High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 165: The past of the 1st quenched body pill

Second, do you still have a monthly pass? All for the fishermen!

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded. In fact, he had a longing for Wushu Guild and Wuzhifang City since he was a child, but he had no strength, even if he was young or young, he was embarrassed to come here. Now that I have the opportunity to see a bit!

Wuzhefang City is a cultivation resource retail store established by the Wushu Association and the Hongshi Chamber of Commerce. Speaking of the Hongshi Chamber of Commerce, no one knows who is known among the warriors. This is the largest training resources supply organization, and Like the warrior guild, they are all giants that cannot be provoked!

Even those local families, or ancient martial arts families, did not dare to make trouble in front of them, and must abide by the rules of martial arts and trading rules that they formulated, otherwise they were the public enemies of the martial arts practice!

The main business of the Hong's Chamber of Commerce is the wholesale of medicinal materials and the auction of top-level cultivation resources. Although this type of retail outlets is not a small profit, generally the Hong's Chamber of Commerce chooses to cooperate with the local martial arts association, which is supplied by the Hong's Chamber of Commerce. The military association is responsible for sales.

Xiao Chen and Zhu Xiong came out of the trial mission trading hall and walked to a magnificent shop next to it. On the plaque of the shop, Long Fei Feng Wu wrote a few big characters—Hongs Chamber of Commerce Songning Semicolon!

The families of the several great families are already quite rich, but they are comparable to others, but they are just small witches and big witches. They are only the heads of the Hongning Chamber of Commerce in Songning City. I am afraid that they are all in the high villages. It is said that the owners of several great families I have never met this person in charge, and only Chairman Song Ning of the Warriors Guild is eligible to meet him.

There are a lot of things in Fang City, a variety of cultivation resources, cherish herbs and cherries. Treasure pills have everything, and martial arts weapons and weapons are also sold, and of course the price is very expensive.

But the interesting thing is that if you buy with banknotes, the price is often not cheap. However, there is a point price for everything, that is, the price redeemed with the quest points of the Wushu Guild, which is generally a 10% or even 20% discount!

Think of it, points are more important than banknotes! Of course, points can be used to publish mission commissions or announcements at the Martial Arts Association, which you can't do with money. Unless you use your money to buy points with others, but often the price paid is not as simple as one to one. On the black market, you can get a price of one to five or even one to two!

"Well ... I didn't expect this product to be so expensive, a bottle of five hundred points!" I wish the hero a little stingy looking at the offer of a cultivation liquid! This one-pin quench body liquid has auxiliary effects on the warriors under the three-layer internal strength. In order to break through, I also used five bottles of Yipin Quenching Liquid, which is 2,500 points!

And this high-end cultivation liquid has no money price, that is, it is theoretically equivalent to 500,000 bottles per exchange price, but there is actually no market price. Don't buy without you points!

No wonder when the Golden Lion Lion blackmailed Master Chen Wushen ten bottles and one product of quenching body fluid, he was so painful!

And I wish the hero to work hard to finish the task in hand, but it is only 50 points, which is just one tenth of the price of the bottle of quenching liquid! This is just the time to break through the inner strength layer. How many bottles will it take to break through the third strength layer? It's just burning money!

"Yipin quenched body pill?" Xiao Chen saw a Yipin quenched body pill near Yipin quenched body liquid! Seeing the price of that quenched body pill, Xiao Chen's tears burst out at this moment!

He clenched his fists, his heart full of nostalgia and gratitude! I remember when I was a kid, my father and second uncle came to the martial arts guild every day to receive trial tasks. At that time, Xiao Chen didn't know they were here to earn points.

Then one day, the two of them returned happily and gave Xiao Chen a pill for him to take. Xiao Chen was still young. I don't know what effect this pill has, but I didn't know it was called Yipin Quetian Pill after taking it!

It ’s easier to break through the barriers of ordinary people and warriors than Yipin quenched body liquid, and officially set foot on martial arts practice!

It's just that Xiao Chen's physique is not suitable for martial arts practice, and the fact that one piece of quenched pill has not changed. At that time, Xiao Chen saw the disappointment and helplessness in the eyes of his father and second uncle, but he didn't understand why, but now he understands, This one-pin hardened pill was obtained by them in continuous trials for two months!

This pill actually costs 10,000 points, which is 20 times the quenching liquid! In other words, if it is changed to market price, it will be as much as 10 million! At that time, the Xiao family had not yet run a business. These points were totally accumulated by the father and the second uncle, one task at a time. In the end, they were wasted on themselves!

