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Chapter 927: Martial Arts Club Shows

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Everyone is thinking about what show they are performing. Cai Zhuwei is still sitting there reading a book. Why is there no collective idea for this guy?

"Oh, isn't it just the show, is it so difficult? Let's just sing a song like the other classes, and then do two martial arts shows, so don't we have all three shows?" Cai Zhuwei put down the book, lightly Say something, and then pick up the book again, as if talking about something as simple as eating and brushing your teeth.

After listening to the people behind me, I didn't mind Cai Zhuwei's disdain, but felt that he said something really reasonable, anyway, people in other departments also arranged this way!

A few boys turned their heads and looked at Cheng Mengying and Qian Qianxue. Generally speaking, girls are singing and dancing, and the boys should only perform martial arts.

Xiao Chen knew that it was inconvenient for the young lady to make a public appearance, and then she suggested, "So, since we are majors in ancient martial arts, should we perform a collective martial arts? Then we can get a golden bell cap, iron cloth shirt, etc. You can also interact with your classmates on the spot and ask them to come on stage to participate, and this show is full and lively. "

After all, those people present could choose to enroll in the ancient martial arts profession, and they would have a little strength. Aside from themselves and the young lady, that punishment girl and Qian Qianxue were both serious monks. Although Wang Zhengtian has just recovered from his injury, But his strength also has a solid inner strength of three layers. Even if the ordinary people are struck twice, there is certainly no problem.

From the bright side, only Jia Musen and Cai Zhuwei's strength is unknown. It seems a bit mysterious, but Xiao Chen thought. The former is a child of Nei Lin Jia's family, and it should not just be a fancy. I just don't know which realm I have reached.

And the latter he didn't understand at all, but seeing this guy holding the Cheats of this martial art every day looked very happy. It is estimated that there will be two hits.

"Okay! Xiao Yi has a good idea." Wang Zhengtian nodded in support.

"Well, it's really good! In this way, you can also promote the martial arts club, killing two birds with one stone!" Jia Musen also happily agreed, and other people also had no opinion.

Cheng Chengmengying guessed Xiao Chen's intentions at once, and she was suddenly relieved. In addition to not wanting to show her face, there was actually another reason. She was not good at singing since she was a child.

I set the direction. Everyone talked about going on stage together, performing a combination of Sanda or something. After all, the whole class added up to ten people, and they could be counted with their fingers. Since they are all on stage, there is no need to think about other programs.

However, this time Wang Zhengtian did not agree, instead he raised his objection: "I think that the combination of Sanda is too boring, that is all rehearsal. What is the difference between acting and acting? We martial arts people want one Reality! "

"Do you have any good ideas?". Jarmusson asked.

Wang Zhengtian touched his chin for a while, and patted his thigh. "I have! In this way, I will perform empty-hand brick slicing. You will perform a broken stone on your chest! Otherwise, Sanda or something will not attract the attention of other students."

"噗 ..." Xiao Chen burst out laughing, thinking that Wang Zhengtian could shoot his head to come up with any good ideas. Unexpectedly, the result was actually this kind of street showmanship, and it was still a relatively low-level one.

But unexpectedly Xiao Chen was. Others listened to Wang Zhengtian's proposal, and they all applauded. Xiao Chen is even more speechless, and I don't know what these people think. Is it true that their practice is to cut bricks with bare hands, and have their chest broken?

"Xiao Yi, you are also a martial arts club. Then you will assist me and Jia Musen!" Wang Zhengtian glanced at Xiao Chen and felt that he looked thinner than Jia Musen. "During the performance, you help me to get the bricks, and then hit Jiamuson with a hammer!"

"Uh ... okay ..." Xiao Chen was a little bit crying. A demon king who was so successful on the tenth floor was actually going to fight two "competitors", and he was drunk.

"Let's start rehearsing now! Let's get familiar with it before it gets out of hand!" Jia Musen stood up excitedly.

Wang Zhengtian nodded and instructed: "Xiao Yi, help me find some green bricks, and then get a big stone, and then we start rehearsing. You hold a hammer and hit Jia Mu ... No, hit that stone to practice . "

"Uh ... it's easy to find the blue bricks. Xidamen is just building a new dormitory. It doesn't matter if I get a few. But ... Where can I go to find such a big stone? Besides, even if I find it, I No one can move alone! "Xiao Chen said bitterly.

I said this because Xiao Chen didn't want to expose his strength in front of everyone, otherwise he wouldn't say a big rock and it would be fine to bring a car back.

"Oh, you are right!" Wang Zhengtian thought for a while: "There should be a lot of megaliths in the mountains behind the school. You and Jia Musen will get some blue bricks first. I will take care of the megaliths. We will still meet here for a while!"

He said, Wang Zhengtian didn't wait for Xiao Chen to promise, he went straight out and ran towards the back of the mountain.

Xiao Chen spread his hands innocently. Now that Wang Zhengtian has been assigned, he will not express any opinions. He will go and move bricks with Jia Musen ~ www.readwn.com ~ It didn't take long for them to move. A pile of blue bricks came back. However, to their surprise, when the two arrived at the martial arts hall, Wang Zhengtian was already waiting inside, and his face was not flushed and panted, and it looked as if he had never gone out.

However, compared with the moment before, there are a few more boulders on the ground of the martial arts hall. It seems that each foot has one or two hundred pounds.

When things were ready, Wang Zhengtian and Jia Musen started rehearsing.

The two of them are very powerful. Wang Zhengtian can split more than twenty green bricks at a time, and Jia Musen is pressed by hundreds of pounds of boulder. He does not seem to be afraid of it, and there is no feeling of suffocation, but he is relaxed.

Xiao Chen was standing next to Jia Musen. When he lifted the hammer, he was still hesitant and worried that Jia Musen would be injured internally.

"Xiao Yi, it's okay, you can knock hard without hurting me!" Jia Musen saw Xiao Chen's hesitation, secretly blinked at him, and put on a "you understand" expression.

Xiao Chen knew that Jia Musen meant that he was Nei Wulin. These were trivial, so he nodded, controlled the intensity, raised his hand and knocked the hammer down!

With a loud noise of "Boom", Xiao Chen's original scruples disappeared in an instant. At that moment, the breath of Jia Musen turned out to be a ten-story successful repair of the military general!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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