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Chapter 1467: Was arrested!

"No need, I'll just eat some fruit and make up ..." Before Li Xianer's words fell, she saw that Nie Xiaoyu had cast herself out of the window.

仙 Li Xianer had no choice but to give up. He reluctantly smiled and continued to close his eyes to enter the state of cultivation, waiting for Nie Xiaoyu to bring himself a game.

Not long after practicing, Li Xianer faintly heard a noise from outside, frowned slightly, she opened her eyes and listened carefully, feeling that someone was fighting not far away, there was a whistling sound of fists, of which Mixed with the woman's shout, the girl's voice sounded a little familiar ... Why did Nie Xiaoyu say it? !!

仙 Li Xianer was suddenly shocked, immediately stood up, let go of God's consciousness to the sound source, ready to investigate the situation.

Upon closer inspection, Li Xianer found that in the woods not far from the abandoned warehouse, Nie Xiaoyu had been surrounded by several men in black.

Nie Xiaoyu tried hard to break through, but those in black did not let her out of the encirclement, but did not attack her. It seemed that she was constantly consuming her anger and did not mean to hurt her.

Nie Xiaoyu's expression was a little panicked at this time, and his original and miserable complexion looked even more horrible at this time, and his movement became a bit slow, and he seemed unable to support it.

仙 Li Xianer saw the situation and could not care about cultivation. He rushed out of the warehouse and hurried in that direction.

I just took a few steps and before I arrived at the scene, Li Xianer saw far away that Nie Xiaoyu had been restrained by one of the black men!

I saw the man in black slap Nie Xiaoyu into his hand, and then made a gesture with other people, and fled directly to the west. The rest of the men in black quickly followed, and the group was very skilled Traveling through the woods, it didn't take long to lose track.

仙 Li Xianer was so anxious that he rose up and chased them in the direction they left. After chasing for several kilometers, he couldn't catch up with each other, even the shadows could not be seen.

Pausing slowly, Li Xianer stomped his feet in annoyance, his heart was depressed and confused, what is the origin of this group of people? Why catch Nie Xiaoyu? They haven't avenged each other recently?

And it stands to reason, according to the level of the people in black, it is also a matter of minutes to catch another person. They have no intention of turning back and catching themselves! what is happening?

Returning to the abandoned warehouse in perplexity, Li Xianer couldn't figure out why. She didn't dare to cultivate by herself. First, she found the broken warehouse door and blocked it. Then she sat in the corner. I watched the movement around me all night, for fear that those in black would come back again and take her away.

Li Xianer spent a night in fright, but nothing happened. Early the next morning, she swollen two panda eyes and ran to the town. She wanted to find out if there were any police officers similar to the secular world. Bureaus, or places where people can be found, such as newspaper officials.

After walking around the town for several laps, Li Xianer didn't even find a similar place. Helplessly asked someone to find out. It turns out that there are only a few of the largest martial arts in each county. They are not managed separately. In the area of ​​affairs, if you need to find any missing people, you can go to the Daxian Chamber of Commerce to entrust the agency.

I can spend money to find someone. Li Xianer learned from the staff of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. I didn't expect that only one day's work, there was one more person I was looking for!

Li Xianer, who was penniless, stood on the street, lifted his eyes helplessly, and sighed heavily. He had to return to his apartment, and ate some of the fruits left over from last night for belly, and then sat on the ground in a daze. , Figure out what to do next.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

While Li Xianer was frowning and worrying, there was a knocking noise outside the door.

I have n’t waited for any response from Li Xianer, and the voice outside rang again: "Excuse me, is Li Xianer here? I am an employee of Daxian Chamber of Commerce. We recently got a suitable job and would like to ask if you would like to take over. ! "

I heard that it was an employee of the chamber of commerce, and Li Xianer, who was nervous, was relieved. She thought that it was those people in black who had returned, and came back to arrest her!

When I opened the door, Li Xianer saw a man wearing a chamber of commerce uniform standing in front of the abandoned warehouse, looking around with amazement, looking as if he had found the wrong place.

"Oh? How are you?" Li Xianer looked closely and realized that the man was the young man who had received himself at the door of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday.

"Oh, I'm in charge of running errands and entertaining in the chamber of commerce, so contacting employees is also my job." The young man saw Li Xianer really walked out of this run-down warehouse. He was so excited that he took out the contract and handed it to her. In front of ~ www.readwn.com ~ smiled and said: "Look at the contents of the contract! If there is nothing wrong, sign a picture now and start working immediately!"

Li Xianer took the contract and read it carefully. It felt reasonable. I just wanted to say yes, hesitated and asked again, "The contract with me yesterday was taken away in the evening. So now I'm the only one who can go to work, that ... I want to ask, can you help me find her? "

"No problem, finding people is also one of our chambers of commerce's business." The young man nodded and said eloquently: "Finding people will distinguish between several levels. If you send ordinary experts to find them, each person will need to pay ten Lingjing per day. If you ask for a more powerful master, then while the search speed and scope are expanding, the cost of Lingjing will also increase exponentially. "

"This ... The employee is missing, and I need money to find it?" Li Xian'er muttered secretly, pondering for a moment, and waving his hand and sighing, "Forget it ... if I have so many spirit crystals on my body, I will run Do you work for your chamber of commerce? Let's talk about finding someone later. I'll go to work first! "

When Li Xianer asked, she actually held a glimmer of hope and hoped that Nie Xiaoyu had already registered with the Chamber of Commerce before, so the Chamber of Commerce could help find her whereabouts. I still had to pay for Lingjing like I would normally find someone. idea.

"Go to the Chamber of Commerce with me now! After completing the formalities, you can work directly." The young man did not care about Li Xianer's muttering before, shrugged, and took her to the direction of the Chamber of Commerce. [To be continued] []

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