng Mengying blocked the door immediately, and ordered Xishan Giant Cows not to come in. He had to find a place to settle the accommodation himself. After all, apart from Xiao Chen, Cheng Mengying couldn't accept sleeping with other men in the same room, even if it was clear The old man didn't dare to do too much to himself.

Although the Xishan Giant Bull was guilty, he could understand Cheng Mengying's vigilance. He is Xiao Shangxian's woman, and he should have some privileges. At this point, he did not intend to argue, and slept on the slate outside the door.

In the following days, the two did the same work repeatedly, mechanically and idiosyncratic. Cheng Mengying started with a little emotion, and later accepted her fate. She went out early and returned home every day. The eyes of the executives who came over to visit.

In Cheng Mengying's view, it was better to sell dough sticks in the morning market than this job. Xiao Chen looked after the whole situation, and he only needed to move his mouth. Working here was not only boring and boring, but he finished his work at night and finished washing. Before taking a shower, I was always gray and couldn't even see my face.

Every night when the night was quiet, Cheng Mengying stared at the empty ceiling. She was very upset. She ran to Xiuxian Realm. She originally wanted to investigate the uncle Cheng Zhongqian's whereabouts. As a result, even Xiao Chen was lost. It's unlucky to fall into such a broken place to work!

Cheng Mengying's only interest now is that she can still chat with Xiaoyue usually, but the two are just chatting casually and have no deep friendship, because Cheng Mengying always feels that she may leave at any time, and she does not want to be reluctant.

And in the process of chatting ~ www.readwn.com ~ Cheng Mengying always feels that Xiao Yue's personality is a bit strange. She seems to like to talk about things that are out of bounds. She often dreams of getting rich overnight, and then getting away from the life of suffering.

Although Cheng Mengying had reservations about Xiaoyue's unrealistic fantasies, she did not say it directly. After all, this is their own values. Even if she disagrees, she has no position to change.

On this day, Cheng Mengying came to the backyard early in the morning to prepare work materials, but after doing it for a while, she found that Xiaoyue had not come. After waiting for lunch, she still did not see Xiaoyue.

At first Cheng Mengying thought that Xiaoyue was ill, and hurried to her room to visit her, but as soon as she opened the door, Cheng Mengying was a little dumbfounded.

I saw that the original room was very empty at this time. Except for the heavy furniture, all the daily necessities disappeared, including the clothes that Cheng Mengying gave to Xiaoyue, which were originally lightened by Xiaoyue. Hanging lightly on the edge of the closet, and disappeared at this time, the whole room was cleaned up, as if no one had lived here.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Mengying couldn't help but be puzzled. Did Xiaoyue leave? Or do you change places?

Cheng Mengying, puzzled by a lot of thoughts, took advantage of the free time in the afternoon to find an older man to ask about the situation: "Hello uncle, I want to ask, have you seen Xiaoyue these days?"

In the impression of Cheng Mengying, Xiaoyue often seems to go to the old man to chat in these days, so guess what the other party might know.

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