High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 628: The 10-layer peak of the gas refining period!

After discovering this benefit, Xiao Chen moved forward all the way, and actually found a lot of desert hermit scorpions like this, all carrying a spirit stone as a camouflage. This made Xiao Chen very happy, and Sanmai's real fire was thrown out. Those desert hermits The scorpions were turned into blue smoke, and the spirit stone was also captured by Xiao Chen. In an instant, the ten tasks were easily completed.

"It ’s better to be a true practitioner!" Xiao Chen sighed. If a martial artist, he would be at a loss now, even if it is a magician who can provoke fire-based martial arts, it is estimated that there is nothing he can do about this kind of thing!

Because of Xiao Chen's strongest fire of Samadhi, the desert hermit scorpion will still struggle a few times before it turns to ashes.

I tasted the benefits, and Xiao Chen also began to enjoy each other. Along the way, not only did he complete the task, but he also got fifteen spirit stones! However, after these fifteen pieces were in hand, Xiao Chen had nothing to gain.

He estimated that the desert hermit scorpions in the vicinity were burned by him, and there were only more than twenty of them in the vicinity. Even if there were, it was estimated that they would have to go far and go to other places.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen was not in a hurry to leave, but sat cross-legged on the desert. He planned to practice with the extra 15 spirit stones. Although this thing is not as effective as Ling Yu, it should be similar in function. .

Otherwise, those in the martial arts will not be able to accept both spirit jade and spirit stone.

Xiao Chen didn't want to walk forward with a lot of stones on his back. He could use some natural materials. He is now a ten-layer cultivator during the gas refining period. He didn't know if the impact of the meteorite on the foundation building period was useful, but This spirit stone is certainly useful.

Taking out a spirit stone and holding it in his hand, Xiao Chen worked his mental formula, and the rich aura poured into Xiao Chen's body and turned into vitality, but the speed was not as fast as that of Lingyu, and it was only barely supplied. Yes, but there is no surplus.

I do n’t know how long it has been before Xiao Chen felt it, and the spirit stone in his hand “clicked” and shattered.

"So fast?" Xiao Chen looked at a piece of debris in his hands, and immediately shook his head. This thing was also used too quickly.

However, Xiao Chen didn't care, and threw it aside anyway. This thing was all white. He took out a spirit stone and continued to practice.

Time passed by, and I did n’t know how long it was. When Xiao Chen reached out and touched his backpack, he found that it was empty. It turned out that even the ten spirit stones that had left the task were killed by Xiao Chen.

The loss of this thing is really big, it is useless without knowing it, which makes Xiao Chen a little depressed, so many spiritual stones have not made him to the tenth peak of the gas refining period, not even touching the door. Come on.

Sighing, Xiao Chen stood up and found that it was already the next morning. He spent 25 spiritual stones after practicing for one night. If it was exchanged for equivalent points, the value would be 250 million. !!

But Xiao Chen didn't regret it, that one hundred million would rather not, it is worthwhile to cultivate by oneself.

He hurried forward, and as he had previously guessed, the desert hermit scorpion had disappeared, so Xiao Chen accelerated his pace and moved forward, and finally he saw the shadow of a vaguely ancient castle in front of him. According to the map, this relic should be the ruins of the Cultivation City.

接下来 Then, Xiao Chen lived up to expectations and saw the desert hermit scorpion disguised under the spirit stone again on the ground.

There are many hermit scorpions here, Xiao Chen is happy, he starts a raging meal, and then collects the spirit stones. In the vicinity of this castle, he circled a large circle, and Xiao Chen harvested fifty. Four spirit stones, which makes him very happy!

It seems to me that these spirit stones must have been under the desert before, but after they were discovered by the hermit scorpions, they stood up and deceived them. If Xiao Chen were to go to the desert to search endlessly, he would be exhausted.

No wonder no one takes this task, this is a dumb task.

Xiao Chen does not believe that there are still spiritual stones in the relics of Xiuzhen City. It is estimated that people have been found out on the Ming surface, and it is not his turn, so Xiao Chen is better to study this desert residence Scorpions come faster.

I looked again. Xiao Chen was certain that there would be no desert scorpion nearby in a short time, so he found a place to sit down cross-legged and continue to practice.

Of course, if you walk in other directions, you will definitely encounter some desert hermit scorpions, but Xiao Chen has already carried more than fifty stones on his body, and he doesn't want to go far. Anyway, he will use it to find it.

This time, Xiao Chen put the ten spirit stones alone on one side of the backpack, the rest on one side, and then began to cultivate.

Time flies by inadvertently during the cultivation. When Xiao Chen has three spirit stones left, Xiao Chen touches the long-lost barrier of the tenth peak of the refining period!

