High Priest in Japan

Chapter 998: More than defeated

I saw that in the dim dance studio where only candles were lit, a strange figure appeared abruptly in the mirror on both sides of the contrast mirror used to check whether the body and movement were in place, as if returning from a distance, gradually Drew into the boundary between the internal space and reality, and showed his own image more clearly in Qin Heqing’s eyes——

It's not that it's something abominable, or a terrible image full of abscesses. It's a human form! She also looks like a woman, but her dress and dress are very different, unlike ordinary people.

There are patterns all over her body, and she doesn't know whether it was the tattoo on her body, or it grew naturally on her body because of the awakening of the demon bloodline.

Bald head, red eyes, vertical eyes, if it is not dressed up, there is a clear difference from the supreme mage in Marvel movies-like Indian or Middle Eastern Persian dancers, there is only a tube top on her body, and the lower body is a veil like a cloth If it falls, it really feels a bit like a supreme mage.

Even if her skin is not fair, but like South Americans and Indians, she has a chocolate-colored skin that is close to black mixed race...

Then, with Matsumura Sha Yuri as the node, the black magic circle formed by the people of the Kitami Lihua Magic Association as the periphery suddenly lit up, and billowing black smoke appeared above the crowd, tumbling like clouds and mist, exuding strange and yet strange The cold breath.

"Great demon, your followers are here calling you, eager for you, and show your true body before our eyes!" Kitami Lihua raised her head and looked at the black cloud on the ceiling, posing as an ancient Egyptian worshipping the sun. , That is, open your hands and raise them up, calling out as if to embrace something.

"Please show up!" the others echoed.

Then the black cloud shook, and a pair of eyes with vertical red pupils appeared in the whirlpool created by the black cloud, like a god, overlooking the people who were performing the ceremony.

"Great demon!"

"Send the sacrifice to the mirror." The eyes in the whirlpool were silent for a moment, and suddenly, the voice was erratic, and it sounded like thousands of people in the dance studio.

"Yes." Bei Jian Lihua responded.

Then turned his head, Sha Yuri Chongmatsu village made a color, and ordered the members of the magic association outside, "Bring them to the mirror."

"Yes." The girls of the association members responded and handed out what they were holding and walked to the side of Sayuri Matsumura, grabbing their arms and shoulders, and walking towards the mirror on the west side as if escorting a prisoner... …


Two steps.

Three steps.

But just as they were a little more than a meter away from the mirror, and when they were about to be sent to the front of the mirror, Sakura Endo among the few who participated in the ceremony suddenly struggled violently, and while struggling, the face was full of fear. He shouted, "No, I don't want to go there, I want to go home! You are not solving the problem at all, but you are going to turn us into sacrifices to the devil to complete your aspirations! Let me go! "

In an instant, the expressions of the remaining Matsumura Shayouri changed, and their steps stopped, and hesitated thoughts.

"Is it possible that what Endo said is true?!"

But think about what Qin Heqing is...

Uh...As ordinary friends who have only talked on LINE and have never seen it a few times in reality, they know how good Qin Heqing's character is?

Not to mention, apart from the three of them, Sa Yuri Matsumura, Juna Ito, and Miyo Hori, the others had never been in contact with Qin Heqing.

So if something happens to use their trust to undermine them, it's not impossible!

Even if they are not ordinary people, they are all idols.

Immediately several people also struggled, but they said that they no longer leaned in front of the mirror as if they could touch the mirror with their arms.

"This is really..." Qin Heqing couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

"Do it!"

Immediately there was no sound. A few electric lights shot into the cloud and vortex on the ceiling. With a flash, they turned into a special chain made entirely of energy, which suddenly tightened and appeared. In the hands of Yue'er who appeared.

"Get me down!"

Then Yue'er twisted and pulled, and as soon as she reached the pitch-black figure that looked no different from the mirror, she was forcibly pulled out of the whirlpool by Yue'er, and fell to the ground with a loud "boom".

Suddenly, Matsumura Sha Yuri, who was resisting, was shocked, stopped the uncooperative struggle, and once again his body was controlled by the members of the Kitami Lihua Association.

"Bring them here!" Saeki Kaori shouted quickly.

After hearing this, the members knew that it was not time to watch the excitement, so they pushed a few people from Songcun and walked towards the door quickly.

But within two steps, the situation in the entire room changed again——

I saw the magic light burst on the magic circle that was always running and no one paid any attention. The more intense light and dark dark energy burst out from the magic circle like a blowout, like a flash bomb, all in an instant. People are deprived of sight.

Then the dark energy dissipated and reversed the energy balance in the dance studio.


"Ah! Help!" I don't know who shouted.

Qin Heqing didn't hesitate about this. He moved with his heart, and his whole body appeared near the voice out of thin air. With a probing hand, he grabbed the person in his hand, and the power exploded, pushing the enemy back away.

Then the abnormal changes in the entire dance studio calmed down, and Yue'er and Qin Heqing's sights also recovered through the protection of their internal strength.

"Running." Seeing that his hand was broken into half, the energy chain that had originally half wrapped around the devil had collapsed and dissipated, Yue'er said with unhappy hatred.

"See if there are fewer people." Qin Heqing didn't care about so many, and quickly scanned the members in the dance studio.

"All there." Yue'er replied.

"That's good." Qin Heqing exclaimed.

Then Saeki Kaori turned on the light again~www.ltnovel.com~ so that everyone can regain their eyesight and capture the current situation.

For example, the person holding Qin Heqing at this time turned out to be Iwamoto Renka, who was walking at the end of the team. After noticing his embarrassment, he quickly let go of Qin Heqing’s waist, his cheeks were slightly red, but he walked away from Qin Heqing without loss of fear. open.

"All right," Qin and the people of Qing Dynasty asked.

"I'm sorry, it's all our bad." Matsumura Shayouri calmed down his breath that had become short because of tension, and apologized to Qin Heqing full of guilt.

"Forget it, I blame us for not saying clearly beforehand." Qin Heqing looked at her, then at Endo Sakura, whose face was full of anxiety, waved his hand and said noncommittal.

"It's just that I want to use this method to draw the demon out later, but it's impossible."

"Then what should I do?!" Ito Junna asked after hearing the words.


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