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Chapter 893: I promise you

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Chapter 0893 I promise you

Under the deterrence of money and force, after the person took the money, it was logical that he would not come to class, and gave his place to the punishment chick.

学校 Originally, this kind of Li Daitao's stubbornness will not be accepted by the school, but the background of the young girl who can't hold her back is tough! Before she came, she directly used the sect's relationship with the secular bank, and found the person in charge of Langcheng University, giving the school a preferential exemption from some loan interest.

In this way, the school feels that she is too late, how can she tangle these trivial matters? Naturally, she agreed to her admission requirements smoothly, and also made a special dormitory for Xun Qian and Xun Qianxue.

"Hello classmates, I'm Tong Xiaoxue, and I'm Xing Gongzi's girlfriend. Strictly speaking, I'm not a freshman, just to accompany reading. I would like to take care of it in the future." People smiled and said enthusiastically.

Although Qian Qianxue was enthusiastic, in contrast, in the class, except Cheng Mengying and Jia Musen nodded to her and greeted her, everyone else was cold and warm, and high and cold continued to be high and cold ~ www .readwn.com ~ still looked down, and Xiao Chen already knew that they came for themselves, and they were too lazy to deal with it.

Professor Wu Zhong saw that everyone had little interest in meeting new classmates, so he didn't say much. He simply asked a few words and then left in a hurry. Seeing that the time for military training episodes was coming, everyone went to the playground to gather together.

Military training is a nightmare for ordinary freshmen. After a few days of training, students from other departments have been fainted or sick due to heat stroke.

However, for Xiao Chen's profession, military training is a trivial matter. They are all ancient martial arts enthusiasts, so there is no problem in terms of physical fitness. Although there is exposure and training, they are still energetic and can not see the slightest fatigue.

In spite of this, Xiao Chen was absent-minded during the entire military training process, and he couldn't lift his mind when he did anything. ,

He saw that Xiao Xing came to the door so soon, and he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart! Now that she can find herself, then Ma Zhixing's stupid bubble will find it sooner or later. It is estimated that it won't be long before she will run with Cheng Mengying again.

The most frustrating thing for Xiao Chen was that he repeatedly recalled the whole escape process, and after thinking for a long time, he felt that he should not be followed by others.

And after arriving in Langcheng, he only contacted Xia Zhili. Xia Zhili could not leak the wind. So which part went wrong?

"Xiao Yi, what's the matter with you? I called you several times today. You didn't bother me. What were you thinking about?" At the end of the military training at night, Cheng Mengying wanted to go to Xiao Chen for dinner. Sitting beside the playground, he looked very worried.

"Dream ... Yaoyao, we may start to flee again. You had better prepare in advance. Don't run around these days." When hearing Cheng Mengying's voice, Xiao Chen looked up and took a deep breath. Tone, said solemnly.

"Ah? We haven't come to Langcheng for a few days, why do we have to go? I just entered college and haven't experienced enough life yet!" Cheng Mengying first froze, then her face was full of disappointment, thinking it was this I can spend a little longer at Langcheng University, and I did not expect that my hopes would be shattered again.

"The two new students in our major are the people who stared at us in the morning market. I ... I didn't expect them to come so fast, so for the sake of safety, let's plan to leave as soon as possible! Xiao Chen sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"But ... I don't want to run away anymore. When do I run so repeatedly, when is it all over? And I have to live in peace every day, for fear of someone suddenly attacking. Will it be my life in the future, I have to spend my escape. Is it? "Cheng Mengying frowned, muttering unhappy.

以来 In the past few days, she has gradually adapted to the life of the university, and has become a good friend with Ling Qianyu, so she does not like the days of hiding in Tibet more and more.

"Well, there's nothing you can do, blame me. My strength is too low. Whenever I can have a nine-story peak cultivation of Jindan period, I don't have to be afraid of the old guy Ma Mazhen." Hearing Cheng Mengying complained, Xiao Chen's voice was also a bit bitter.

If you are the nine-level peak of the Jindan period, it is equivalent to the strength of the tenth level of the Demon King, plus the assistance of Nine Nether Fire and An Xiaomo, how can you face Ma Zonghe directly!

Cheng Mengying also knew that Xiao Chen was telling the truth, but she was still upset. She felt not only Xiao Chen, but her strength was too low.

She is in the mundane world, and she does n’t have enough aura of heaven and earth for her cultivation. Even if she wants to join Xiao Chen against Ma Ling, it is very difficult to achieve, let alone the joint, it is likely to drag Xiao Chen's hind legs.

