High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 503: Reach cooperation

"You ..." Xia Xibin didn't expect Xiao Chen to bring this up, and he was suddenly anxious: "Xiao Chen, how dare you!"

"What do I dare?" Xiao Chen said indifferently: "You can quibble on that recording before, what about this?"

Xia Xibin took a deep breath, and he never thought that Xiao Chen actually kept the hole card. It was indeed a big scandal to spread the matter. Although he helped Yang Tan, Yang Tan was dead. He He Xia is committed, but not so good that Xia Zhi will spare no effort to protect him! At that time, I am afraid that his fate is to be fired.

After thinking and thinking, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, Xia Xibin finally said, "Xiao Chen, you say it, what do you want?"

"It's very simple. I will be Yang Tan in the future. You will still follow me. Yang Jiannan is the evil head. You are just working with class, so I do n’t plan on it. As long as you acknowledge my Yang Tan ’s identity, you are still me. Yang Tan's younger brother! "Xiao Chen said," I'm covering you, is better than an empty backer? "

"This ..." Xia Xibin was silent, what Xiao Chen said was indeed attractive enough. Yang Tan is dead, he has lost his backing in the mysterious investigation bureau, it will be difficult to say whether Xia Zhi will accept him, after all, he is only a bottom-level figure in the mysterious investigation bureau, just an ordinary member of group C, In the future, it is almost impossible to want the scenery as it is now.

Moreover, the most important thing is that he and Yang Tan walked very close at first, offending many people. Those disobedient group members were secretly targeted by Xia Xibin, and now Yang Tan is hung up. If he does not get promoted, he will not be able to move at all.

and so. Xiao Chen's suggestion was that Xia Xibin really listened. His heart was constantly struggling. He wanted to make a reasonable choice. After all, this matter was important and he had to be careful.

Ten minutes passed, but it seemed to Xia Xibin. It's been a long time before he looked up and said, "Okay. Xiao Chen, I promise you, but you have to keep me as Yang Tan was before, and I want to be the same as before. Follow you!"

"No problem. Our relationship is indispensable. I want you to help me cover it, so your status will not change. You used to be with Yang Tan, but you can now be with me." Xiao Chen paused and said, "As long as you obey, I won't treat you. But you don't have to think about hitting me by this thing. Ride on my head, then I will kill you completely Yes, you know, I ’m a bad-tempered person, I like killing people, whoever does n’t please my eyes! When I stand firm, God will kill you without knowing it. It ’s easy. ... "

Xia Xibin took a nap. Indeed, what he was thinking before was that he would gain power and benefits through Xiao Chen. At that time, do n’t look at Xiao Chen as the leader of Group C, but he knew his identity, so he himself Do something extraordinary, I believe Xiao Chen will open one eye and close one eye, and even his true identity right is almost the same as the leader of the group C.

But now, it seems that his imagination is too simple. Xiao Chen will not allow him to do it at all, and Xiao Chen is very clear. If he dares to do so, he will kill him!

Xia Xibin doesn't think this is a threat. In his opinion, Xiao Chen dares to do so, and it is 100% daring. Since Xiao Chen has spoken, it proves that as long as he is obedient, he will not kill himself, otherwise it is true If it is to be assaulted, it cannot be said in advance. It is just a matter of imagination with yourself, and then wait for the opportunity to kill it.

"I understand, brother Xiao, rest assured, you will be my boss in the future, I listen to you!" Xia Xibin also made a decisive decision: "Sister Hua Wu, you have to cover me a little bit later, I ca n’t always wear small shoes on my back like before! "

"If you cooperate with Xiao Chen, I will not trouble you!" Song Huawu said, she did secretly oppose Xia Xibin before, and it is estimated that only she dared to go against Xia Xibin in Group C.

"Okay, no problem!" Xia Xibin nodded again and again: "Yes, Deputy Director Xia called me just now, let me confirm if Brother Yang is really fine, Brother Yang?"

"Well, I'll call him back." Xiao Chen thought about it, he has already returned, and it is not so much to let Xia Xibin talk back, so he said: "You talk to me roughly, Yang Tan usually How did you speak to this Deputy Director Xia and what is their relationship? "

"Okay, let me tell you!" Xia Xibin said quickly: "Deputy Director Xia's real name is Xia Zhili, and he ..."

Wu Xia Xibin did not retain it. He later expected to mingle with Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen was okay, so he was okay, so naturally he hoped that Xiao Chen could get through.

However, Xiao Chen listened to Xia Xibin's words and knew that although Yang Tan often secretly gave Xia benefits, in fact, it was still the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and there was not too deep interaction, it could only be said to be an interest relationship.

That's easy. Xia Zhiji doesn't know much about Yang Tan this time. He can completely disguise and dial Xia Zhili's phone with Xia Xibin's mobile phone.

