High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 882: Criminal son shot

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It only made Xiao Chen a little bit wonder: How exactly did Ma Zongchen find himself? It stands to reason, it should not be the secret of the punishment of the young girl, otherwise Ma Zongji should have come to the door for so long. If you have already read this chapter, please go to "Biquge" to read the latest chapter. You can also search for "biquge" or "" directly on Baidu. Please remember our new website pen√quΩge.

But in addition to her, who else in Songning knows that he sells fritters in the morning market and lives in Tangtang's house? Lu Shuangshuang is even more impossible. Since the last time the two of them did not see each other again, even if they went along with the vine, the vine had rotted early, Xiao Chen was puzzled.

As a matter of fact, Ma Biaozhen has been in Songning City for a while, but he has n’t found Xiao Chen when he is mad. He is about to turn over the entire Songning land. Finally, he searched for it, and finally he was still a disciple of one of his subordinates. The warrior's guild found a relationship and asked about some of Xiao Chen's experiences before his downfall.

The news was relayed to the host, Ma Ling, who remembered what Hong Mao had said before, and finally locked the target in Tang Tang's residence.

After confirming the whereabouts of Xiao Chen, Ma Xuan took his disciples to the neighborhood near Zaoshi Street overnight, went straight to the place where Xiao Chen lived, and prepared to wipe him out!

Just rushing downstairs to the unit where Xiao Chen lived, Ma Xuzhen saw that the windows on the third floor were suddenly opened, and Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying drove out from the inside with a "swipe". Get ready to escape.

"Huh! Do you want to do the trick again? You can hardly fly even if you put wings on it this time!" It was no surprise that Ma Yanchen snorted and waved his hand in the direction of Xiao Chen. The big net whistled out, covering the two of Xiao Chen directly in the past!

"I rely! What kind of ghost is this?" Xiao Chen, standing above Fei Jian, was shocked, and before that had time to respond, he was masked by the net! He wanted to struggle to get rid of it. He didn't expect that there were countless barbs stuck on the Internet. He caught his clothes firmly under the hood, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Just hooking the clothes is secondary. The key is that when Xiao Chen's skin is stabbed by the barb, he immediately feels shocked. The entire lower layer of the skin is instantly paralyzed, and even the vitality can no longer operate ...

Unable to control the flying sword, the two instantly lost weight, fell from the sky, and planted straight downstairs!

"Ah! Xiao Chen! Think about it!" Cheng Mengying screamed, her voice trembling.

Although she also knew that as a true practitioner, it would not be a problem to fall from the third floor, but she was the first time to face such a big crisis, so she was a little scared.

"Bang!" Before Xiao Chen answered, he and Cheng Mengying fell to the ground firmly and made a loud noise. Fortunately, they are not weak, and there is no major obstacle.

Due to the lack of vitality, Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying were shocked, although they would not fall into serious injuries.

"Well ..." Cheng Mengying groaned painfully, opened her eyes slightly, and found that she was not hurt at all!

A little surprised, Cheng Mengying quickly felt that the body seemed soft, not like the ground. A closer look revealed that it was Xiao Chen who had protected her in her arms, and used her body as a pad to block her underneath, so that she could be safe and sound without any injuries.

Thinking of this, Cheng Mengying was a bit worried and touched, and wanted to stand up, but just moved a few times, and touched several wounds on Xiao Chen's body. Xiao Chen didn't hold back and cried out in pain: —— "

"Xiao Chen, how are you?" Cheng Mengying was startled, trying to climb down from Xiao Chen, but did not dare to move too much. She looked around and saw the sharp barbs stuck to the net that trapped them, panic in her heart, and she was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

"Mengying, don't be nervous, I'm okay. You first try to open this net, but the barb above seems a bit weird. Be careful, don't get stuck in it." Xiao Chen bit his teeth painfully.

He tried to move the vitality, but found that something seemed to invade the body, paralyzing several meridians, and the vitality could not run smoothly.

"Okay, I'll try it! But this net is so strange!" Cheng Mengying tried to tear the big net, but she felt that instead of pulling the net apart, she tightened it tighter, and there was still a lot of mucus on the net. Your fingers are stuck, and you ca n’t help it at all.

"Hahaha! Don't waste any effort. This is the tianluodi net woven by the spider spirits in ancient times. You can't get rid of it! As for the barb above, I specially added it to the craftsman, and I still painted it A poison that can paralyze monks for a short time and block the magical energy in the body, even if Da Luo Jinxian is here!

In order to deal with Xiao Chen's flying sword without a shadow, Ma Xunzhen was also thrown out of trouble this time. He took out the only ancient artifact in the martial arts.

