High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 188: Pack away

Of course, Cao Yuliang never doubted that the driving license was fake, and Chen Jinpeng had nothing to do with a fake driving license with Jinbeibei's name!

说 You said you stole it, stole it, and go home to stop it? Still running out?

Cao Yuliang was so angry that he dropped the driving license on Chen Jinpeng's face: "Look at it yourself! Don't do such a shame next time, don't you return the car to others?"

"What?" Chen Jinpeng was snoring, **** his driving permit from the ground, and looked dumbfounded! What rice? It really is the name of Kim Babe? How is this possible? Is it because it was stolen by Kim Babe?

That ’s not possible. I ’m afraid that Jinbeibe tossed or tore the driving permit. He kept staring at Jinbebei. Besides, Jinbeibei is not a prophet. She did n’t know she would drive this car tonight, and it was impossible to predict that she would invite them to dinner tonight!

怎么 How is this possible? Is it that I've been a little bit embarrassed recently. I have done too much for Jinbeibe. When I settled in this car, I accidentally used Jinbebe's name? It's really possible to think about it, then you're really enough!

I ca n’t help it, Chen Jinpeng ca n’t justify it anymore. He got the driving license, and Jinbei ’s name on it. What can he do? Although unwilling, he gave the car key to Jinbeibei: "Give it back to you, I'm just kidding. If I really want to steal your car, would you dare to drive over?"

"You're right, forgive you, don't tell me Grandpa!" Kim Babe said.

"..." After Chen Jinpeng heard it, a wicked flame went straight up, but it couldn't be vented, so he just spit on the ground with a thick sputum: "Thank you so much for remembering the villain ..."

"Jinpeng, you're wrong, you can't spit everywhere, uncivilized, you have to wipe it ..." Shen Jingxuan frowned.

"Wipe ..." Chen Jinpeng lifted his feet with his soles for a moment and wiped out the sputum.

"Okay, everyone will go up, the time is almost up, let's go to dinner." Cao Yuliang spoke, and temporarily uncovered the matter.

When going upstairs, Jinbeibe couldn't help but opened the driving license of the BMW car with curiosity, but at a glance, she almost didn't scream, losing Jinbebei's psychological quality because, When she saw the owner's name on the driving license, she actually became Chen Jinpeng again!

what 's wrong? If she reads wrong, then Cheng Mengying, Shen Jingxuan, Cao Yuliang and even Chen Jinpeng themselves are wrong? That was impossible, and she rubbed her eyes and looked at it several times, all of which were the result, so Jinbeibe was really surprised.

She walked two steps slower and fell to the side where Xiao Chen was walking at the end, and said, "Cousin, did you just become magic again?"

"Well." Xiao Chen responded lightly. He did arrange an illusion just now, so that the name of Lian Jinpeng's driving license became Jin Beibei, which is very easy for Xiao Chen.

"I wipe it, cousin, you are so powerful, is your house artificial?" Jinbeibe was shocked, is n’t it amazing? Although the magic in those TVs is also very powerful, Dasao is so realistic with special props and light and shadow effects, but Xiao Chen does not use anything, even without touching the driving license, and the magic is completed. The whole process of this makes Jin Beibei really incredible. If Xiao Chen performs close-range magic, will it become a big star? She shook her head: "Surely your family doesn't know. If they knew it, they wouldn't drive you out of the house."

"It's nothing, it's just some small tea with worms ..." Xiao Chen smiled bitterly in his heart, and he wouldn't have these things when he was kicked out of the house!

I came to the box, Jinbeibe rushed to order, although Cao Yuliang and Chen Jinpeng thought they might be pitted, but since they already said they were going to treat, they didn't care about the money.

"What about my appearance fee?" Xiao Chen sat down and asked Chen Jinpeng.

"Appearance fees ..." Chen Jinpeng turned to look at Cao Yuliang. Before he told Cao Yuliang, Cao Yuliang said he would prepare.

"That Xiao Chen, let me show you the appearance fee next time. This time I came directly from school without bringing money ..." Chuan Cao Yuliang said haha.

"Oh, let's eat again next time!" Xiao Chen turned to look at the waiter who was ordering Jinbeibei: "Waiter, all the dishes we ordered will be packed away and taken away!"

"Oh" ... wait! "Cao Yuliang scolded Xiao Chen for **** him. How could this man be so shameless after being kicked out of the family? It is invincible! Xiao Daxiao could not have done such a detrimental thing!"

But think about it, people are forced out. Xiao Chen rushes to the morning market to fry fried dough sticks every day for money, so it's reasonable for the whole person to become a marketer!

"What?" Xiao Chen asked.

Cao Yuliang took a deep breath and said, "I haven't finished it yet. I mean, if you have to do it this time, I can transfer it to you!"

"I have to, you turn." Xiao Chen said.

