High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1434: So visionary

Wei Xizhong's right hand was quickly swallowed by the black gas emitted from Xiao Chen's palm, and the black cyclone continued to spread upward along Wei Xizhong's right hand, just like the silk thread on his iron whisk just now. How long it took to cover him all.

Wei Xi was unaware of it and was still trying to tear his right hand from Xiao Chen's palm, and then suddenly felt cold. He just wanted to look down to see the situation, and a tingling sensation suddenly broke out, straight from his body. Force your heart!

Wei Xizhong didn't even make a scream before he fell black on the ground, Qiqiao bleeding, and directly violent!

"Wow! Master Shangxian, you are so amazing! It's an easy thing to kill Yuan Ying's great consummation!" Gong Shaoxi exclaimed with ecstasy: "I must repeat this scene to me completely Let ’s listen to his father and brother, let him know how great our master is! ”

Hong Chan, who was still in a hurry just now, also unfolded a beautiful smile at this time, and flew into Xiao Chen's arms like Ruyan came home, and then kissed him on the face, proud. Said: "I said my man would not be defeated by such an old man! I am so visionary!"

Xiao Chen patted Hong Zhuan's head, then glanced at Wei Xi lying on the ground who could not die anymore, shook his head, and said with regret to Gong Shaoxi: "Unfortunately, this guy hasn't beaten too much, I originally thought First try some tricks, and then come back to the "Sandie Flying", but he actually died like this, did not let you see Master's famous works! "

"It's okay, Master Shangxian, we have a chance, and the next time we see it, it's the same!" Gong Shaoxi said flatteringly and quickly.

A few of the surviving robbers had been hiding from the distance to observe the situation and saw that Wei Xi had been killed. They had hoped that they immediately turned around and ran away, hoping that they would wipe their feet before they were discovered by the enemy.

But before they ran far, the pirates felt a sudden flower in front of them, and they were stopped by Xiao Chen when they came. They saw Xiao Chen's cat-and-mouse-like playful expression on his face, and they were all scared together. I don't know if it's better to kneel down for mercy or lie down and faint.

"Don't run first, I'll ask you a few questions!" Xiao Chen casually mentioned a skinny mountain thief and casually asked: "In addition to the old thing in yellow clothes, you have more powerful experts in the thief's den. ?"

The skinny pirate thought he was going to die. He closed his eyes tremblingly awaiting trial, but when he heard Xiao Chen asked such a question, he quickly opened his eyes and shook his head, and said sincerely, "This ... this Shangxian Let me tell you, the old man whom you gave away ... named Wei Xizhong, is our leader. There is no one better than him! "

Xiao Chen nodded and asked, "And where are the things you usually snatch?"

The skinny robber's eyes turned, and he was about to say a place casually. First let Xiao Chen search for them, and then he could slip away.

But before he had time to speak, he was interrupted by Xiao Chen: "You better answer honestly, don't try to waste time by saying wrong answers, otherwise I don't mind making you the same as the old thing End! "

The skinny mountain thief was suddenly an irritating spirit, and he dared not have any other thoughts. He pointed directly at a relatively hidden house that was not burned by the fire in the deep courtyard. This is our warehouse! "

"Oh? Is he right?" Xiao Chen turned his head and glanced at the other robbers, and saw that they all nodded like chickens pecking rice. The expression on his face was very scared, and he didn't look like he was Lying, this left the skinny mountain thief on the ground.

The thief thought that Xiao Chen was using up himself and was ready to kill and kill him. The whole person was afraid to move when he moved to the ground, his back sweating.

"Come on! Don't do anything wrong in the future!" When those mountain thieves were uneasy, Xiao Chen's voice came quietly: "Otherwise, I will be caught by Ben Daxian next time, but I am not so lucky this time ! "

Several pirates thought they had heard it wrong. It wasn't until they saw Xiao Chen turned around and walked away that they knew what the immortal said was true. They immediately left the scene with a crawl, hoping that they would have four more legs. , Fei also escaped.

Hong Zhuan and Gong Shaoxi also came over at this time, the latter gave Xiao Chen a sincere thumbs up, and said with admiration, "Master Shangxian, thanks to your help today, these scourges have been swept away. Otherwise, in the future, if the Celestial Pie is often harassed by these robbers, I am afraid it will be hollowed out soon. "

"Oh, just raise your hands, don't worry about it." Xiao Chen patted Gong Shaoxi's shoulders, and took him and Hong Zhuan to the storeroom.

The gratitude on Gong Shaoxi's face is getting thicker and thicker ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master Shangxian is really kind to him, not only helped the Tiantian faction clear up the external troubles, but also he was so humble and uncontributory, he could share Going to such a master is simply a blessing from my last life!

Xiao Chen walked for a while, suddenly remembered something, turned to ask Gong Shaoxi, "Yes, I have a doubt and can't understand, you also know that my strength is much higher than that old guy named Wei, but Why am I still restrained by his instruments? This doesn't seem to be scientific! "

"Oh yes, Master Shangxian is like this. There are also several types of instruments. Everyone's instruments are different. Usually, the ordinary cultivator's instruments will only increase with the strength of the holder. This kind of instrument can be bought in the ordinary instrument store in the town, but some special instruments are not the same, they will have different effects. "Gong Shaoxi explained with a smile.

"唔 ... Like the iron whisker just now?" Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows, remembering the ancient ancient beast hair that Wei Xizhong said in his mouth, and if he knew it, it seemed that this guy was right!

"Exactly!" Gong Shaoxi nodded and added: "Presumably the old guy has had any adventures before. He was lucky to pick up the mane of the ancient spirit beast, so he has some different strengths in the magic weapon. Blessings are functions such as tenacity, so you accidentally take care of it. "

"This is the case. I can't think of a lot of tricks for this instrument. It seems that I still have to be careful in the future." Xiao Chen nodded suddenly, could not help but sigh. [To be continued] []

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