High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1019: undercurrent

"Thanks to that Qin Jun, although there are many problems in Tokyo, they are still under control, and they have not exceeded expectations, or incidents and disasters involving large groups of people have occurred." Mr. Tanaka Said with a wry smile.

"Then why doesn't your appearance look right? Why? Could it be that something new has happened in Tokyo?" The director was not relieved, but frowned.

"There is indeed something unexpected." Tanaka affirmed.

Then, without waiting for the director to ask questions, he took the initiative to explain again, "It is still related to the Qin Jun who is entrusted by us. According to the document just passed from Tokyo, in addition to the rain girl we know, there is another There are five suspected A-level supernatural disasters who have appeared under his hand, and one of them is Jianshan Huangquan, who we have determined to be completely dead before, so I don’t know what attitude I should treat this self. Since the establishment of the Countermeasures Bureau, the only special existence that can determine that its strength and qualifications are comparable to the legendary Great Onmyoji Ape Qingming."

"The intelligence is true?" The director confirmed with a serious expression.

"The situation of the others is not quite clear, but the liaison officer I arranged with Qin Jun about Huangquan, Akira Mahato personally saw and personally confirmed." Mr. Tanaka nodded solemnly.

"How is our relationship with each other now?" The director was silent for a while before asking Tanaka again.

"It can only be said to be average. Although it is not hostile, it did not make him feel good about us."

"Then it seems that this little guy is still a very shrewd person." After a pause, the director continued, "From what you know about him, can you tell what he is interested in?"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, he seems to have a demand for special materials containing the elements of the five elements, and the demand is great. What do you mean..."

"Then take this opportunity to take out the special materials stored in the game as much as possible to satisfy him! Even if he can't make him feel good about our game, let him understand that our game is what he can The best object of cooperation." The director resolutely said.

"Then how much is the right amount?"

"As long as the needs of the bureau can be guaranteed, as soon as the float becomes the bottom line, you can call the rest."

"Okay, then I know how to do it." Tanaka said.

Then he was silent for a long while before he asked hesitantly, "Director, do you think we need to transfer Qin Jun here?"

"Do you want him to participate in this matter?" The director frowned.

"Yes." Tanaka nodded.


"There are two main reasons: one is that in the next battle, our existing manpower is already obviously insufficient, and coupled with the complex environment of the city, it is difficult to rely on the current number and strength of the personnel involved. How much results have been achieved in the battle. The second is Qin Jun’s subordinates. Although we are still not sure whether other people except Yu Nu and Huang Quan are really capable of comparable to the A-level disaster, they must be strong. This generation can be used to gain a certain degree of advantage in urban warfare, and then use a point to break the face to strengthen the attack effect on the Oda Army. So if possible, I not only want Qin Jun and his men to come over, I also I hope that other consultants in the bureau can also come and participate in this battle." Tanaka expressed his thoughts in a hearty manner.

"Consultants... Are you talking about those social casualties who are called consultants, who are actually the same as Qin Jun, and are not as strong as Qin Jun?" The director twitched his lips and sneered.

"And the clergy of those shrines and temples."

"It's just that you have ever thought that if you really want to do this, what will our countermeasure bureau look like in the group of extraordinary people." The director squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"This..." Tanaka hesitated, completely speechless.

Indeed, this is so convenient that it is convenient, but it will also give these participants, the clergy of the shrines and temples that are not part of the countermeasure bureau an impression that the countermeasure bureau is weak, or even just so!

This is nothing in the ordinary, but at the moment when the curse of the forbidden road returns, and the all-round and countermeasure bureau has begun to grab political support, it will cause a serious blow to the prestige of the countermeasure bureau.

So if it is not a last resort, it is better not to use this method lightly.

Even if the consequence of this is that Okinawa or the future island country will have a large number of innocent casualties...

"So let's do this first. After fighting with the Oda army scattered into the city, then consider whether to invite those people over." The chief sighed, got up, and patted Mr. Tanaka on the shoulder and said in a long voice.

"Everything depends on the decision of the Director."


At the same time, in another office in another place, with the setting sun, the whole office seemed to have entered a foreign land, and the feeling suddenly became different.

But that is only for the extraordinary personnel at the level of Qin Heqing and the elite combatants of the Countermeasures Bureau. For ordinary people in them, they did not notice any abnormalities. They still worked, chatted, and talked as usual. A daily topic of where to go for pastime after get off work.

Until, a man sitting in the office named Executive got up and walked to the door.

"Huh?" Bald, with a forty-something appearance, frowned like a wretched middle-aged man, and once again raised the door in front of him.

Click, click, and click.

But no matter what he tried, the door seemed to be locked, and he refused to leave the door frame.

This made him very upset, he couldn't help but walk to the blinds next to the office, and his probe looked outside——

As a result, no one was playing pranks with him, and the door was really locked by itself.

Unexpectedly, the man had to knock on the window of his office, trying to attract the attention of people outside and help himself solve the problem of the door.

But it’s a pity ~www.ltnovel.com~ seems to be isolated from the world. No matter how he knocks on the glass or the door of the room, the staff, who is clearly only one meter away from him, seem to be unable to hear him, nor can he detect his unusual movements. , Still maintaining the original posture, talking and laughing there, even if he looked up at his position, it seemed that he hadn't seen him at all, so naturally he skipped over and continued to chat.

This made the man very angry, he couldn't help but walked back to the desk, picked up the phone and called the inside line.

He didn't believe it and couldn't make the call.

However, the result was beyond his expectation. The landline used as the company's internal communication facility really failed to make a call, as if the telephone line was cut off, and no sound echoed.

Then the man's complexion changed slightly and took out his phone, wanting to see if he even had to fight him with the phone...

"Do you feel desperate?" Just as the man put down the phone with a decadent expression and sat down, an inexplicable strange voice was full of jokes and abruptly rang in the closed office, frightening the man. Jump, his face turned pale, and he exclaimed in horror, "Who, who is talking!?"

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