"Huh! I can't think of the dignified Kuishan masters, but they also use this method of inferiority, which is even more shameless than me!" Xiao Chen was mocked on the surface, but was very anxious in her heart, only to God ... Oh, I ’m asking for help: "My God! Help me think of a way, how can I break this heavenly network?"

"Well, now the vitality in your body is paralyzed and you can't shoot, and Xiaoyou is still in a dormant state, or you can let it burn the net." Tian Lao was not as anxious as Xiao Chen, but rather leisurely said: "Who made you so impulsive that you had to kill that horse dragonfly, and see, this is a big disaster?"

"I wipe it! Do you think I want it? Don't talk cold words there, that horse Ma has already warmed up the lunch box and is waiting for me to pick it up, and you don't want to watch your apprentice being killed alive like this Right? "Xiao Chen was really helpless. It's time to burn his eyebrows. God still has a lot of jokes!

"I said, Xiaochenzi, you seem to be a little clueless? Although you can't use your vitality, your fiancee can! You can let her use a fireball to burn the Tian Luo Di net? It's just because of her cultivation, It will take a little more time. "Tian Lao sighed long, not indifferently.

"I'll take it. You're obviously playing with me! I still have time to wait for her to slowly burn off the Tian Luo Di net? Or ... when Ma Jizhi attacked for a while, you can help me catch it again One palm? "Xiao Chen was almost anxious. He couldn't think of such a critical moment. Tian Lao hadn't considered the actual point, and had no idea what to do.

"Yes!" Tian Lao answered quickly, but then said again: "But I haven't recovered to the best status yet, and I haven't helped An Xiaomo and Xiao You to share the damage. Even if it is for you, you are too. A dead end. "

"Relying on ..." Xiao Chen was speechless for a moment, and originally had a hint of hope. He was utterly annihilated when he couldn't think of elders. In depression, he had to whisper to Cheng Mengying: "Miss, I'll be responsible for dispersing the horse Serpentine attention, burn the net as soon as you use the fireball technique I taught you! "

"Okay, let me try it!" Cheng Mengying nodded slightly and replied softly.

Although Cheng Mengying does not know if she can do it with her strength, but she can only do as Xiao Chen said!

"Xiao Chen, what's up with your little" "after you have finished your last words? The old man has no time to wait for you to write a suicide note, so I will send you down and bury my son for fun!" What come out of the moth, so too lazy to talk nonsense with him, slap directly to Xiao Chen!

"Miss, it's now!" Xiao Chen motioned to Cheng Mengying to destroy Tianluodi's net. She gritted her teeth and protected her behind her.

Looking at the fast-moving horses, Xiao Chen secretly prayed: I hope he accidentally stepped on the banana peel when he rushed over, and he was seriously injured, and he could get some time!

Then Xiao Chen's wish was not fulfilled, and the road between Ma Zhizhen and him was smooth and smooth, without any skin. Just when Ma Bingzhi's palm wind was about to reach Xiao Chen, a man in black carrying a bag suddenly stopped in front of him. Without a word, he directly raised his hand and Ma Bingzhi slaped into one palm!

"Bang!" Only one loud noise came, and the man in black also showed great strength, stupidly blocking Ma Ling's attack. After the two powerful magic qi collided, a shock wave formed and spread around, and the turbulent air flow sent all those disciples of Kuishan who were standing aside to watch the bustle!

"You ... you are the tenth-level consummation of the Devil King!" Ma Xuzhen did not expect that someone would rush out to stop, and the atmosphere was slightly chaotic, and he was shaken back several steps. "Wow" spit out blood He stared at the man in black with a horrified look.

Just now Ma Yanzhen was afraid that Xiao Chen would have a second hand, so the palm he shot in the past did not use all his strength, but the palm shot by the man in black was a ten-story great strength of the real demon king, so although they were level Quite ~ www.readwn.com ~ but under the palm of the hand, Ma Yanzhen obviously lost.

However, the people in black were also uncomfortable. Although they did not spit blood like the horseshoes, the internal organs were also tumbling for a while, and almost did not shift the shock.

"You ... who are you? If you have the courage, report your name! What a good man is sneaky?" Ma Yan asked with a calm face.

Now that he knew the opponent's strength was the same as hiss, Ma Xunzhi didn't dare to act lightly.

"Uncle Ben is a rogue robbing the rich and helping the poor-Robin Hood! What I don't see most is a bully like you. You would kill such a civilian, too shameless! If you still want to survive, give it to me Go back! "The man in black snorted coldly.

Although it's hard to see the true face of the man in black, Xiao Chen judged from her voice and figure as soon as possible--this man is undoubtedly the punishment girl! What she claims to be Robin Hood must have been made up.

What just makes Xiao Chen feel puzzled is why the punishment girl suddenly shot to help herself? r1152

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