High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 206: Slightly happy

But reason tells Shen Jingwan that she can't do this. She thinks she must have lost her head. Why is there such an unhealthy thought? Why, and Xiao Chen? What if Cheng Mengying knew?

Can girlfriends continue? Shen Jingxuan had some misfortunes for a while. She never felt this way about any boy. Her previous impression of Xiao Chen was not particularly good. Even if it changed, it didn't change much.

However, what happened today has directly subverted Shen Jingxuan's cognition of Xiao Chen. She never imagined that an unskilled and unscrupulous master Chai Chai will have such an amazing side!

She never even thought about it, she was ... tempted by him. This feeling is very wonderful. Shen Jingxuan didn't know if she liked Xiao Chen, but at least she regretted it a little. When Xiao Chen pursued her, Why didn't you promise him?

However, just thinking about it, Xiao Chen was also Cheng Mengying's fiance at that time, what was it to blend in by himself? Did she tell the Shen family that they followed Xiao Chen with the Cheng family Cheng Mengying?

This kind of thing is not impossible at the family level, but the Song Xiao family does not have this qualification. The marriage of Shen Jianeng and any other family in Song Ning already belongs to the "marrying" and serves as a husband.

Shen Jingxuan shook her head, gritted her teeth, held her hands on the edge of the reef, and landed on the island! Although she has not set foot in the ranks of martial arts, but she is from a family background, the family's women, generally receive military training when young, but there is no requirement for strength.

However, her skills were better than ordinary people. The moment she jumped up, Shen Jingxuan was gone, and Xiao Chen just looked up at Shen Jingxuan. She was also afraid that she couldn't jump up and fall down. Xiao Chen was always ready Riding again-Yan, as a result, I saw a beautiful spring light!

The thin **** were soaked with seawater, and they not only clung to the body tightly, but also became faintly transparent, but Xiao Chen was a strong cultivator of six consciousness. Shameful reaction again ...

I am ambiguous with the goddess. This is Xiao Chen's dream before, but when the dream really came, Xiao Chen had a headache. What should I do with the relationship with Shen Jingxuan in the future? Shen Jingxuan calmed down after returning, wouldn't she hate herself more?

Shen Jingxuan climbed up to the shore and said to Xiao Chen, "Okay, you can come up now! The sea water is too cold, and some can't stand it ..."

"Ah ... I'll wait for a while ..." If Xiao Chen went up now, the reaction of that body let Shen Jingxuan see, then she would be strangled to death.

"Wait a minute? Why? Quickly give me your hand and I'll pull you up. The sea water is cold!" Shen Jingxuan was a little puzzled: "Don't you catch a cold, what can you do if you get sick on this desert island?"

"I ......... Xiao Chen's expression in dragon law.

"Come on!" Shen Jingxuan held out her hand.

"Let's get up on my own!" Xiao Chen didn't want the goddess to reach out and wait for himself. He held the shark's tail with both hands at the same time, and then vigorously threw it ashore, and the shark was thrown on the island by him!

Then Xiao Chen kicked her feet under the water with her hands, and pressed her hands on the cliff, and flew onto the island.

As a result, Xiao Chen's adverse reactions fell into Shen Jingxuan's eyes. At this time, Shen Jingxuan immediately understood why Xiao Chen had to twist and twist before, and she couldn't help turning her face red, but she could not help but feel slightly ecstatic, Xiao Chen, I still like myself!

Shen Jingxuan didn't know how happy she was. If such a boy had been a hooligan in front of her before, she would have turned away, but when she saw Xiao Chen, she was very concerned: "Are you cold? Here, It's windy, let's find a place to shelter from the wind and dry our clothes? "

"Well, it's going to be late in the evening. Find a place to settle down first. I'll get some glory and eat." Xiao Chen said to Shen Jingxuan.

These are things that Shen Jingxuan ignored, but Xiao Chen did not forget, so that Shen Jingxuan suddenly felt a kind of contentment, and felt that Xiao Chen was not afraid of anything on this island.

The desert island is not very large. There are several caves on the cliff, but some have been filled by seabirds, and only one is slightly clean. Xiao Chen walked in to check it and found that there was no danger, only to let Jing Jingxuan come in: "Jing Xuan, wait for me here, I'll come and go."

"Forbearance ... then I'm waiting for you here!" Shen Jingxuan was really tired too, sitting on the ground, holding her legs, and looking at Xiao Chen's side by the light of the setting sun at the entrance of the cave, she was very determined and beautiful, This is a very stylish boy ... Of course, Shen Jingxuan did not find it before.

Sometimes the mentality will affect the vision. I like everything that I like, and I don't like anything I don't.

静 Shen Jingxuan at this moment is like a primitive tribe woman waiting for her husband to go hunting, with some expectations, some regrets, and some little happiness.

Xiao Chen nodded. He didn't notice Shen Jingxuan's emotions. He just wanted to live through the night and recovered his energy. He would take Shen Jingxuan back to swim tomorrow.

