High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 662: Xiao Chen


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"Ah, thank you, Deputy Director Xia!" Xiao Chen heard here, and he was probably sure what he said was true. After all, this kind of thing can be verified very quickly. As long as I log in to the client of the Wushu Association, I can see News.

"Well, thank you is not necessary, you can do it yourself in the future, I can help you so much." Xia Zhili said, "Well, don't say it.

Looking at the phone in his hand, Xiao Chen was filled with emotion for a while. What he didn't expect is that Xia committed to help himself to cancel the wanted order. It is ridiculous that he wanted to kill him at first. Good luck.

I shook my head, but anyway, this is a good thing. Xiao Chen can at least go home for the New Year, and don't worry about being arrested by the Mystery Investigation Bureau again.

Canceled the wanted, Xiao Chen did not have to cover up as before, directly changed his original appearance, went to the airport, successfully bought a ticket to Songning, and waited in the waiting room. Plane.

In the Mystery Investigation Bureau, Yang Jiannan moved to his new large office. This is his office in the headquarters. In the Northeast branch, he will also have an office, which is the headquarters of the group.

"Xiao Xia, this time really aggrieved you and made you feel wronged." Yang Jiannan leaned on Erlang's legs and looked at Xia Xibin standing in front of him: "However, you belong to the enemy, and I will not punish you if you have done well Come, do me a good job in the future! "

"Yes, Brother Yang!" Xia Xibin secretly slandered in his heart. You disappeared, and you did not say hello if you weren't dead. If I didn't hang around with Xiao Chen, I would have lost it. Damn it, can I still appear here alive?

However, he naturally did not dare to say this. He knew Yang Jiannan's character. If he said that, he would definitely anger him.

"Well, you are a man who betrayed Bi Jing once. In order to test your sincerity, I now give you a task to kill Xiao Chen." Yang Jiannan pushed a rifle on the table, and Xia Xibin Slightly said.

"What ?!" Xia Xibin's eyes widened and looked at Yang Jiannan suddenly: "Brother Yang, are you right? Now Xiao Chen's wanted has been cancelled in the bureau. He is no longer a wanted criminal. I will kill He's not as good as ... "


When Yang Jiannan saw that Xia Xibin dared to talk back, he slammed up and yelled at Xia Xibin: "Why do I speak now, do you dare to refute it? Isn't this time Xiao Chen used to give you the habit? ? "

"I" ... "Xia Xibin was crying and depressed," No, Brother Yang, I mean, I'll go and kill Xiao Chen, am I finished? " "

怎么 "Why? You don't believe in my ability? I'm the deputy director now, and you have caused such a trivial matter, and I still can't get it right? You look down on me?" Yang Jiannan patted the table in anger.

"I ..., of course I believe ..., well ... I'll go ..." Xia Xibin took the pistol.

"Well, according to the tracking clues I received, Xiao Chen is now in the airport terminal. Go and kill him." Yang Jiannan nodded calmly.

"Yes, ..." Xia Xibin did not dare to refute, and took a pistol.

"Don't forget, who is your deputy team leader who won for you and talk when you don't want it!" Yang Jiannan hummed.

"I understand ..." Xia Xibin quickly bowed his head and carefully exited the office.

Looking at his back, a sneer flashed in the corner of Yang Jiannan's mouth, Xiao Chen, do you think I can let you go if I cancel the wanted? I'm so naive, everything you give me is now!

Although he can have ten levels of peak martial arts strength, he is not happy at all, because that strength is not his, and must be maintained by injecting the medicament. Without the medicament, he is a fighter of the first floor. !!

In fact, if this is just fine, some people may still dream of it, but the key problem is that apart from injecting medicaments, he can no longer gain strength through his own cultivation.

In other words, if the potion has not been improved, his true strength will always be a martial artist, and the strength he can reach will always be a ten-level peak and a great martial artist!

But this is not his ultimate goal at first, but his original goal is the level of generals! This simply blocked his way.

And the side effects of this medicine are also too great. Each injection will be painful due to physical overdraft at night, and it is difficult to fall asleep and die.

So while the appearance is bright, Yang Jiannan's psychology has become more distorted. He must Xiao Chen's death in order to vent his anger.

Xia Xibin was out of Yang Jiannan's office. The first thought was that Yang Jiannan was crazy, but if you think about it, Yang Jiannan has always been such a person, selfish, and he is just like a dog beside him!

He hesitated, Xia Xibin gritted his teeth, and turned into Xia Zhi's office.

"Oh? Xia Xibin? Why are you here?" Xia committed some surprises. After the real return of Yang Jiannan, Xia Xibin leaned on, otherwise Yang Jiannan would not be able to support him as deputy team leader at the meeting.

