High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1008: Late night attack

And when Qin Heqing and Yue'er were discussing whether or not, and how to install Fukada Emi, the western island country, in Okinawa, the largest island of Ryukyu that belonged to the former Ryukyu Kingdom, there were hundreds or thousands of ghosts and spirits. It came out of the sea abruptly. Without stopping, he dived into the water again and moved towards the largest military facility on the Okinawa Island under the cover of the sea like a water ghost.

"My lord, according to the scout's investigation, there are still about five miles away to the base of the bald eagle." At the same time, a ghost dressed like a ninja floated to the weaver riding on the dolphin. Tian Xin Changhui reports.

"How is the opponent's defense?" Oda Nobunaga nodded and asked rhetorically.

"Very relaxed, except for a few clear sentries, no existence that can pose a threat to us has been found." The ninja replied.

"Is there no pastor?" Oda Nobunaga refused.

"At least for the time being, there is no sign of the existence of a cross priest in the base."

"Then look again! I don't want any unexpected factors related to our rebuilding of mountains and rivers, do you understand." Oda Nobunaga narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.


Then the ninja disappeared, and the situation on the Okinawa base was investigated again.

"My lord, the base is here, do you want to attack?" Not long after that, a burly man who should be a general floated over and asked Oda Nobunaga.

"What time is it now?" Oda Nobunaga asked back.

"It's almost two quarters." The general replied.

"It's seven o'clock... wait a minute, wait until 11 o'clock in the evening, that is, after the time has passed, the action will begin." Oda Nobunaga thought.


Then the army was silent, and because of the existence of ghosts and monsters that could not be explained by modern science, the equipment in the base, whether it was acoustic waves or magnetic phase array radar, failed to detect their existence.

Even if there is unexplainable noise and interference on the device display.

But also because of the confidence in the base, or the power of the country represented behind the base, he did not take it seriously. Only when it is the influence of ocean currents, I ignore the past, still thinking about my own affairs with a relaxed attitude——

For example, where to go for recreation after get off work.

Or someone to drink with...

Therefore, under this relatively loose guard, the guards in charge of patrols and guards did not know that in their undetectable vision, a few ghosts dressed exactly like the ninjas in the film and television dramas were unexpected. 'S emerged from the ground of the base, looked left and right, then separated from each other, and investigated the entire base...

Until they figure out everything they want to know.


"My lord, the investigation has made it clear that there is no real priest in the bald eagle's base." He appeared on Oda Nobunaga's side again, watching Nobunaga play with the dolphin entertainment and entertainment.

"There is no real priest. What do you mean?" Oda Nobunaga let go of the dolphin he was tossing about, and he turned to question the ninja.

As for the dolphins, naturally they escaped Oda Nobunaga as soon as they were free, and disappeared into the vast ocean...

"After investigation by the young people, although there are clergymen named pastors in the base, there is no power in those pastors that we are afraid of. This also includes the so-called churches in the base. The sacred attributes are very weak and completely unstoppable. We entered the base, so the little one said that there is no real priest in the base." The ninja replied.

"Tsk, even an orthodox priest does not exist. It seems that the situation on the ground is really the same as Yano said, it is a mysterious and hidden society." Oda Nobunaga said with tongue "but this is good, it is convenient for us. action."

"If the order is passed down, the whole army is ready. After half an hour, we will officially launch an attack on the base!"


Then the whole army moved, and under the leadership of their respective generals, began to act according to the plan.

Until half an hour later.

"Offensive!" Oda Nobunaga drew his sword and shouted.


Then the army broke out, attacking the entire Bald Eagle base from the ocean, underground, and all directions.


"FK, what the **** are these special things?"

"my Lord!"

"Mom, I want to go home."

Then, fierce guns rang out, completely breaking the noise of Okinawa, and frightening all the local residents——

What are they doing? Kill?


"What? The base in Okinawa was attacked by a ghost!?" In the office of the director at the top of the headquarters building of the Bureau of Countermeasures, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, the new director said with an unbelievable face. The staff over there confirmed, "Are you sure you are not here? Joking about Halloween with me?"

"Director, I'm not kidding. I'm on the scene right now. The scene can be said to be very bad. If you still don't believe it, should I use a video to broadcast it to you?"

"Okay, let's start the live broadcast."

With that, the director picked up the phone and waited for the other party's communication request.

And this time is not long, only about ten seconds, a video call request jumped out of his mobile phone interface.

The director did not hesitate, immediately connected to the contact, and looked at the picture presented on the screen——

I saw a group of police cars and policemen, as well as a large number of unrelated personnel and the so-called news media, gathered near the entrance of a huge base. The police formed a fence and fenced off unrelated people and news media who wanted to come forward to find out. .

It's just that the effect is not great, because the situation on the base is too lively. The sound of machine guns and explosions were too much like infighting or armed conflict. So no matter what, residents and news media who care about the situation inside want to get through to get first-hand news materials.

Even if ~www.ltnovel.com~ they really broke through, they are likely to be dealt with by the security of the base as dangerous elements...

"How about the casualties!" Seeing this, the Secretary's face changed uncontrollably, and his eyes were filled with serious questions from the staff on the opposite side of the phone.

"It's not clear. But from the current situation, it should be very unoptimistic. After all, their opponents are ghosts. They are a group of existences that can't be destroyed with heat weapons. With their resource reserves, I can only say wish Good luck for them."

"How many people are there now? I mean how many people belong to us." The director asked.

"At least one member of the brigade is on standby here. And I have notified the Kyushu branch. If there are no problems, there should be a lot of support here later."

"I see. You first help the police at the scene to stabilize residents and news personnel as much as possible. I will contact the cabinet first and let them contact the base headquarters in Tokyo to obtain entry permits so that you can go in and rescue people."

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