"Forget big sister, don't think about it so much. In short, let's wait and see for a few days before talking. It seems that the punishment son is not like a bad guy, it is probably on our side, otherwise she was Will not help us to get away. "Seeing Cheng Mengying's complexion, Xiao Chen had to speak comfortably.

Cheng Mengying didn't say anything, she thought for a while, her face turned red and white, and after a few minutes of silence, she took a deep breath, and seemed to make a big decision. She bit her lower lip, intermittently issued a mosquito call The same voice: "Xiao ... Xiao Yi, it's better ... we ... repair it ..."

"Huh? What did you say?" Xiao Chen asked casually, all his attention was focused on thinking about future countermeasures. He faintly heard Cheng Mengying mutter a few words, but the content was completely unclear.

"I ... I said, let's ... start tonight ... Shuangxiu!" Cheng Mengying blushed like an apple, lowered her head, kept rubbing her horns with her fingers, and repeated it softly.

"No, right?" Xiao Chen said for a moment, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and quickly asked: "You figured it out? I thought you had forgotten the thing about Shuang Xiu, and I didn't expect to bring it up."

"Huh! How could I forget such an important thing? I haven't ... not yet ..." Cheng Mengying gave me a long time, simply glanced at Xiao Chen, and skipped the topic: "Hey, our strength It's too low. If we don't hurry up, in case Ma Zhunzhen really comes over, won't we be dead? "

Cheng Mengying whispered in her heart, wasn't Ben Xiaozheng tangled for so long because she couldn't accept that she had to be naked in front of you? How could it be forgotten?

If the current situation is not optimistic, Cheng Mengying will not choose double cultivation to enhance the strength of the two. However, if the stagnation does not break through, wait for Ma Ling to come up with a Tian Luo Di net, I am afraid that both of them are trying to escape!

"Well, now that you have decided, let's double repair at night! Let's go to dinner now." Xiao Chen thought for a while and said, "There must be no way to double repair in the dormitory, so let's go to the hotel to open a room, so as not to It was troublesome to be found. Anyway, now that we are couples, there is no problem in opening a room. "

Cheng Chengmeng gave Xiao Chen a nasty look, but he did not object. After going to the cafeteria for dinner, the two went straight to the hotel where they had stayed before, opened a cheap double bed room, and started preparing for double repair.

However, when it really started, Cheng Mengying hesitated again. Although she is Xiao Chen's fiancee, she has not been fully prepared psychologically, and has never been able to courage her to meet frankly.

After taking off his clothes in the bathroom, Cheng Mengying held the doorknob in her hands, and her mind was full of thoughts, like a paste, how dare she open the door to meet Xiao Chen, and stood there so dullly that Not moving.

I waited for a long time and saw that Cheng Mengying still didn't come out. Xiao Chen was a little bit surprised and had to stand outside the bathroom and shouted, "Sister Xiao, are you ready? I have hung the curtains, and you can come out at any time."

"You ... what are you worried about? Anyway, don't have to go back to the dormitory tonight, can you take it slowly? You turn off the lights first, and then check if there are holes in the curtain. I ... I tell you, you Don't want to take a peek at my body! "Cheng Mengying was tangled, shouted by Xiao Chen, and was shouting in shame and anxiety.

"You can rest assured ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have checked it carefully three times, there is no problem at all, and the lights are turned off." Xiao Chen said with a smile, then walked back to the bed, on the side of the curtain Sit down.

Xiao Chen was a little bit crying and cynical about Cheng Mengying's caution. If he wanted to peek, let alone block the curtain, even in the dark night with no fingers in his hand, he could see Cheng Mengying clearly.

"Oh, that ... then I'm out, you close your eyes first!" Cheng Mengying felt that it was not a way to stand there all the time, so she wrapped a bath towel on her body and opened a door slit with her teeth, confirming that the room was The lights had been turned off, and then they had the courage to walk out cautiously.

"Sister Xiaojie, go a little to the left, or you'll hit a chair." Xiao Chen felt funny. The black light was blind, and sister Xiao Xiao didn't know how to use God's knowledge to explore the surrounding environment. After coming over, if Xiao Chen didn't remind her, she estimated that it would take a lot of effort to even walk to the bed.

"Ah! Xiao Chen, smelly hooligan, do you squint and peep? Otherwise how do you know where I am?" Cheng Mengying was startled, but still moved to the left according to her words, her eyes staring at Xiao Chen's direction.

When she first came out of the toilet, she hadn't been able to adjust to the darkness completely, and the darkness in front of her couldn't see anything. Now she could clearly see something.

"I said, you are also a cultivator, so why don't you know how to release God's consciousness to explore the way? Do you still remember your identity? It is such a superb skill to be blind." Xiao Chen's black line, Very helpless to say. (To be continued) []

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