High Priest in Japan

Chapter 990: Event two

Half an hour later, in a relatively private restaurant in Shibuya district, Qin Heqing met the client of the incident, Sa Yuri Matsumura of Nogizaka.

But she is not the only one. Besides her, Ito Junna and Hori Miona and the other two who were also seen in the shooting scene of the Summer Special in the World Unbelievable section looked strange, but they should have come too. The girls of the group members were a little nervous among them, and I don't know if they were scared by the supernatural event and haven't recovered, or because they were with the seniors, they seemed more nervous.

"Jun Qin, I am sorry to call you suddenly at this time on the weekend, but we really can't think of other ways to solve the current trouble, so we can only disturb you." Sa Yuri Matsumura apologized immediately after meeting. Chong Qin and Qing apologized.

"You're too polite, Songcun, aren't we friends? Besides, it's still the weekend. Even if you don't call me, I guess you will stay at home and do other things. It's better to come out and take over the business. Extra gain." Qin Heqing comforted with a smile.

"Don't you tell me about these two?"

"Sorry, I was impolite. This is Endo Sakura, this is Tsutsui Aya, the back of me, Junna and Onana, and also the original victim of this supernatural incident." After a pause, he turned to Introduce them to the two, "Endo, Tsutsui, this is Qin and Qing Qinjun, I and Junna, Onna’s friends, but also a priest. It is the kind of priest who is truly capable of surrendering ghosts. We met this time. Whether the matter can be resolved or not depends on Qin Jun's ability."

"It's too exaggerated." Qin Heqing smiled.

"I'm Endo Sakura (Tsutsui Ayame). Please take care of me." The two younger generations did not dare to care about it, not only because of his status as a priest, but also because he was a friend of the three seniors. After falling, he stood up and bowed very formally.

"I am here." Qin Heqing also responded with a salute. Then he sat down again, looked at the people in Songcun and asked, "Let's talk about it, what problem you have encountered."

"Let me talk about it." Matsumura glanced at each other, and finally Ito Junna, who was relatively open, said with a wry smile.

Then, without hesitation, he quickly explained what happened to the Nogizaka members.

It's not very complicated, but in terms of weirdness, it's really not what ordinary spiritual phenomena can summarize.

So it's no wonder that Matsumura uses weird words when making calls.

What is the specific situation?

It’s also very simple. When they are members of Nogizaka who use mirrors—whether it’s a private vanity mirror, a bathroom mirror at home, or a makeup mirror in a theater dressing room or restroom, their images are all There have been changes in varying degrees.

For example, it is said that it was Endo Sakura who was the first victim of the whole incident. The image she saw in the mirror was a walking corpse that was about to fester!

And the most important thing is that the influence of that kind of image seems to still affect reality?

This not only refers to the emotions of insomnia, fear, anxiety, etc. after the fright, but also more substantive abnormalities that really happen to oneself like a curse——

For example, with the clarity of the image and the closer the distance between herself and herself in the mirror, Endo Sakura can clearly feel that her body is getting weaker and weaker and weaker.

Moreover, the body seems to be soaked in water for a long time, and swelling begins to appear on the spot...

Although some common swelling methods can be used to solve it later, the stress caused has greatly affected Endo Sakura’s performance in the team, making her performance worse and worse, and she has been taught to call it out. Talked alone.

So she was really worried that she would be taken out of the team because of this encounter, and she would be lost to everyone from then on.

Therefore, under extreme panic, her anomaly was finally discovered by a good friend, Aya Tsutsui, and asked what trouble she had encountered. At that time, Endo didn’t think much about it. He told Aya Tsutsui about his experience with the idea that one more person knew that he might find a solution. But he didn’t think about it. This became the fuse. Directly pulled Tsutsui Aya into the nightmare.

It's just a lot lighter, at least the image she sees in the mirror is not as bad as a walking corpse, but an old self...

"What about you guys?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

"It's okay for me that I have become a patient with pus all over my body." Junna Ito smiled bitterly.

"Disfigured..." Horikura said.

"I was the worst, and I became a ghost directly..." Matsumura Sayuri sighed.

"Does this kind of anomaly only appear at a specific time, or 24 hours a day, as long as you look in the mirror?" Qin Heqing carefully observed the five people in front of them, and found that some specious auras were indeed entwined with them. Asked again.

"In the beginning, it was only at night, but recently I don’t know whether it broke the critical point or other reasons. It started to appear even when I used the mirror during the day. And it was very close to me. The obstacle between reality appeared directly beside me." Endo Sakura hugged her body tightly and said with a trembling voice on her face.

"Then how many of you in Nogizaka have become its victims now?" Qin Heqing asked again after thinking about it.

"Except for the five of us, Kitano and Suzuki, who were staying with us at the time, knew about it. As for they didn't tell anyone else, then I don't know." Ito Junna replied.

"Let's ask. As weird things like urban legends, they all become stronger as they are spread. Therefore, in order to prevent it from becoming stronger, it is the main topic to immediately cut off the transmission channel." Qin Heqing explained.

"Okay~www.ltnovel.com~ I will call them to tell them." Ito Junna said simply.

"Then our problem is easy to solve?" Matsumura Shayouri asked after taking the conversation.

"It depends on the specific situation. But for now, it shouldn't be a big problem." Qin and the few people whose eyes all fell on them in Qin and Qing Dynasty smiled, and the words were full of relaxed and calm answers.

"That's good." Mr. Shayou Matsumura exclaimed.

"But before that, can I see your image in the mirror? That's the weird look?" After a pause, Qin Heqing looked at the four people except Ito Junna who left the private room to make a phone call.

"I'll come." Matsumura Sha Yuri glanced at Hori Miyo and two younger generations, and immediately said with the responsibility of the senior.


Then Qin Heqing stood up, walked around the table between several people, and walked to the side of Songcun Sha Yuri who also stood up.

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