Thinking of these past events, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a lot of emotions, thinking about how good the second uncle was to himself, how much he expected himself to be a warrior, and provoked the Xiao family beam, but now, why is it so indifferent? Xiao Chen didn't understand.

Father, I will go to you. I want everyone to know that it is not because of your mistakes that the Trial Squad has been wiped out! Xiao Chen vowed secretly!

If it was Xiao Chen of the past, even if he had this mind, he would definitely not have this strength, but Xiao Chen is now a four-tiered practitioner in the gas refining period. Niu Niu is shining, and his strength to catch up with his father is just around the corner!

"Hey, thank you very much for your possession ..." Xiao Chen said sincerely.

"Hey, now you know how good my Master is!" Tian Lao was very proud and enjoyed such flattery.

"Boss, wouldn't you want to buy this one-quality quenched body pill?" Zhu Xiongxiong watched Xiao Chen staring at the one-quality quenched body pill. He didn't move for a long time, so he asked with wide eyes, "This can only be bought by local tyrants, Even if a family like you and I buy one, the owner's consent is needed. It's too expensive. Wow! "

"Well, just take a look. My constitution is useless if I eat it! This luxury is still fine." Xiao Chen shook her head with a bitter smile.

"Luxury? This junk is also called luxury? I said Xiaochen, have you made a mistake, your medicine residue is 100 times better than this thing!" Tian Chen's voice rang in Xiao Chen's ear stand up.

"Uh ..." Xiao Chen didn't expect that a word would make Tian Lao so scornful! However, it is true to think about it. My own medicine residue is very good for treating Jin Jinzi. This effect is probably not achieved by the second and third products.

"Yeah, it's too luxurious. I didn't use it. I just used five bottles of one product of body quenching liquid." Zhu hero nodded: "This is all used by the tyrant martial arts, we wish the family no money, it is estimated that Cheng Mengying I can definitely afford it at home! "

I wish the truth of the hero is that these families have only started business in recent years, but the business in a city has become bigger and hundreds of millions of properties have come to an end. It is impossible to say that it costs tens of millions to buy one. I bought the pills, which is really extravagant!

Moreover, most of the hundreds of millions of real estate are real estate, and the working capital is used to do business and support family expenses. Generally, even if they are children of a family, they can earn points by receiving tasks for exchange.

If you really spend a lot of money to buy points and exchange resources, there are very few, unless it is very necessary.

Two people just looked at it casually, and went to the counter selling medicinal materials. Xiao Chen saw the price of Elixir, two points or 3,000 yuan per strain. It seems that the task that Zhu Yingxiong took was probably the Hongshi Chamber of Commerce. The side release, buy low and sell high, is also the businessman's standard!

Although this seems to be a huge difference, if you think about it, if a warrior really needs to listen to it, it is impossible for him to pick it for a plant. That is too much trouble!

At this time, there was a sudden noise in the shops of Fangshi, and Xiao Chen and Zhu Xiong turned around, and several staff members walked into Fangshi with a middle-aged man walking quickly!

"Yun Sun, it's Sun Yao!" Exclaimed from Fangshi, obviously this middle-aged man's identity is not ordinary!

I saw this middle-aged man in a robe, with long eyebrows and beards, his hair curled up behind his head, and he looked like a fairy-tale bone!

"What does this man do?" Xiao Chen could not help asking.

"Wow, boss, you do n’t even know Sun Yakushi? He is our chief alchemist in Wuzhefang, Songning. Most of the pills here are from Sun Yakushi!" Zhu Xiong explained: "This It's a great figure, and the warrior who seeks his medicine needs to line up every day ... "

"Let ’s go!" Zhu Xiong was so excited that he told Xiao Chen the deeds of Sun Yaoshi and was pushed by a staff member who opened the way to Sun Yaoshi in front! This staff has five levels of inner strength, so casually push down like this, I wish the hero can't bear it!

"Wipe ..."

I wish the hero directly fell a big fart squatting ~ www.readwn.com ~ sat on the ground, and the staff did not see it, they must pass here!

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chen stood cold in front of the staff! This man's overbearingness made Xiao Chen directly angry! Anyway, his current identity is Baihu, and he doesn't plan to hide his strength.

"What do you mean? He blocked Sun Yaoshi's way!" The staff member answered coldly, "You let it go!"

"Dogs fight against people." Xiao Chen said faintly: "If I don't let it? We are customers of Wuzifang City, where we stand are in public areas, why do you drive us away?"

"Get off and go!" The staff member was impatient when listening to Xiao Chen, and he pushed in the palm of his hand, trying to push Xiao Chen aside, but this time he was out of control, Xiao Chen stood in place, Not moving!

"Well?" The staff was suddenly stunned! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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