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Chapter 221: Sun's decision

"Yes!" Xie Huang nodded quickly. In fact, he also hoped that his sister would be happier. If she really laughed with Baihu, it would be a happiness for her sister and a luck for the Xie family.

"Xiao Fei, to tell the truth, are you ... still not perfect?" It was Xie Fei's aunt Xie Chaoxin who spoke. At family meetings, he usually didn't speak. He was disfigured because of an accident when he was young. So, I practice martial arts on a weekday.

"No ... not ..." Xie Fei's face flushed, stuttering.

"Well, I don't know. Will the heroes pay attention to her ..." Xie Chaoxin sighed.

"However, don't expect the White Fox hero to treat Xiaofei as the only one. His outstanding young talents, their martial arts, will surely find a good family relationship for him, and there is a bond with Xiaofei." Xie Chaobei said.

In fact, Xie Fei is not perfect, and the people in Xie's family are not surprised. After all, they don't know that Wang Xiongzhuang is a matter of nature. Even if Wang Xiongzhuang has someone outside, it is not possible to have a relationship with Xie Fei at all.

"Xiaofei, your second uncle is right. After all, you are a married person. You can just let the heroes like you. Don't think about eating alone." Xie Chaonan said.

"En ..." Xie Fei nodded a little shyly, and the people of Xie's family were relieved. It seems that Xie Fei also has that kind of meaning to the heroes of the White Fox, otherwise it would not be this expression!

In fact, Xie Chaonan was really afraid that Xie Fei would disagree. In that way, Xie Chaonan couldn't bear to persecute her! She has been forced to marry a person she doesn't like once, and a second time. Now it seems that Xie Fei is still very willing.

"Okay, then our Xie family's next policy is to make good friends with the White Fox heroes and deal with the Sun family with all their strength!" Xie Chaonan finalized.

Xie Chaobei did not object either. This is in favor of the Xie family. He cannot possibly disagree. Before Xie Shaofeng went to war with the Sun family, he opposed it, because it was not in line with the interests of the Xie family!

However, it now appears that Xie Chaobei's opposition was also lost, otherwise the Xie family went to war with all their strength. As a result, the Sun family had not kidnapped Xie Shaofeng. The relationship between the two was really unsolved. At that time, the warriors' guild would no longer favor Xie's family. Maybe the entire supply of Xie's family would be cancelled.

Linshi Sun Family.

Inside the conference room of the Sun family, the smoke was smoky, and all the people in the Sun family had heads and faces. Including Sun Rongjin's grandfather Sun Xiaonong, Sun Rongjin's father Sun Youli, Sun Rongjin's uncle is famous, Sun Rongjin's cousin, that is, Uncle's illegitimate son Rong Qin, and Uncle's younger son Sun Rongzhi!

However, Sun Rong's youngest son, Sun Rong, was not there because he was too young.

Be present. And sitting next to Sun Xiaonong, it was Sun Yaoshi.

"Talent, you talk about, what is going on here?" Sun Xiaonong was shocked. Sun Rongjin has been trained by him as the third generation successor. Although Sun Rongqin is the eldest son, he is an illegitimate child. When picking it up. Sun Rongjin has been established as his successor.

Today, Sun Rongjin died suddenly, which made Grandpa Sun unacceptable. How could he die?

Sun Youcai is the Sun Yakushi. He has gone to check Sun Rongjin's body carefully. He is a warrior Yakushi. He also said, "Uncle, I checked. Rong Jin really died from immediate wind. As for how it happened, it may be because he was injured by the hero Zhu Zhuzhu last time." If you do n’t fully recover, you will overdo it, so you will die from the sun. "

Sun Xiaonong frowned: "Wish a hero? Huh, I won't bypass him! However, the red hair that encouraged him, and what Xiaoli, favorable, let's get rid of it!"

"Yes! Father!" Sun Li was also very sad. He was given white hair by black hair, and Sun Rongjin was the focus of the family's training. But now, it must fall on the children of old people, whether Sun Rongqin or Sun Rongzhi. They are all bigger than Sun Rong, and the heirs will definitely not fall on Sun Ronghao.

Therefore, he vented his hatred on Hongmao and Xiaoli, and wished the hero's family, but he could not shake it for the time being, but it was easy to kill these two people.

"Not to blame Hongmao, and he recommended it to Rongjin." Sun Yaoshi said, faintly said: "The business on the warrior guild side, Hongmao is also familiar."

Although it is just a very plain sentence, there is no doubt in it.

"In the future, let Hongmao help Rong Qin, and the business of the Warriors Guild will fall on Rong Qin's body!" Sun Xiaonong said immediately.

Although Sun Yaoshi was his junior, he was not born after all, and his status was there, so Sun Xiaonong respected his opinions.

Although Sun Li was a little unwilling, but he did not dare to oppose his cousin. The Sun family still had to rely on Sun talent. Without Sun talent, there would be no Sun family today.

"I'll go and kill that Li!" Sun Li nodded, and got up and left.