I was really useful. Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and began to speed up the practice. The last three spirit stones turned into powder in the hands of Xiao Chen, but Xiao Chen was still a short distance away.

Xu reached out and touched the inside of the bag, and found that the spirit stone was gone. Xiao Chen was not reconciled, moved a reserved spirit stone next to him, took it in his hand, and continued to cultivate.

One piece ... two pieces ... three pieces ... Finally, on the fourth piece, Xiao Chen broke through the barriers and finally set foot on the tenth peak of the gas refining period!

"Hoo!" Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and his operation mentality stabilized his realm. He stood up, and now there are six spirit stones left in his hand, which is actually not lossable. He will be able to return a 60 million deposit. The Mystery Investigation Bureau can also get 60 million equivalent points.

If you calculate inside and outside, you still make 20 million. Although this point is not owned by Xiao Chen, the one hundred million before was not paid by Xiao Chen.

What's more, Xiao Chen can still look for it.

Sure enough, after Xiao Chen went out for a while, he found the desert hermit scorpion group again. Like last time, he looked away from a distance. It might be a dozen or twenty.

Xiao Chen didn't stop, he started to collect directly, after a while, collected five or six dollars, but he also stopped his hand, because he saw a distance, several people came over!

Xiao Chen's six senses are sharp, and you can feel someone coming from such a long distance, but the person who came is not able to do so. They came close enough to see Xiao Chen. At this moment, Xiao Chen had already collected it. With the spirit stone, he sat on the ground cross-legged to study the map, just like an ordinary trialer.

There were four people in the party, two men and two women. Xiao Chen glanced far away and put away the map. His movements were natural and did not cause the four people's doubts.

"Brother, there is a tester ahead!" One of the men said to the other.

"Well, Xiao Shao, go ask him what is his strength, would you like to go with him?" The man who called Sun Brother nodded and said to that.

"Okay, Sun Brother!" Xiao Shao nodded, walked towards Xiao Chen, hugged his fist and asked, "This young man, dare to ask what the task is?"

"I took on the task of finding a spiritual stone, but ..." Xiao Chen said here, but didn't say enough, deliberately paused, giving people room for imagination.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Shao heard it, she suddenly said, "But what is the task of 100 million margin?"

"That's right." Xiao Chen nodded wryly.

"It seems that Xiaoxia is not a monk near here, is it pitted? Is this spiritual stone so good to find? You should also see that in this desert, far away, those who are shining It is the spirit stone, but there is a desert hermit scorpion hidden below. This is a very difficult desert creature, aggressive, and highly toxic. The spirit stone is invisible and invisible. "Xiao Shao laughed:" Shaoxia is a cautious person. He should have discovered something wrong, didn't he start? "

Xiao Chen smiled and said nothing: "What are the tasks of some brothers?"

"Our task is to find a herb. In fact, this is nothing more than a head start. Our real purpose is to go to the sand valley of Wudao." Xiao Shao did not conceal, and said directly: "Should the knight know? "

"Enlighten Sand Valley?" Xiao Chen froze slightly, really had not heard of it.

When I saw Xiao Chen's wrong expression, Xiao Shao was also surprised ~ www.readwn.com ~ Does this person really not know? He saw Xiao Chen's expression not seem to be a fake, and thought for a moment and said, "You young man can be pitted by the task of finding a spiritual stone. It must not be a local or nearby monk. It is normal to not know it!"

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I am not nearby."

At this time, the brother named Sun and the two female cults came together. I do n’t know if they were martial arts or magic cults, but judging from the temperament of Xiao Chen, it should be a martial arts level.

"Xiao Shao, how is it? Does he also want to go to the sand valley?" Sun Brother asked.

"Sun brother, it's like this ..." Xiao Shao introduced the situation of Xiao Chen to his brother, and then said: "He still doesn't know about Wu Dao, and this time it was apparently given to him by that spiritual stone mission. Now, although that task rewards Feng Hòu, it must be really available. "

"Oh? Near this direction, I thought I was a fellow in the same circle." Sun Brother shook his head, disappointed, but suddenly thought of something, said: "I don't know if the young man has found the spirit stone?"

Xiao Chen felt a sudden change of heart in his heart, wondering why this man suddenly asked this, was he trying to rob his spirit?

Although these four people may be martial arts in front of him, Xiao Chen is not a good stubble. He is now a ten-story apex practitioner in the refining period. Even if they can't kill them, it is no problem to frustrate a few escapes.

I saw Xiao Chen's face change slightly, and Sun Brother quickly explained: "Do n’t misunderstand Xiao Shao, we are not trying to grab your spirit!" (To be continued) []

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