"Deputy Director Xia, are you in trouble with Deputy Director Yang?" Xia Xibin asked tentatively.

"Are you here to act as a lobbyist?" Xia Zhiqing's face sank.

"No ... not ..." Xia Xibin was startled, and said quickly: "How is that possible? That ..., I mean to go ... I would like to ask Deputy Director Xia, do you think it is Deputy Director Yang? Xiao Chen is better ... "

"What do you mean?" Xia Zhi looked at Xia Xibin coldly: "Yang Jiannan sent you to test me?"

"No, no ... how is that possible?" Xia Xibin shook his head in a panic: "No" I think, Deputy Director Xia must think that Xiao Chen is better? Because I feel the same way ... "

"What the **** do you want to say? Don't go around!" Xia Zhi frowned.

"Yang Jiannan asked me to assassinate Xiao Chen just now. I don't want to go, but I can't help but ..." Xia Xibin pulled the gun out of his pocket, which scared Xia Zhiqiang.

"Pay attention to the muzzle!" Xia Zhiji reminded, although he did not believe that Xia Xibin dared to shoot in the mystery investigation bureau.

"Yes ..." Xia Xibin lowered his gun and looked at Xia Zhi with a sad face: "Deputy Director Xia, what should I do? Well, I'm going to be killed. If I go, I still have to finish my calf?" "

"Yang Jiannan really made you do this?" Xia Zhili was also a little surprised, this Yang Jiannan is really crazy! Just came back and arrogant.

In fact, Yang Jiannan certainly has his arrogance, but more from his fear! Yang Jiannan's strength is not his own strength. In order not to be underestimated, he can only hide this with arrogance.

怕 He is afraid that once he tolerates retreat everywhere, he will be found to be wrong in his strength, because only talented people dare to be arrogant, and he will also deceive others by doing so.

"Yeah, how dare I lie to Deputy Director Xia." Xia Xibin said quickly: "Deputy Director Xia, you know, Xiao Chen was so good before, although I was still on duty, but at least I have a status! Now I have been promoted , But Yang Jiannan still treats me like a dog, screaming and drinking, what dangers do me do! Don't say if I can kill Xiao Chen, just kill it, I can come back? Besides, Xiao Chen is also good to me , Even if I knew that I had followed Yang Jiannan against him before, I didn't embarrass me, I kind of trusted me. "

"Do you really think so?" Xia Zhiyi asked.

"Yes, I can swear!" Xia Xibin knew that he had to make a stand, or it would be over, no matter whether it was successful or not, he would have to be pushed out as a dead ghost.

"But I still can't believe you. If Hua Wu said so to me, I can still believe it." Xia Zhi said faintly.

"Deputy Director Xia, in fact, I knew Xiao Chen was fake, and I have been cooperating, and Huawu also knows that if I am not sincere, I would have reported it to you long ago." Xia Xibin saw Xia Don't try to believe him so much, continue to say.

"Oh." Xia tried not to comment.

Xia Xibin looked at it, and it did n’t work. He bit his teeth and fell to his knees with a bang. “Deputy Director Xia, my parents died early. You see my last name is Xia, and your last name is Xia. Don't I be your son, I will listen to you later, I will follow the flower dance and you, I will bring you the power of the group, and make Yang Jiannan's silly than overhead! "

"Oh?" This time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xia Zhiji was a little moved. When he was young, he became physically disabled, did not get married, and had no children. This has always been his regrettable thing, otherwise he would You cannot focus on fame and fortune.

夏 Xia Xibin was originally named Xia, and it is not unreasonable for him to be a son. It can also be regarded as the successor to his old Xia family.

Moreover, Xia Xibin can say such things, but there is a video in this room, it should not be hypocritical! If it is impossible for him to plot with Yang Jiannan, how can Yang Jiannan's conceit be used to curse him here?

Thinking of this, Xia tried to signal Xia Xibin to stand up first, and nodded his head, "I'll see how you behave in the future, what do you plan to do about the assassination of Xiao Chen?"

The reason why Xia Xia committed to believe Xia Xibin was because Yang Jiannan didn't have to play this trick to deceive himself. They wanted to assassinate Xiao Chen. No matter from which point of view, there was a mistake in the first place, and he could not harm himself at all.

"I don't want to go, Dad, I'm going, am I dead?" Xia Xibin said with a sad face.

"Well." Xia nodded and said: "9103999" This is Xiao Chen's new internal number. You call him and talk to him about it, then you go over and play a show, don't really hit. "

"Ah, then I'll go. Even if it is unsuccessful, will I be arrested when I return?" Xia Xibin was a little worried. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Group @ 安 乁 小 超] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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