High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 1493: Poor law and order

As the head was separated from the body, blood burst out of the throat of the one-eyed middle-aged man like a burst of water, and his entire body fell into the ground like a mess of mud. An intact eyeball grunted a few times and stopped at Yue Shaoqun's feet.

"Yeah!" Yue Shaoqun slightly lifted his feet, stepping on the ground's eyeballs directly, and the bright red mouth slightly raised, staring at the two high-rise thieves, smiling grimly: "This is the solution, it's your turn Two bastards, let's say! What do you want to be cut into pieces? I will try my best to fulfill your wishes! "

The tall robber was about to grab Tang Tang's clothes, but just saw the **** scene of the middle-aged middle-aged man being beheaded and killed instantly, and he was frightened, and he did not dare to move in a stubborn position. Running down his pants, he was obviously scared.

When Tang Tang saw this, he immediately ran a few steps away from the high dwarf thief and looked at them with frowning frowning.

"Don't you be stupid, don't run fast! Wait to be chopped up?" The short mountain thief was more clever and quickly recovered from the panic. He first glanced at Tang Tang. It's too late to take people as hostages, just grab the tall robber, and turn and run away.

"Oh, even Xuan Shengqi is not an opponent on the first floor, do you think you can run away?" Yue Shaoqun shook his fingertips slowly and looked very elegant.

How could the high and low mountain thief answer that, and ran forward desperately, wishing that he had two more legs, and the end of the alley was the street where people came and went, in their eyes, it was a chance to survive!

Yue Shaoqun was not in a hurry, and all the blood stains were thrown away. At this time, the high pirate thief had ran a distance, he arched, sneered a few times, and then suddenly rushed out like an arrow off the string, and looked like a cheetah He rushed straight towards the two pirates. After approaching quickly, his hands kept swiping around their bodies, looking like they were fighting against the air.

Although the action was a bit funny, the tall and low mountain thieves seemed to see the strangest things in the world, and their expressions were extremely frightened. However, they just opened their mouths and had not even had time to scream. They swept under the blood-red fingers of Yue Shaoqun. Their bodies were torn apart instantly, and the radiant pieces of meat had reddened the surrounding walls, and there was a strong **** smell in the alley.

Because Yue Shaoqun's speed is too fast, it basically takes less than a minute for each shot, and Tang Tang's self-cultivation is too low, so he can't see the movement of Yue Shaoqun at all, and only feels a flower in front of him. The two pirates had disappeared, leaving only blood on the walls.

Tang Tang's **** smell was offensive, and the ground meat and bone fragments were visually disgusting. Under the pressure of nausea, Tang Tang frowned and complained: "Yue Shaoqun, can you stop It ’s so bloody, is n’t it disgusting? Fortunately, I have n’t eaten dinner yet, otherwise I will definitely spit it out! ”

"Sorry, Tang Tang sister!" Yue Shaoqun finished processing the two robbers, took out a silk scarf from his arms, wiped the blood on his fingers, and said helplessly: "This is how people cultivate their minds I can't help it! Otherwise, the next time I'm going to kill someone, can you hide away? Or I'll take the person somewhere else and kill it so that you don't see it. "

"Forget it, you didn't mean it on purpose," Tang Tang sighed, and waved his hands casually, apparently getting used to it, looking at the headless body lying not far away, muttering a bit depressed. "I just think it's weird. How can there be robbers in this place? The law and order in Yaoxian County is too bad. It's not as good as the small towns we stayed before!"

"That's right, it's too unsafe!" Yue Shaoqun also grunted, and wiped his hands while he said, "Moreover, the power of these robbers is really high, it seems we have to be careful during this time , Do n’t run around when it ’s dark, it ’s safer to stay in the inn and wait for news! ”

I felt that I had wiped it almost, and Yue Shaoqun lost his blood-stained silk scarf, and looked down at his clothes to make sure that he was not stained with blood, which relieved him.

The two walked out of the alley and returned to the inn. Tang Tang still had the **** picture in his head. He had no appetite for eating and went directly to the room. Yue Shaoqun did n’t have much need for dinner. He just ate something and just Back to the room to practice.

The next day, the two discussed with each other. Yue Shaoqun wanted to live in a safer place, but Tang Tang took into account the address of the inn at the Daxian Xianxian Chamber of Commerce the previous day. Wait a day, if no one comes to them, change places and report.

Yi Yue Shaoqun felt that Tang Tang had something to say ~ www.readwn.com ~ and agreed, and told Tang Tang not to go anywhere today, it is better not to leave the room door, so there should be no danger.

Xiao Feng calmly passed a day, and at night, Yue Shaoqun also awakened from the practice and meditated silently in his room.

Through yesterday's events, Yue Shaoqun faintly felt that he had to improve his strength as soon as possible. If in the Xiuxian Realm, ordinary robbers who are just robbers are so powerful, in case if they encounter something similar to Neiwulin The enemies of that kind of martial arts, it is a trivial matter to eat something by yourself. If something happens to Tang Tang, then he will be so shameless!

But then again, Yue Shaoqun has deeply realized during this time that without the assistance of Tiancaidibao, it is difficult to ascend to the sky if he wants to improve his level, but the spirit crystal they currently have is just eating It's already tight when you walk through it. You don't have to think about what medicine you can buy anymore.

I think about it, Yue Shaoqun thinks that he still has to find a way to steal it out of the martial arts or the family. The most important thing is that Tang Tang can't find it, otherwise she would not agree with her.

After he made up his mind, Yue Shaoqun simply said what he wanted to do, and prepared to go to Yaoxian County to search for it while it was night. Whether or not there was any harvest, he would return before dawn, so that Tang Tang would not be disturbed.

Changed the night clothes, Yue Shaoqun quietly rolled out the window, just opened a step, and suddenly a slight "plop" sound came from the Tang Tang room next to him. [To be continued] []

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