"Xia Xibin, how is it? Did Yang Jiannan go back?" There was Xia Zhiying's voice over the phone.

"Deputy Director Xia, it's me, Yang Jiannan, I'm back!" Xiao Chen said.

"Oh? Jiannan, you're back? Why didn't your mobile phone work?" Xia Zhiyi asked.

"The phone fell off the cliff ..." Xiao Chen said, not expecting that Xia committed to open a request for a video call over there. Xiao Chen hesitated, did not dare to open it, pretended not to see it and continued: " Deputy Director Xia, let me report you a peace. I'm covered in blood now. I'm going to take a bath. I will visit you tomorrow morning! "

"Oh ... then, come tomorrow!" Xia Zhiying actually wanted to check if the other party was Yang Tan, but he didn't ask for it, but said: "Then you give Xia Xibin the phone ! "

"Okay, Deputy Director Xia." Xiao Chen said and gave the phone to Xia Xibin.

"Xia Xibin, Yang Jiannan is really back?" Xia Zhiqi asked.

"Well, leader Yang is back, it's really shocking!" Xia Xibin said: "Vice leader Song is also nearby. We just discussed it. You said, is it possible to cancel Xiao Chen's wanted? After all, Team Leader Yang is fine. If it's wanted again, wouldn't it be great? "

"You don't care about this, I'll deal with it!" Xia Zhizhi said: "You come tomorrow and talk!"

After speaking, Xia committed to hang up the phone, Xiao Chen was secretly scared beside him, but Xia Xibin said strangely, "Yang Yang, how good were you to connect to the video call just now, so Deputy Director Xia can confirm that you are back You do n’t answer ... "

"I ca n’t answer it. My disfigured appearance is only effective for the human eye, and it is not effective for those technological devices." Xiao Chen said, "So you should try to help me cover it in the future, and don't let people video me , Don't let people take pictures of me, or they will be exposed! "

"That's the case!" Xia Xibin was surprised, some surprised: "So, the video in the nightclub, in fact, you have transformed the appearance, but the surveillance video did not record successfully, right?"

"It should be." Xiao Chen nodded: "So, let's prepare and return to the Mystery Investigation Bureau together tomorrow. I must meet Xia Zhili or he will always doubt it."

"Okay, then we will go back tomorrow morning!" Xia Xibin said: "Brother Yang, then you live here with Huawu sister? I went upstairs?"

"En ..." Xiao Chen nodded. Living in Song Huawu is the best choice. It is more convenient. Although Xia Xibin took refuge in it, he had to do it. The relationship of mutual benefit, Xiao Chen did not want to let He knows too much about himself.

Qi Songhuawu's face was reddish, but she did not object. After all, Xiao Chen was most convenient to live here, and she also knew that Xiao Chen didn't expect her to think indifferently.

Xia Xibin left, and Song Huawu was left in the room. Xiao Chen fell on the sofa and was a little tired: "I'll sleep here at night, won't it affect you?"

Wu Songhua Wu shook her head: "Actually, there are two rooms here, and there is a small bed in that room. You can live there, not in the living room."

"So good?" Xiao Chen was also polite, nodded, and entered the room in the direction directed by Song Huawu ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Xiao Chen hesitated a moment, and sent a text message to the sister-in-law, Jinbeibei, Tang Tang, Ye Xiaoye, and Shen Jingxuan, only three words, "I'm all right." I wonder if Shen Jingxuan could receive it, in her martial arts Maybe you ca n’t use your phone.

After thinking about it, Xiao Chen returned an email to Xiao Xiao's mysterious mailbox: "I'm fine. If you see me one day, I'm not Xiao Chen or Bai Hu, don't be surprised."

A few Cheng Mengying received a short message from Xiao Chen and was relieved. Xiaojie, a big sister, went upstairs silently with Jin Beibei. Xiao Chen was suddenly absent from the house, which made her somewhat uncomfortable and unaccustomed.

Previously, although she always asked Xiao Chen to do this and that, as if she was very dissatisfied with Xiao Chen, in fact, she was very satisfied with Xiao Chen, but did not expect that the feeling at that moment came true, Xiao Chen really left ... ...

Cheng Chengmengying felt empty in her heart, as if she had lost something. Before Xiao Chen transferred to school, she didn't feel that way, but now ... she started to remember him and began to get used to his days.

"Cousin Mengying, don't worry about it, cousin-in-law is so terrible that nothing will happen, Yang Tan is a master of the martial arts level, and can be easily killed by cousin-in-law ..." Jin Beibei comforted.

"Who is worried about him?" Cheng Mengying snorted. "He knows all the troubles all day long. What's wrong with Yang Tan? If he had a table with Ben Xiaoying in school, how could he provoke Yang Tan? I went to the Song Huawu before I became enemies with Yang Tan! I was afraid he would be implicated in the Cheng family! This bastard! "(To be continued) []

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