"Okay, I'm transferring now!" Cao Yuliang looked at Xiao Chen like this and his face was invincible, and he frustratedly picked up his mobile phone to prepare the transfer.

"How much is it?" Cao Yuliang asked.

"Is it 150,000?" Cao Yuliang asked.

"Fifteen thousand is too small, that is my previous price, who has not risen in value!" Xiao Chen said, "waiter, keep packing!"

"200,000!" Cao Yuliang said with gritted teeth.

"Bebe, don't order the soup, it's not easy to pack." Xiao Chen pretended not to hear.

"300,000 !!!!!! The price is too high !!!" Cao Yuliang said angrily.

"Bebe, don't pack anymore, let's eat here," Xiao Chen said.

My grass mud horse! Cao Yuliang scolded in his heart. When Xiao Chen had not been kicked out of Xiao's family before, the two men were basically tied, sometimes Xiao Chen was in a weak position! Xiao Chen was kicked out of Xiao's family, and he lost many battles. Why is Nima right?

Xiao Chen's mobile phone sent 300,000 arrived text message prompts. Today, a total of Wu 300,000 was added, plus 50 points, and I don't know if I will be trapped when I go to buy medicine at night.

"Meng Ying, I am going to organize a camping trip to the beach on the weekend. What do you think? You and Xiao Chen have both transferred from the first middle school. We are old classmates. Then, he began to say.

"Oh, by the sea, okay, okay, I like to go, Cao Yuliang, you will help me catch a shark at that time, I want to eat grilled shark meat. The TV shows the grilled shark meat is delicious!" Jin Beibei said "Cousin Mengying loves sharks!"

"Shark, the area we are going to is in a safe area, there are no sharks ..." Cao Yuliang was silently thinking in his heart, could he kill a shark with his true strength? But even if it can be killed, it is not worth revealing the strength in order to please Cheng Mengying, not to mention it may not be Cheng Mengying but Jin Beibei!

But Chen Jinpeng is now supported by the Chen family resources, and has become a warrior with the peak strength of the second floor of the inner strength. If Chen Jinpeng shoots, it is not impossible, but should he change to a sea area with sharks?

However, after the change, Xiao Chen's plan to harm him will have to be adjusted. If there is a sea area with sharks, how can Xiao Chen get into the sea? Xiao Chen himself probably won't go to sea easily, right?

那就 "Then change to a sea with sharks!" Said Jin Beibei.

这个 "This ... I'll go back and think about it, you know, it's too dangerous to have a shark, and we can't get into the water.

Hey, "Cao Yuliang said.

"Who is going to get into the water in this weather? It won't freeze to death if it's so cold!" Jin Beibei said, "If you change, I'll go. If you don't change, I won't go. I plan to go shopping with cousin Mengying on the weekend. Go shopping. "

Cao Yu was so annoyed that he would n’t go if you did n’t go. Who would take you there? There are so many things and I like to hang people. Do you think that you have **** and others like you? Not good to go! But he didn't dare to say it, didn't he listen to Jin Beibei? If she doesn't go to Cheng Mengying to go shopping on the weekend, it means that she doesn't want to go to Cheng Mengying, and there are many bad people with many pits!

"Then I'll go back and look ...," Cao Yuliang was helpless and had to agree. Although the main purpose of this camp was to hurt Xiao Chen, the second was to date with Cheng Mengying, but if Cheng Mengying and Jin Beibei would not go, Xiao Chen Is it possible to come out with them alone? Don't even think about the impossible.

Now it seems that I can only meet Jin Beibei, and then try to kill Xiao Chen!

"Then I think about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't go shopping, eat shark meat!" Jin Beibei nodded.

"Haha, okay ..." Cao Yuliang smiled curtly.

During the talk, the dishes came up one after another, Jinbeibei and Xiao Chen began to eat and eat!

"Cousin, this is delicious!"

好 "OK, you eat it too, this one is delicious too!"

"Eun, crabs are delicious!"

"Yes, abalone is delicious!"

Cao Yuliang and Chen Jinpeng were silent for a while, wasn't Xiao Chen infected by Jin Beibei? If you think about it, it ’s true. Every time I pit money, and my usual style is similar to that of Jinbei. Wouldn't these two people be engaged in the target?

Cheng Mengying glanced at Jin Beibei and Xiao Chen, and ignored them. The two were just like this, Cheng Mengying was basically used to it ...

The matter is finalized, Cao Yuliang has no intention to eat, especially in the face of Xiao Chen, who knocked him off 300,000 food! And Chen Jinpeng is even more so. He felt heartache when he saw Jinbeibei, car, BMW! No more!

Chen Jinpeng has already made up his mind secretly and will never buy a luxury car again. He bought a Jinbei Peng Hang. Today this BMW torch, if he was not sure and must have bought it himself, at that moment I thought this car was really Jinbei's! (To be continued) [This text is provided by Qiang Shao Bar Service Group @ 小 lute 叮 灵] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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