High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1006: 2

"You are right, we are really not ordinary people." Qin Heqing glanced at Yongmei Fukada in surprise, and sighed.

Should it be said that no loss is a guy who can get to the top in a certain circle, even if it looks like a woman who is ignorant and can make money as long as she lie down, she is still in a critical moment, or in her bones. Being shrewd, it is no wonder that Tian Haiyi and Tomoda Ayaka have been able to do so and become the first person in the industry on Twitter.

It really wasn't for nothing.

"Then do you have a way to get rid of the slit girl? As long as I can, whether it is money or me, I am willing to pay any price!" Fukada Yongmei's eyes lit up, and she asked eagerly.

"You have let go. Are you afraid that we lie to you?" Qin Heqing blinked and asked in surprise.

"Just like you said, you don't want my money or my people, so what's the point of making up lies to deceive me?" Fukada Yomi looked at him with a wry smile. He replied, "What's more, I have already reached this point. Even if you are lying to me, I have no other way. I can't even refuse the last hope just because of a little scruples?"

"I don't want to die yet."

"It seems that you have indeed made up your mind. If so, then I will not lie to you, we do have a way to save your life, but..."

"But what?" Fukada Yumi asked impatiently.

"But it depends on the degree of fusion between you and the slit woman. If it is very light, then there is still a chance to drive the slit woman away from you, allowing you to regain a free body, but if it is very heavy..." Qin Heqing stopped knowing whether it was intentional or wanted to observe, making Fukada Yongmi's look worried about hearing the answer, and asked anxiously, "What will happen?"

"That probably can only seal her in your body, from now on as a part of your body to live with you until you die." Qin Heqing replied.

"Then will I become a slither again, or go out to harm people when I don't know it?" Fukada was silent for a while, and asked again.

"That won't be true. After all, at that time we had already sealed the Gap Girl. As long as there were no accidents or something wrong with the seal, then she would no longer be able to use your body to harm people while you were alive. I can promise." Qin Heqing shook his head.

"As long as it can be guaranteed that she will not affect my life, then even if she stays with me in the future, I am willing to accept it." Fukada Yumi considered it for a while, and replied firmly.

Of course, she also had no choice.

After all, if you really get to that point, you will lose your life, who cares if there is a monster in your body?

As long as she can survive, she can accept it even if the situation is a little worse.

"Then when do we start?" Fukada Yongmi asked eagerly.

"Are you ready?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.

"Okay." Fukada Yumi was shocked, and hurriedly closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calming herself down, and then opened her eyes again and stood up after a while.

"Then drink this." Qin Heqing threw a bottle of sake over and said.

Yes, a bottle, a whole bottle of sake equivalent to a champagne bottle.

After all, the target of this expulsion is the rip girls who have already become climatic, rather than the exogenous evil remaining in the living body, so the amount of Gozen Sake that needs to be used is naturally different from that at that time, more and more continuous.

"All?" Fukada Yumi asked strangely, catching the sake bottle with both hands.

Not to mention that she has a good amount of alcohol, but even if she can do it again, she can hardly fill a bottle of about 650ml of sake with a degree of 40% without any food or drink. It is not a task that ordinary people can bear. Okay, but I will die here directly.

"Yes." Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, I'll drink it." Fukada Yumi was silent, and after watching Qin Heqing deeply, she didn't ask why she had to drink so much sake. She pulled the cork of the bottle openly and drank with her head up to the bottle. ——

"Tons, tons, tons..."

Soon, the sake, which was equivalent to a small porcelain bottle in an izakaya, was drunk by Fukada Yomi.

Then Yumi Fukada paused for a while, then raised the bottle again and gulped it down.

And as the wine entered, her whole person was like a fairy and a soul in a film and television drama, and a dim light gradually appeared all over her body, which was sacred and beautiful under the sunlight of the world in the pot.

"Puff...cough cough cough cough..."

However, the next moment, Yumi Fukada, who was drinking heavily, changed her expression. As she opened her mouth to squirt out the drink that she had not had time to swallow, she also bent over and coughed violently.

"Okay, it hurts..." Fukada Yongmei frowned, grabbed the wine bottle in her hand, and looked up at the opposite Qin Heqing in pain.

And this is just her body reaction. As for going further, the abnormal situation that directly appeared to her was undetectable because she was the person involved and was caught by Qin Heqing.

how is it like?

It's simple. It is similar to the state when the monsters in the domestic fairy tale film and television drama want to show their prototypes. Under the real shell of Fukada Yongmei, the illusory image of the rift girl gradually emerges from her, and looks like a phantom like Fukada Yongmei's. People overlap.

To put it bluntly, it's like a dual image with unreal pixels, and it feels weird.

"It can be seen."

"Don't stop, continue drinking." Qin Heqing commanded without any sympathy.

Yumi Fukada was silent and gritted her teeth-as if she was taking a special film, she raised the bottle again, and while forcibly enduring the pain that came from the depths of the bone marrow, he went again The sake in the bottle was poured in his mouth.

"It seems that she has good luck~www.ltnovel.com~ The fusion of the rift girl and her is not as deep as I and Sadako, and she is saved." Seeing this, Ayukawa said in a rather enviable tone. .

"What? Envy?" Qin Heqing stretched out his hand to wrap around Ayukawa's waist and said while looking at Yongmi Fukada who was undergoing the dual test of ice and fire.

"To be honest, there are some." Ayukawa did not deny, nodded slightly and admitted. After a while, he continued, "But I don't hate life now. Even if I spend most of the time in your area, I will only be near you."

"...Speaking of this, I have an idea recently." Qin Heqing was silent for a while, shook his head and said slowly.

"What?" Ayukawa asked in surprise.

"I'm going to release you and Hojo Soun and others together after the matter at hand is resolved, so that you can move freely." Qin Heqing told the arrangement he had thought about for a long time.

"Let's move freely? Why?" Ayukawa was surprised, and then asked somewhat puzzledly.

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