Xiaogu Island is not very large. Xiao Chen turned around and found that there are only coconut trees and a tree of unknown name, but another tree has no fruit, and Xiao Chen is too lazy to care what kind of tree it is.

First climbed up the coconut tree, picked some coconuts, and then Xiao Chen picked up some dead branches of trees nearby, then returned to the cave and handed the coconut to Shen Jingxuan.

I hesitated for a moment, Xiao Chen still injected a little vitality into the coconut! The food that Xiao Chen injected into his vitality is not only delicious, but also has a hint of "fairy fruit". Even if Shen Jingxuan does not cultivate, it is also very good for replenishing energy.

"Jing Xuan, you eat a little bit, I set the fire on, and you dry your clothes." Xiao Chen said, "I'll go to the beach to deal with the shark meat, and I'll cook a few pieces of meat for you to replenish my strength. . "

"No need to worry?" Shen Jingxuan took the coconut and did not eat it immediately, but said to Xiao Chen: "It's too late, I can't eat too much ..."

Alas, as soon as this sentence was finished, Shen Jingxuan's stomach groaned in disappointment and tossed for almost a day. Shen Jingxuan ate some breakfast in the morning, which was almost dark.

"Oh, I'll go back when I go." Xiao Chen smiled and started to make a fire.

钻 What kind of drilled wood and fire are weak, Xiao Chen has no patience, and while Shen Jingxuan is not paying attention, she transforms into a pinch of fire with strength and ignites the dead branches!

"Oh? How did you set the fire on fire?" Shen Jingxuan just slipped and saw Xiao Chen already on fire here.

"Lighter." Xiao Chen said casually, then stood up, afraid of Shen Jingxuan's more questions, and turned directly out of the cave: "I'll deal with sharks!"

Xiao Chen was the first to deal with the shark, but Xiao Chen did not do much research. Near the reef near the sea, he smashed in the past, smashed the stone and dropped a few pieces. He randomly found a sharp one. He began to cut a piece of meat from the shark and returned to the cave again.

Shen Jingxuan was sitting next to the fire, but she didn't eat coconut. When she saw Xiao Chen coming back, she said: "Xiao Chen, you are back!" "

"Well." Xiao Chen nodded, seeing that there were no fewer coconuts on the ground, and wondered, "Why don't you eat?"

"Wait for you to eat together, but you are busy, but I eat it myself, how bad!" Shen Jingxuan shook her head.

"I help you open it." Xiao Chen picked up a coconut, pierced a hole with a sharp rock, and handed it to Shen Jingxuan: "Drink the coconut juice inside first, then open it and eat the pulp."

那 "So ... you eat too?" Shen Jingxuan said hesitantly.

"I'll talk about barbecue before." Xiao Chen waved his hand, shark meat was thickened on the fire with thick branches, and baked!

I have no seasoning at sea, but Xiao Chen has injected a little vitality. The salty taste of seawater should also be very delicious.

冇 Shen Jingxuan picked up the coconut, took a careful sip of the coconut juice inside, and suddenly it felt so delicious. This is the best coconut juice she has ever drunk. She has also drank this fresh before. Coconut juice, but it is not delicious, is it because you are thirsty?

Shen Jingxuan drank all the coconut juice in a sigh of breath, but she was still thinking about it. She wanted to open the coconut shell, but the coconut shell was too hard. She peeled it twice and did not peel it off. Looking at Shen Jingxuan all the time, she reached out and said, "Come ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'll open it for you."

"En ..." Shen Jingxuan gave Xiao Chen some embarrassment.

Xiao Chen broke the coconut shell into two halves with ease, and then half of them were handed to Shen Jingxuan, and the other half was put by his mouth to eat.

Xiao Chen is also hungry. Although he is a spiritual practitioner, he is far from having to eat.

Shen Jingxuan watched Xiao Chen also eat it, and for a moment, she ate the coconut that she drank. Xiao Chen ate it like this. Is n’t it equal to two people kissing indirectly? Thinking of this, Shen Jingxuan was a bit shy, but suddenly remembered what was happening in the sea, and the real kissing was all done. What indirectly was it?

So, Shen Jingxuan took half a coconut and ate it like Xiao Chen. The coconut flesh was soft and delicious. Shen Jingxuan quickly ate it, but found that Xiao Chen had n’t finished eating it. Embarrassing.

"Wait, grilled sharks will be ready right away." Xiao Chen didn't feel anything. He was slow to eat because he was roasting shark meat. He quickly consumed the remaining coconut meat and took it again. A coconut was raised, and she broke it and handed it to Shen Jingxuan.

"I'm enough, you can drink it too," Shen Jingxuan said, "It's delicious."

"Oh, there are many." Xiao Chen placed beside Shen Jingxuan, picked up a coconut and broke it open, and said, "Not enough. I will pick some more. There is nothing else on this island. Some coconuts are." To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. )

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