High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 277: Will die!

(I ask for a monthly pass, and my friends will help!)

The two went downstairs, and Shen Jingxuan followed in a small voice: "Who is Ye Xiaoye?"

"A tenant here, Meng Ying hasn't told you?" Xiao Chen said as he walked.

"No ..." Shen Jingxuan shook her head: "Is it a beauty?"

Shen Jingxuan asked these words, and she was all stunned, how could she ask that? Seems to be monitoring Xiao Chen.

"Well, it's cold and indifferent, and I don't deal with Miss, but I have suffered a few losses in Jinbei's hands." Xiao Chen explained: "I guess you can see her in a while."

"So ..." Shen Jingxuan was just asking casually and not paying special attention. The two came downstairs and waited in the living room. It didn't take long before footsteps came from the stairs.

Xiao Chen looked up and found that it was Ye Xiaoye, so she said to Shen Jingxuan, "It's her."

"Oh ..." Shen Jingxuan glanced at Ye Xiaoye and found that Ye Xiaoye was also looking at her.

"Xiao Chen, your girlfriend?" Ye Xiaoye asked Shen Jingxuan a glance.

"Oh, Miss's good friend, come here to be a guest." Xiao Chen said.

Ye Xiaoye nodded and no longer ignored Shen Jingxuan. When he came to the kitchen and saw so many fresh ingredients in the kitchen, he asked, "Xiao Chen, can you give me some of these ingredients?"

"Yes, you can take it freely." Xiao Chen didn't care. I bought a lot anyway and couldn't eat it by myself. Ye Xiaoye wanted to give it to her.

Ye Xiaoye took a little bit and cooked a portion of noodles himself. Stirred another side dish and sat down in the restaurant and ate it up.

"Xiao Chen ... how is she born like a starving ghost ..." Shen Jingxuan looked blank, a little stunned.

"I don't know. I guess I ate too much instant noodles." Xiao Chen said.

"Xiao Chen, where did you buy these ingredients?" Ye Xiaoye wasn't actually a starving ghost, but the ingredients were so delicious that she ate one bite and wanted a second bite, so she gorged.

"Oh?" Xiao Chen froze slightly, then smiled bitterly, he finally understood the reason why Ye Xiaoye was gobbling. It turned out that because of his own ingredients, Xiao Chen had injected vitality before washing the vegetables before, and then Ye Xiaoye asked him. He also forgot this stubble, but Ye Xiaoye thought it was delicious: "The farmer's shop just in front of the villa."

"Is that so?" Ye Xiaoye was a little bit strange. "Is it all grown in green? It tastes really good."

"Maybe ..." Xiao Chen didn't dare to say anything more.

Ye Xiaoye ate quickly, and was a little bit interested, but it was not good to eat more. Packed the tableware. Just went upstairs.

"Sure enough," Shen Jingxuan said, "Xiao Chen, can we go and find someone?"

"Let's go." Xiao Chen stood up and went upstairs slowly.

"You know where they are hiding, right?" Shen Jingxuan asked suddenly.

"Oh, yes." Xiao Chen nodded. "One is hidden on the rooftop of the villa, and the other is on the air conditioner outside the villa's protective window. Let's not look over there, just sip two words in the corridor first, and wait a while. Find it again. "

"Hmm ..." Shen Jingxuan couldn't help but cover her mouth with a smile: "It's boring to play hide-and-seek with you. I don't want to find it if I know it in advance."

"Who asked you to ask me." Xiao Chen shrugged innocently.

"You still have reason!" Shen Jingxuan kicked Xiao Chen lightly in the back, but it was undoubtedly tickling. Let Xiao Chen be at a loss.

"What to do?" Xiao Chen said.

"No matter, I'm boring, it's interesting that you play with me again later." Shen Jingxuan actually sprang up.

"Okay, then you can play whatever you say, and the cabinet passion is OK." Xiao Chen said.

"Go to death." Shen Jingxuan kicked Xiao Chen again, but this time was caught by Xiao Chen's bend!

"Yeah ..." Shen Jingxuan exclaimed, and the bottom of the skirt was gone all at once: "What are you doing, put it down and be seen!"

"Hehe ..." Xiao Chen wasn't too much. He also knew that some things could be done, otherwise, it would be counterproductive.

The two went upstairs together, and then pretended to shout in the villa for a long time without seeing anyone.

"Huh? No?" Xiao Chen said loudly.

"There isn't any here ..." Shen Jingxuan forced a smile and said with Xiao Chen.

"Really, where did they hide?" Xiao Chen said, "Have you found them?"

"Yeah, where else are you in this villa?" Shen Jingxuan asked.

"On the top roof, there is also a terrace. They won't go to the terrace, right?" Xiao Chen said for a moment.

"Go and see!" Shen Jingxuan said.

"OK." Xiao Chen nodded and went upstairs with Shen Jingxuan.

