High Comprehension Low Strength

Chapter 973: Go shave me

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Item 0973

Because he saw that when the door of the China Bus was opened, a fat bald man jumped from it and scolded him towards Buick: "Hey! You **** thing, your eyes are blind? How did you drive? You can rear-end such a wide road? Why don't you roll it down for me! "

Xiao Xiaochen felt that the sound sounded familiar, looked at him, and couldn't help laughing, why was this guy again? Does he still want to come to trouble? Or do you plan to make yourself a bowl of noodles?

"Ah, Xiaobi raised it, it's quite heavy! Uncle can't call you, right? Hurry up and roll out the old sister-in-law, otherwise Uncle will disassemble your car into scrap iron every minute! Do you believe it?" Smiley Maier stared fiercely at the business car and said that there was a shiny big bag on his head, which was obviously hit just now.

Because the Buick car was stuck with a black film of hòuhòu, the smiley Maitreya could not see the look of the driver inside, so he did not take Xiao Chen at all, and did not notice that the commercial car was intact.

"Oh, do you want to fart?" Xiao Chen rolled down the window and looked at Maitreir coldly, and asked with a smile: "Your skin is itchy again, right? Still know that we ran for a day I'm hungry, so I waited on the road and planned to make us noodles? "

"Xiao ... Xiao Chen? Haven't you been chased and killed by Ma Zongji? Why are you here?" Seeing Xiao Chen in the business car, smiled Miller was dumbfounded, and asked Baba Baba. .

what's going on? Did n’t all the horseshoes issue martial arts hunting orders? Why did Xiao Chen dare to show up? This bear child is too brave, right? Are you scared?

It turned out that the smiley Maitreya appeared here and was preparing to enter the Qingyan school. He heard that Xiao Chen had been forced to become a bereavement dog and fled east and west, exulting in his heart. He remembered that he had lost face in the Qingyan school at that time. I took the opportunity to get back where I was, but I didn't expect that Than hadn't pretended, and actually met Xiao Chen, the unlucky child again!

"Oh, you say Ma Jiuhe! He learned a new trick called Jiufei. He originally wanted to show it to me, but he accidentally did not perform well. He flew straight from the fifteenth floor. Broken into meat. "Xiao Chen described it vividly, then shook his head and said with emotion:" Well, it's really sad. This story tells us that big moves are risky, so choose carefully! "

"What are you talking about ... he's dead?" Smiley Maitreya managed to understand what Xiao Chen was talking about, took a sigh of relief, and his facial expression was instantly distorted!

Although smiley Maitreya doesn't know much about the true strength of Ma Zhizhen, but it is the head of Kuishan faction. How can I say death? Isn't Xiao Chen's strength higher than that of Ma Shuzhen?

"Well, dead!" Xiao Chen nodded, and waved impatiently: "Don't you get ink, hurry up and perform knife noodles! There are more people in the car today, you need to make more bowls, be careful not to put I cut myself! "

呃 "Uh ... but in the wilderness, I don't have any noodles or cooking utensils on hand. Where can I go to make knife noodles for you?" Smiley Maitreya looked back, his face bitter.

"Isn't that going to Qingyan Pie right away?" Xiao Chen pointed to the mountains not far away, and said of course: "You can cook for us there! Anyway, you are familiar with that place, I just want to visit Just a second, it's very convenient! "

"Ah? This ..." smiled Maitreya for a moment, subconsciously looked at the bus, and then looked at Qingyan Mountain, his expression hesitated.

"Don't even think about escaping, I can catch up with you in minutes with a flying sword! Park the car and hurry up, I will be there later! When I arrive, you will have to prepare all the noodles, otherwise I will Let you perform a noodle fly! "Xiao Chen said coldly, as if she had penetrated the heart of Maitreya.

Just now, he has already used the consciousness to detect. There are many people in the front of the bus. Xiao Chen estimated it. Smile Maitreya brought so many people with it. He must be in trouble with the Qingyan faction, so he simply pushed the boat and pushed them up the mountain. go with.

I followed them to the Qingyan pie. On the one hand, I just watched them refuse to do bad things. On the other hand, I could inquire about their purpose here.

Xiao Chen can feel that the smiling Maitreya should not just come over to show off his strength, it seems that he deliberately hides nothing, or he will step on the Qingyan faction by himself, and bring their many disciples to dry fart?

"Yes, yes ..." Smiley Maitreya shook all over, but couldn't help it. She had to accompany the smiley face, and returned to the bus, first parked the car to the side of the road, and then led her to the direction of Qingyan Mountain.

As he walked, he was still wondering, how could this horse fall to death? What other flying performances does he have in the air? Is he mentally ill? I can't figure it out!

Although Smile Maitreya knew that he was not Xiao Chen's opponent, but he was not willing to be so restrained. Before Xiao Chen and his team hadn't kept up, he secretly contacted the martial arts of Neiwulin behind Huanxizong ~ www.readwn.com ~ This time, the smiley Maitreya came to the Qingyan School, and indeed had an unspeakable purpose. The family of Huanzong did not know where they heard. The Qingyan School found a treasure left by the Martial School in ancient times. It is the best Lingyu, so after he got the news, he was going to bring someone to rob him, but unexpectedly met Xiao Chen, the broom star!

"Hey, Maitreya, how is it going? Lingyu is here?" After smile Maitreya dialed the phone, there was a cold voice.

"Head of Zhuo, I'm having some trouble. Just arrived at Qingyan School today, that Xiao Chen appeared without knowing what! Now he and I are controlled by him, it's not easy to do it!" Smiley Maitrei helplessly reported Road.

"Xiao Chen! Why is he again? Isn't he chased and killed by Ma Xunzi? Why did he run away to Qingyan Pie? Did Ma Xunzi chase after him?" Zhuo asked with a frown, frowning.

"I'm not quite sure about this either. According to him, Ma Xunzhen learned a big move called Xunfei Fei, and then ..." smiled Maitreya dare not neglect, and quickly repeated Xiao Chen's words.

"What did you say ?! Ma Xunxing fell dead?" Zhuo head was stunned when he heard it. He had previously inquired that Ma Xunzhen was a master of ten levels of perfection! How could he fall to death?

"Yeah, that's what Xiao Chen said, and I don't think he's lying!" Smiley Maitre nodded and asked with a sad face: "Head of Zhuo, what do we do next? Xiao Chenzai Here, I am afraid that those spirit stones cannot be taken away, maybe ... I will be left behind! "(To be continued) []

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