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Chapter 980: Helper come again

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If you tell them all, you may still have a chance to survive now, but after you go back, you will definitely be killed by Zhuo extraordinary!

But if you do n’t say it, I do n’t even want to go back, I will be killed by Xiao Chen sooner or later! What should I do?

After embarrassing smiley Maitreya lingered for a while, he couldn't think of a better idea, so he went back downheartedly.

It seems that I can only go one step at a time, hoping that the two masters later can kill Xiao Chen and get out of the bitter sea sooner!

Smiley Maitreya didn't wait too long. In the evening of the day, the two great masters of Yinyun School brought a young girl to Qingyan School.

They first hid outside and observed for a while, and found that several disciples of Huanxizong were going in and out in the kitchen, as if preparing ingredients.

The three of them planned to go to the kitchen first, and asked the disciples to find out the whereabouts of the smiling Maitreya.

However, as soon as they stepped into the kitchen, they saw the smiling Maitreya standing in front of the cooktop to prepare dinner, but it was easy for them to go forward and report to their own school.

"It turned out to be the three elites of the Yinyun School! You are here at last, and I want to die for you!" Smiled Maitreya trembled all afternoon, and now seeing the three of them is happier than seeing her own mother and daughter!

The three people of Lu Yinyun looked at each other, and they were a little puzzled: Everyone was not familiar with this smiling Maitreya! Where does this "want to die" come from? Is it too warm?

Smiley Maitreya really did not pretend to act out, originally thought that only two people came, but did not expect that three came in one breath! It seems that Zhuo Feifan attaches great importance to Xiao Chen and Yun Lingyu! I'm saved now!

Smiley Maid observed it secretly, and found that the appearance of the two middle-aged men was very similar. They raised their hands and pitched their feet perfectly. It was estimated that they should be twins, and the other chick was quite beautiful, but they were attracted to the cloud. Smiley Maitreya didn't dare to make her idea, so she could only look at it a few more times to satisfy her.

After observing, smiley Maitreya smirked and greeted enthusiastically: "Under the smiley Maitreya, presumably the head of Zhuo has introduced me to several experts, I don't know how to call them?"

"Mozetti!" One of the twins, with a mole on his nose, glanced scornfully at the smiley Maitreya, and introduced himself coldly.

"No load oars!" Another man with a scar in his corner of his eyes, looking at the far side of the window with his hands in his hands, blankly reported his name.

"Uh ... since the two seniors did not want to give their names, the junior did not force them." Smiley Maitreya looked awkward and a little depressed.

I said that the monks in Neiwulin were very dragged. I finally learned this time, and I didn't even mention the name. What did I mention again and again? I also talked about classical Chinese. How can I continue to cooperate happily in the future?

"Oh, my name is Linger." Linger smiled very gently, explaining to the smiling Maitreya: "The two Uncle Mos usually don't like talking very much. They just made an introduction just now. Mo Zaiti, No-load paddles are their name. "

"Oh, this is the case! It was a junior misunderstanding, I'm sorry!" Smile Maitreya suddenly realized, cursing this ghost name in his heart, but on the surface it was still very enthusiastic and asked diligently: "I don't know how many people have eaten Is it supper? Would you like me to arrange someone to cook a light meal for you, and then fill up your stomach first? "

Ling Linger waved his hands and said, "Don't be too busy cooking, we are not here to eat, but let's talk to us about Xiao Chen first!"

Before Linger happened to follow her two uncles to practice in the inner martial arts. Zhuo Feifan sought someone to destroy Xiao Chen. He originally planned to call them Mo Zaiti and Mo Zai Paddle. Be active.

Zhuo Feifan knew that Ling Er and Xiao Chen had a good relationship. Thinking that Xiao Chen could kill the master of the seventh-level peak of the Devil, and he wanted to have two hits, he planned to let the two master disciples test it first. If the idea is really too hard, , And then send Linger to the show, show off the beauty plan to get Xiao Chen!

After all, it is very difficult for the Mo family brothers to upgrade to the complete success of King Wu. It is not necessary to fight for both losses. Anyway, Linger has used a beauty scheme before and brought the forging information. This time, it should be easy for Xiao Chen to hook!

"Okay! But I want to ask a bold question first, I don't know what the two seniors' level of practice is ..." smiled Maitreir tentatively.

Xiao Chen's method is weird. If the two people coming in are lower than Pan Xianzong, then there is no need to go!

Mo Zaiti and Mo Zai paddle both smiled at Maitreya, as if rebuking him for doubting his ability, Linger saw the situation is not good, and rushed to speak: "The two uncles are both the great strength of the King of War, absolutely no questionable."

"The two are really amazing! Then, as Linger girl said, let's solve Xiao Chen first, this is the thing ..." Smiley Maitreya was ecstatic, and quickly and simply said that Pan Xianzong was killed. , And then looked forward to watching the Mo family brothers, waiting for them to make a decision.

Two great masters of martial arts! This is too great! Xiao Chen must be farting this time!

"Cut, it's just a hairy kid, even if it is the devil level ~ www.readwn.com ~ where can it go? Can we escape our combined martial arts? Don't talk nonsense, hurry us to kill him, Zhuo's head is still waiting for the news! "Mo Zaiti waved his hands in disdain.

He can't wait to resolve Xiao Chen, and get things done sooner, so he can return to life sooner!

Mo Zaiti and Mo Zai Paddles have been growing up in Yinyun since they were young. Due to the strong telepathy of the twins, they usually fight each other and are several times stronger than normal two people!

Moreover, they are also excellent candidates to practice combined combat martial arts. With combined combat martial arts, they are even more powerful and domineering in the martial arts, so far they have not failed!

In the eyes of the Mo family brothers, Xiao Chen is already dead, so they are too lazy to waste time. On the one hand, they want to avenge Pan Xianzong as soon as possible, and on the other hand, they want to get Lingyu as soon as possible, so that they can return to the Yinyun School as soon as possible. His Holiness matters.

行 "Okay, two of you, please come with me, let's go find Xiao Chen's obscurity!" Smiley Maitreya quickly made a gesture of please, and took them to the living room of the club.

Smiley Maitreya ’s steps are floating at this time, and the mood is both shocked and excited. I did not expect that these two twins were not only the complete success of the king of war, but also combined martial arts!

You know, combined martial arts is not a simple one plus one equals two, but it is more than N times more than ordinary martial arts. I heard that as long as it is used well, even the lord can win! Not to mention Xiao Chen's little devil-level bunny? (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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