In the room, Jin Beibei, who was standing on the outside of the air conditioner with a protective window, fangs, smiled, but this position of my choice is good, Xiao Chen and Shen Jingxuan could not find it! If they can't find them in a while, they will win!

The voices of Shen Jingxuan and Xiao Chen were loud before, so Jin Beibei could naturally hear them.

Two people pushed open the door of the terrace and saw Cheng Mengying looking at the sun and looking at the scenery. In fact, the terrace is a large platform, there is no shelter on it, and Cheng Mengying has no place to hide. Since she was found, she simply stood up: "Jing Xuan, Xiao Chen, you are here!"

"What you hide is really hidden. We didn't think about it for several laps." Shen Jingxuan ran over, hugging Cheng Mengying, and lay on Cheng Mengying's body: "My legs are sore!"

"Haha, then sit down and rest for a while!" Cheng Mengying pulled Shen Jingxuan to sit down and said, "Did you find it, Beibei?"

"No, she is harder to find than you." Shen Jingxuan said.

"Well, let's find her together." According to the rules of the game, those who are found must also join in to find someone.

"Let's go, more than half an hour, Babe wins." Shen Jingxuan nodded.

So the three went out of the terrace and went downstairs, because on the third floor, besides the terrace, there was a loft. There was no other thing to the terrace. It was impossible to hide anyone here.

The direction of the search is still concentrated on the second floor, Cheng Mengying said: "Bebe will not be the same as you, will you transfer the room? The room you have found, she slipped in again?"

"That's not true. Xiao Chen has been in the corridor all the way into the room. If Beibei comes out, she can see it at a glance." Shen Jingxuan said.

"That's really weird. Let's look in each room carefully? Did you find them behind the curtains?" Cheng Mengying asked.

"The curtains are attached to the wall, and no one can stand behind them, can you see them at a glance?" Xiao Chen said.

"No matter, look carefully again, maybe Beibei will fly over the eaves." Cheng Mengying said, "Yes, did you go to the bathroom?"

"Yes, all the people in the room and the public have gone. No one is there," Shen Jingxuan said.

The three started searching again in a carpet style. This time, all the curtains were opened and looked carefully, not even the clothes in the closet ... Finally, behind the curtains in one of the guest rooms, everyone found Jinbei !!

I saw her standing at the window, holding the iron railing of the security window in her hand, and stepping on the air conditioner outside with her feet! It seems that it was squeezed out of the gap of the security window. This behavior made Cheng Mengying a little speechless: "Bebe, do you know that you are so dangerous? This is the second floor, what if I fall?"

"Hey, aren't you thinking about hiding in a secret place ..." Jin Beibei fangs smiled: "It's all right, Beibei is light and can't fall!"

"Come back soon!" Shen Jingxuan hadn't seen it before, but she was frightened enough to see it now. This is an aerial worker, but she has no protective measures at all. If she falls ...

"Hey, okay!" Jin Beibei nodded and squeezed his body through the gap of the iron railing of the security window, but after a long time, he couldn't squeeze in! She was dumbfounded: "Uh ... it seems like I can't get in!"

"Then how did you get out ?!" Cheng Mengying said suddenly: "Don't make a joke, what time is it?"

"No, cousin Mengying, when I went out, because I was in the house, stepping on the window sill under my feet, I dared to work hard, but ... the air conditioner under my feet dangled, and I still shared the weight by both hands. Where can I dare Hard? "Jin Beibei said bitterly.

"..." Cheng Mengying was a little speechless. Think about it. What kind of object can the bracket of the air conditioner support? If Jin Beibei exerts a lot of force, maybe he will step on it directly.

Jin Beibei is so small and light, she weighs fifty kilograms. She is so heavy!

"What should we do? Let's pull her in together?" Shen Jingxuan was also anxious, and she couldn't stay outside all the time. God knew when the air conditioner would fall.

"I have no choice but to do so!" Cheng Mengying said, "Bebe, you reach out, we will pull you in."

"Oh ..." Kimbebe stretched out her side ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then said, "Okay ... let's go!"

Cheng Mengying and Shen Jingxuan took Jin Beibei's arm and pulled together into the room. Xiao Chen didn't help. After all, men and women were not able to accept each other. He was not good at this time, and he would go up again when he couldn't.

"Wow wow wow ... don't pull it, it hurts ..." Jin Beibei was yelling.

"What's the matter ?!" Cheng Mengying and Shen Jingxuan were shocked, and quickly stopped.

"The milk is going to burst!" Jimbebe yelled, "It hurts, it hurts ..."

"..." Cheng Mengying was a little speechless: "You hold on a bit, that's better than falling!"

"Okay ... then try again," Kim Babe said with gritted teeth.

So Cheng Mengying and Shen Jingxuan started to work hard again, but Jin Beibei yelled again and again!

"No, no, it hurts, it will be dead!" Jin Beibei's voice was crying. (To be continued ...)

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