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Chapter 1488: White figure

Nie Xiaoyu closed her eyes tightly before the strong light was emitted, so she only felt a slight shock to her body, and then everything was calm.

Waiting patiently for a while, Nie Xiaoyu opened his eyes tentatively without hearing any words from the side. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

I saw that I was in a deep valley surrounded by lush foliage, but all the plants looked strange and different from the outside.

If you take a closer look, you will also find that the air here is not as transparent and pure as the outside, but there is a faint green mist permeating in the air. The deeper you explore the deeper the secret, the deeper the color of the mist.

Although Nie Xiaoyu does not need to breathe like a normal human, she can judge by looking at it. These green mists should contain highly toxic substances. As long as ordinary people inhale a little, it is estimated that they will die directly on the spot.

Nie Xiaoyu took small steps to go deep into the mystery. After walking for a while, she discovered that this green poison gas would also adsorb on the human skin and penetrate into the body through the pores, causing poisoning. After a few hundred steps, the skin has become a bit green.

At this time, Nie Xiaoyu had to be glad that she was a living dead person now. The poison gas could not have any effect on herself at all, and she suddenly understood why the two masters would send themselves to this secret place, presumably because of the relationship between these poison gases!

Although Nie Xiaoyu was carrying an umbrella, it seemed that the deep valley was out of the sun, and it did n’t make much difference whether she could hold the umbrella or not. For convenience, she simply carried the umbrella on her body, freeing her hands to find natural resources more efficiently. treasure.

However, it was impossible for people to search for a long time in the secret place carefully, but Nie Xiaoyu still didn't find anything. Instead, he encountered some spirit beasts that mutated because of the absorption of poisonous gas all year round.

Those mutant beasts are very aggressive, and when they see Nie Xiaoyu, they will pounce directly. Fortunately, they are not too high in level, and she can easily solve them. Just because of this, a lot of time is wasted.

"Strange, didn't the second master say that the thing was easy to find?" Nie Xiaoyu searched for a while, stopped in front of a wood, and murmured in amazement: "I haven't been in such a long time. See one. Could that heavenly earth and treasure have all withered, or were they first boarded by others? "

Nie Xiaoyu frowned and thought about it, remembering that when Erliang described the treasure of heaven and earth, he said that it was a dark purple flower with a small barb in the rhizome. As well as the setting of three round green leaves, it should be a social property, all grown in one place.

Although I said that I saw a lot of exotic flowers on the way, Nie Xiaoyu didn't find any species that fit the description of the two masters, so I couldn't help feeling more confused.

Nie Xiaoyu does not expect to complete the task in a short time, but in theory, at least one or two must be collected! Otherwise, this situation is too incredible!


When Nie Xiaoyu thought repeatedly, but was puzzled, a white thing suddenly flashed in the woods in front of her, looking at the white shadow as if it was quite large and very fast. Basically, it is impossible to identify what it is with the naked eye.

"Who? Who is there?" Nie Xiaoyu awakened from her thoughts and was taken aback. She quickly moved her mind, put on a posture, and swept across the wood with vigilance, ready to deal with unexpected situations.

But after waiting for a while, nothing happened in the woods. Nie Xiaoyu pursed his lips in doubt, thinking that she should be worried, a place full of poisonous gas. How can there be living people?

It may be that some mutant beasts want to sneak in on themselves, but after seeing their strength revealed, they will shrink back!

Thinking of this, Nie Xiaoyu didn't care too much. She embarked on her journey to find the treasures of heaven and earth again, but she did not relax her vigilance, and at any time released her consciousness within a certain range, carefully exploring the surrounding situation, in case he was caught off guard by a mutant spirit animal.

Looking around, the sky gradually darkened. The green mist in the mystery is also more dense, and the light is dim and the green mist blocks the sight, so that Nie Xiaoyu can no longer see the surrounding environment with the naked eye. He can only move forward with a little consciousness. .

"Roaring" Just as Nie Xiaoyu was concentrating on the search, a roar of a beast suddenly came from behind!

With that loud roar, followed by a rush of heavy footsteps, it seemed that something was approaching Nie Xiaoyu at a very fast speed.

Nie Xiaoyu's face tightened, and he immediately discovered the insight and found nothing. However, the increasingly powerful breath from behind him was enough to show that the unknown was a stranger who had been repaired much higher than her. Species!

Huo Ran turned his head, Nie Xiaoyu looked at it with confusion, but he could only see a blurry white figure, moving back and forth in the woods not far from him, but he couldn't perceive the sense.

An ominous premonition caused Nie Xiaoyu to panic a bit. Driven by a strong survival, the vitality in her body quickly surged, and her arms were completely wrapped in black gas instantly!

After gathering vitality, Nie Xiaoyu immediately pointed out the position where the white figure appeared and pushed out a few palms in an attempt to drive away the things hiding in the woods.

"Boom boom boom!" As the vitality erupted, the continuous explosion sounds rang in the woods, and the sound of trees crashing to the ground also followed ~ www.readwn.com ~ After a while, a messy sound went off, The surroundings returned to tranquility.

"Roar" Just when Nie Xiaoyu thought that he had successfully driven the thing away, the chilling roar came again!

And this time the roar was obviously not the same as before, more loud and violent, it sounded like the beast was provoked, and the sound of footsteps on the ground seemed more urgent.

At this moment, due to being in a state of high mental tension for a long time, Nie Xiaoyu's mood has become more and more irritable, and she can clearly feel that the vitality in her body has begun to violently, constantly impacting the meridians everywhere, it seems that there is something going on fire Aura!

Nie Xiaoyu didn't know what to do, and immediately took an injection from his backpack with his backhand, aimed at the arteries on his arm, ready to pierce hard.

However, before the injection of Nie Xiaoyu was completed, the heavy footsteps were far and near. Before Nie Xiaoyu looked up, he felt that he had cruelly hit something. , Slammed heavily on a big tree, making a loud bang. (~ ^ ~)

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