It doesn't make much sense for him to stay here. In fact, he also knows that Sun Rongjin's death can't be blamed on others. Immediately, can he blame others?


At school, all the classes are in, Xiao Chen hasn't come yet.

Cheng Mengying was a little strange. What did Xiao Chen do? Why did Tang Tang return, but Xiao Chen did not return?

"Babe, why did Xiao Chen go?" Cheng Mengying asked.

"I don't know. Bebe isn't a cousin tracker," Kim Bebe said. "Will I send a text message?"

"Forget it, I don't think there's anything to see Tang Tang's appearance." Cheng Mengying shook her head, but thought for a while, and said, "No, Miss must keep track of the servant's movement."

"Hey hey." Kim Babe took out her cell phone, edited a short message, and said, "Cousin Mengying needs to understand the movement of his cousin."

After sending it, Cheng Mengying glanced at Jin Beibei's cell phone unconsciously, and suddenly became furious: "What are you messing up with? Cousin, I'm not talking about a servant!"

"But Beibei called his cousin." Jinbeibe said innocently: "Otherwise, please send it to your cousin next time!"

"Huh!" Cheng Mengying said nothing.

Xiao Chen was driving back to school. He received a text message from Jin Beibei on the road and replied, "Lin Ke'er was kidnapped. I saved her and went to school right away."

Xiao Chen didn't want to hide this kind of thing. Tang Tang also knew that he didn't tell Tang Tang to keep it secret.

Jin Beibei received the text message and gave her phone to Cheng Mengying.

Cheng Mengying glanced and hummed, "Save Lin Ke'er? Why is he so many things that he thinks he is a hero, and everything matters?"

However, after all, Cheng Mengying was still a little worried about Lin Ke'er, and she was relieved to see Xiao Chen rescue her.

"Hee hee, cousin jealous?" Jin Beibei said with a smile.

"Ms. Ben will still be jealous? It's ridiculous, what he is willing to do and what has to do with Miss Ben!" Cheng Mengying pouted.

"My cousin Mengying also asked where he was." Jin Beibei relented.

"Have you never finished? Let me talk?" Cheng Mengying glared at Jin Beibei: "Miss Ben was not so easily fooled, save it!"

"Hey, hey." The Jinbei thief laughed twice, and didn't know what it was.

When Xiao Chen returned to school, it was already the first lesson. Tang Tang saw that Xiao Chen was okay, and waved at him, saying, "Xiao Chen, are you back, all right?"

"It's all right, Sun Rongjin is dead." Xiao Chen said in a low voice.

"Dead?" Tang Tang froze. "How did you die?"

"I heard that before Lin Ke'er was going to spoil the situation, I wanted to practice it, so I had a little tender model, and the wind died immediately?" Xiao Chen said, "Maybe the kidney is too weak."

"Well ..." Tang Tang was a little speechless after hearing it: "Really? Is this way of death too strange?"

"Really, when I went, Sun Rongjin was dead and Hongmao ran away, so I brought Lin Ke'er back." Xiao Chen didn't say that the man killed him. After all, he didn't want Tang Tang to know these dark things. thing.

Although Tang Tang sometimes behaves as a female man, but after all, she is a girl, killing or something, Xiao Chen feels a little distant from her.

"That Sun's family won't retaliate against you, right?" Tang Tang asked a little bit worriedly.

"The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil, and I was afraid he wouldn't succeed? Anyway, I have Yue Shaoqun and Lou Zhenming, and I will send them to get it done!" Xiao Chen said indifferently.

"You really take Yue Shaoqun as a trouble processor." Tang Tang felt a little funny: "Yes, Yue Shaoqun hasn't gone to school these days, and I don't know what to do. You just stop and don't cause trouble in school. I'm afraid you will be too late to find him. "

"Okay." Xiao Chen nodded, but he was skeptical. Why did Yue Shaoqun go? Isn't this kid going home to practice the Chrysanthemum Collection? Since the palace?

In fact ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao Chen was half guessed, Yue Shaoqun didn't go to practice the chrysanthemum collection, but went to find another bowl!

He wanted to be in the palace, but he couldn't be ruthless, so he decided to look at the situation of the bowl later to make a decision.

In these few days, Yue Shaoqun has no intention to go to school, but instead travels between various antique markets, but he finds nothing.

In desperation, Yue Shaoqun planned to go to the former Bihai Tiangong Hotel, and wanted to ask the foreman Ma Xiaotian, where did the bowl come from.

"Isn't this a small group? A small group, you haven't been to our Bihai Tiangong for a while!" Ma Xiaotian listened to the security guard below saying Yue Shaoqun was here, and named her, and immediately ran over.

The last time Xiao Chen helped Yue Shaoqun to make a fake pit, Xiao Chen did not pit, but instead gave Lou Zhenming a pit. Ma Xiaotian was actually a little apologetic, but there was no way to tell who was to blame. (For a monthly ticket for July guarantee! For support!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read .)

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