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Chapter 987: How on earth

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Item 0987

He groaned for a while, and found that there seemed to be only one girl who upgraded faster when using the dual mind training method for the first time, after which the effect was less obvious! What the **** is going on?

I couldn't think of an answer for a while, Xiao Chen gave up. Seeing that Linger was still in a state of despair, he winked at Qian Xue and pulled Linger to hug him gently.

Xi Qianxue understood Xiao Chen's glance, and was a little embarrassed at first, but seeing Ling Er's pitiful appearance and a little pity, he put it together ...

The two sisters of the Ling family, who had a complicated relationship, were a little shy at first, but later relaxed, and the room was full of moments.

"Hum!" Cheng Mengying originally intended to meditate on the side. After listening for a while, she couldn't take it anymore. She pulled up her face so red that she looked like an apple.

Along the way, Cheng Mengying pursed her lips, kicked her head down and kicked the stones on the ground, her mouth still humming, like a pig.

"Sister Mengying, just now ... why don't you participate? Don't you like it like Xiao Chen?" Tian acid soured for a while and finally couldn't help asking.

She was a little depressed in her heart. Just now, Xiao Chen and Sister Ling's sisters couldn't make it. She wanted to join in as soon as possible, but as soon as she was about to pounce, Cheng Mengying pulled her away!

"Cut, Sister Ben isn't rare! I want to participate in your participation, messy, what it looks like!" Cheng Mengying gave Tian Tian a sour look, she did not want to happen with Xiao Chen, just in so many She couldn't let go before people.

She thinks she is different from others, but she is Xiao Chen's fiancee! Even if you surrender yourself, under the premise that the atmosphere of the two people is romantic, how can you roll over the sheets with a lot of people?

"Really? Can Sour Sour Sister go?" Tian Suan Suan immediately stood up, blurted out in surprise, licked his lips secretly, and wanted to immediately turn his head and run back, and his mind was a little tangled.

In fact, she had no experience except watching a few films. She had previously put on a look of Xiao Chen in front of Xiao Chen. If she went like this, what would happen if Xiao Chen watched a joke? ?

Looking at Tian Suan's unexpected surprise and eager to try, Cheng Mengying, who was so angry, was amused, and she glared at her: "Go if you want to go! Why do you want me? I won't go anyway!"

"This ..." Tian Suan was struggling internally and wanted to go, but he was embarrassed to go. He turned around for thirty days, hesitated for a long time, and finally did not take that step.

Cheng Chengmengying can also be seen from the side, Tian Tiansuan is similar to himself, both belong to the small counselling package with a thief and courage, can not help but be funny and funny, she simply dragged her to continue walking in Qingyan Pie.

清 In the early morning of the next day, Xiao Chen went to Gu Chongyi and Zheng Xinxiang to leave, full of energy. His traveler took a few days off at Qingyan School, and the problems were resolved. He also wanted to go to Tianyu Mine as soon as possible.

Xiao Chen specifically asked Zheng Xinxiang and Gu Chongyi when he resigned, but neither of them knew where the entrance to Neiwulin was.

But Xiao Chen didn't take it seriously. Anyway, Jia Musen and Ling Er were both from Niewulin. They definitely knew how to go, so they left the Qingyan faction confidently and set off to Neiwulin according to Jia Musen's directions.

After turning over Qingyan Mountain, the road gradually became less good. The people walked for two days, passed through a primitive forest, and finally came to a valley.

The valley was shrouded in thick mist for a long time. The satellite map could not find the environment at all. Just a few steps, the mist was around. Even people holding hands couldn't see each other, and there was no signal on the mobile phone. Visibility Extremely low.

Xiao Chen and Cheng Mengying are indifferent. They are both cultivators. As long as they release their consciousness, they can still see clearly, but others ca n’t. They can only be careful and walk like a blind man on a mountain road with less than three meters of visibility on.

几次 On several occasions, Tian Tianran still stomped in the air and almost wrestled. Fortunately, Xiao Chen's eyes were almost helpless.

"Oh, what the **** is this place? Sour Sister's feet are almost broken, how long will it take to reach Neiwulin?" Tian Suan acid couldn't help complaining after being supported by his slippery feet again.

Although after this period of double repair, her strength has also improved, and she is no longer a little rookie on the level of the former warrior, but after all, she can't keep up with the physical strength of Xiao Chen and others. In this environment, she is even more afraid to run rampant. No way.

"Everyone take a break first, eat something, and replenish their strength." Xiao Chen squinted his eyes and looked far away, and found that there were two bifurcation roads in front of him. If he didn't know which one to go, he turned to ask Jiamusen: " Musen, look, which two roads are there to Jia's? "

"Uh ..." Jia Musen took two steps forward, took a closer look, and was a little dumbfounded, scratching his head and said, "I ... I don't know! I was accompanied by an elder when I came out, but wanted to If I want to go in again, I don't know what to do ... and I have lived in the secular world these years. I never even thought of going back to Jia's house, so the memory is even less clear. "

"That's it ... it's okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fortunately, I brought a substitute!" Xiao Chen didn't care too much, made a gesture to Linger please, and gave an appearance voice: "Student Linger, please shine brightly! Oh!"

Since Linger has come to the secular world several times, he must know the way, Xiao Chen feels that it is too wise to bring Linger to himself!

那 "That ... that ... we don't want the Yunyun faction to go in and out of Neiwulin from here! We have a special Neiwulin channel that goes in and out by sea." Ling Er blinked and said weakly.

Every time she came out of Neiwulin, she followed the mother-in-law of Nanshan or the martial arts uncle on a boat. She never crossed the land. Before, she thought Xiao Chen knew how to go, so she followed her obediently. Idea.

"Ah ?! How long will it be if we return to the original road and go the other way?" Xiao Chen suddenly felt suddenly, thinking that this time there were two people in the martial arts leading the way, surely foolproof, unexpectedly so troublesome! Too bad!

"It's not a problem near or far, mainly because we don't have a ship!" Ling Er said innocently: "And ... even if we get the ship, I don't know where to go ..."

Ling Ling's cheeks were a little reddish. When she came out of Neiwulin by boat before, she patronized the cultivation. She didn't pay attention to the direction of the boat, so she was confused at this time.

Xiao Chen was speechless. He was worried when he looked at the two forks. Although he could see the situation after the fog with his divine knowledge, he did not dare to walk around. In the case of so many people, he went to the wrong place and went further and further away. , That's a big problem! (To be continued) []

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