High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1480: Kaishan Period

After closing the door of his own room, he began to take out the heavenly treasures of Xiuxianjie one by one, and put the herbs brought from Neiwulin on the table, and then mixed the two together.

Hong Zhuan snuggled up beside Xiao Chen, looking at his movements with a curious look, and asked with interest: "Husband, can you quickly upgrade as long as you eat these herbs? Or I will give it to my sister. You caught a maiden girl? Maybe herbal medicine with a maiden girl would be more effective! "

"Why do you keep thinking about what made me and my first daughter? Are you addicted?" Xiao Chen's angry Chong Hong rolled her eyes, and then began to look back and forth in the room.

"What are you looking for, husband Xiao Chen? Tell your sister to help you find it together!" Hong Chan asked curiously when she saw Xiao Chen's actions.

"I'm looking for a medicine container." Xiao Chen turned around for a while, and really couldn't find a suitable substitute, so he said casually: "Since you want to help, then just go to the shop Xiao Er to borrow a pot! These After the medicine is boiled, you happen to drink a little together, which will greatly improve your cultivation! "

"Ah? I want to drink too? Then you are not enough?" Hong Zhuan blinked and asked seriously: "Otherwise, I'll give you a drink! Anyway, I'm already a master of Yuanying, It doesn't matter if the upgrade is a bit slower, isn't this still you can protect me? "

"It's okay, so many herbs are enough for both of us to drink!" Xiao Chen seemed to have seen through the careful thoughts of Hong Zhuan, and did not accept her kindness, but rubbed her head with a braided look. .

"That ... that's okay, you wait for me to borrow a pot." Hong Zhuan pouted his lips, glanced at Xiao Chen, walked out the door and called a shop junior, gave him a few Lingjing, ordered him to buy directly After making a special casserole for boiling medicine, a pot of hot water came by the way.

Everything was ready, Xiao Chen put the heavenly treasures into the casserole one by one in accordance with the order, and then condensed a true fire of Samadhi in the palm of the hand, put the casserole on the palm, and slowly simmered, looking at the moment Staring at the bottom of the red pot for a short while, there were some mixed feelings in my heart.

At the beginning, when I was just expelled from the Xiao family, I couldn't even afford an electric casserole worth 300 yuan. If it was not Ye Xiaoye who was so kind, he gave himself a pot very generously. Really desperate, a penny stumped 冇 hero 冇 han!

Looking back now, when you have the strength, you do n’t even need an electric casserole. As long as you have a container, you can directly use Samadhi real fire to cook, and even time and temperature can be easily relaxed. Judging, it is hundreds of times more happy than that year!

I do n’t know what Ye Xiaoye is doing in Neiwulin. Has he stabilized the military heart of Qitianmen? Is everything going smoothly?

There are Cheng Mengying and Tang Tang who have entered the Xiuxian world with themselves. Are they all OK? Where are they all? At that moment, Xiao Chen was flashing in Xiao Chen's mind, but she was a little crazy.

After a moment of joss stick scent, the thick scent of medicine floated out of the casserole and filled the room with a bitterness and a fragrance.

Xiao Chen put away his thoughts and sensed the effect of the medicine with the divine sense. It is estimated that it was almost cooked, and then he took away the true fire of Samadhi and poured the liquid medicine into two porcelain bowls that had been prepared.

He handed one of the porcelain bowls to Hong Zhuan, and Xiao Chen picked up the other porcelain bowl and brought it to his mouth. He raised his head and prepared to drink all the liquid medicine.

"Wait!" Hong Chan suddenly shouted, Xiao Chen gave a hand, looked down at her in surprise.

"That ... sister, I'm too afraid of suffering, or your husband, you drink more! This medicine smells unpleasant, I don't want to suffer so many sins!" One reason.

Before Xiao Chen reacted, Hong Zhuan took up his porcelain bowl and carefully poured the liquid into Xiao Chen's bowl. After feeling almost, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I drank all the medicine in my bowl.

In fact, Hong Zhuan is not a delicate little princess, and she is not afraid of the bitter taste of this medicinal solution. She just thinks that the natural treasure is hard to come by. Now the strength of the two is quite wide, but Xiao Chen, who is close to her strength, drinks more. Better!

In Hong Zhuan's view, it is secondary to raise or not to improve his strength. Anyway, as long as there is any situation, Xiao Chen is fighting, and it is impossible for him to make his own move!

Xiao Chen smiled a little, and naturally understood that Hong Chan was for his own good. She squeezed the tip of her nose gently, and no longer pushed anything. She lifted the porcelain bowl and drank the medicine to the sky.

Seeing Xiao Chen drinking all the medicine, Wu Hongzhuan immediately showed a contented smile, diligently cleaned up the two bowls, and sat obediently in a chair waiting for the medicinal effect to occur.

It didn't take long for Xiao Chen to feel that his Dantian was suddenly warm, and a strange atmosphere began to swirl in Dantian ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Chen was acutely aware that this must be It was the medicine that I just drank, which played a role, and there was no longer a delay. I immediately took Hong Zhuan and sat on the bed.

However, Xiao Chen's surprise was that the boiled liquid was not too thick, or too much medicinal material, and the drug erupted very slowly. The two did not eat or drink and concentrated on cultivation. It took two days and one night to come to an end.

Although the cultivation time is very long, fortunately, the effect is still very significant. Xiao Chen has the foundation of the previous cultivation accumulation and was directly promoted to the second floor of the Kaishan period. Just one floor.

The whole day's practice of sleeplessness, even the hard-hitting people, can't take it anymore. After Xiao Chen and Hong Zhun have completed the double cultivation, they have no thoughts. You can't even eat your meals, and you fall asleep.

The two of them slept for a few more hours. From the evening to the morning of the third day, they took a rest. They woke up in bed lazily and didn't want to get up for a moment.

Hong Zhun helped Xiao Chen successfully upgrade her level and fell asleep again. At this time, she was full of energy and she was extremely happy. She leaned on Xiao Chen's shoulders softly and smiled charmingly: "Xiao Husband Chen, it is still too early anyway, otherwise we ... "

"Xiao Shangxian, have you gotten up?" Before Hong Chan's words were finished, the voice of the elder Nangong could not wait, and "Tuk Tuk Tuk" knocked on the door a few times. [To be continued] []

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