High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1021: So stupid

"Let me introduce to you. This is Kyoko Yokoyama. She will take over for me in the next time to relay the help information from the Bureau of Countermeasures." At about 10 o'clock in the middle of the night, Akira Maeto will be the same. Xiaoxi put on a short skirt, but the pantyhose on her legs turned into flesh-colored chestnut hair and introduced it to Qin Heqingdao.

"Xingzi, this is the person you will be responsible for next, Qin Heqing, Qin Jun." Following that, Mato Akatsuki said to Yokoyama Kyoko next to him.

"Hello, I am Yokoyama Kyoko des, please give me your advice." Yokoyama Kyoko also bowed to Qin Heqing very cheerfully, greeting him heartily.

"Sure enough, she is a beautiful woman." Qin Heqing looked at each other up and down for a while and smiled with satisfaction.

"Beauty, do you mean me?" Yokoyama Kyoko blinked and said in surprise.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Qin Heqing asked with a smile.

"No, there is no problem. I am indeed a beautiful woman. I just didn't expect you to be so direct. You will praise me as soon as you meet. To be honest, it's really embarrassing." Yokoyama Kyoko wiped herself. On the cheek, she said with a bit shy but narcissistically.

"Yes, I like your character very much, at least it's much more interesting than the real one." Qin Heqing laughed.

"Why, Akatsuki also said very interestingly." Yokoyama Kyoko carefully glanced at the expressionless Mato Akatsuki, and said with a smile.

"It seems that the two of you have a very good relationship, so if I report it now, I will let Kyoko be in charge of contacting you from now on, and I will do other things?" Seeing that I was affected by Chi Yu's real household His complexion remained unchanged, but his tone was neither salty nor indifferent.

"Yeah, Akatsuki said angrily..." Kyoko Yokoyama stuck out her tongue, as if to speak to herself, but her voice was just loud enough to be heard by other people in the room.

"No, I refuse." Qin Heqing refused without hesitation. "I said that I am very interested in you. I can't allow you to leave my sight until you are under attack."

"Ah, do adults like Akatsuki?" Yokoyama Kyoko exclaimed as if she had discovered some secret, covering her small mouth.

"Shut up!" Yokoyama Kyoko whispered, staring silently.

"Yeah, do you have any good suggestions for me to take her down in advance?" Qin Heqing smiled and looked at Kyoko Yokoyama, who was really warned, and covered his mouth with his hands not to speak. .

Yokoyama Kyoko didn't answer, but she kept looking at Mado Hou who was beside her with her eyes, as if she was afraid that he would be killed if he said more, it was also interesting.

"Too lazy to care about the two of you. I'm leaving. I will come over to take over at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. I hope Kyoko will be as happy as you are now." After saying that, Akira Mahato really ignored the two of them. Head, turned and went to the outside office.

"Wait, Senior Akatsuki, I'll see you off." Yokoyama Kyoko finally stopped pretending to be dumb when seeing this, and quickly followed.



"Unexpectedly, there will still be such a living treasure in the countermeasures bureau." Qin Heqing, who watched the two leave his office, smiled lightly.


"Senior, is there anything worth paying attention to for the target of this mission?" At the same time, in the corridor leading to the gate of the clubhouse, there was no joy in the office at this time, only a solemn face remained. Yokoyama Kyoko asked Mato Akatsuki, who was half a step ahead of her.

"I said you, is it really necessary to pretend to be silly and sweet in front of the mission goal? Being careful is counterproductive. In the end, you can't find a place to complain when you pit yourself." Akatsuki Mato also sighed, looking helplessly. Asked her back.

Obviously, the relationship between the two of them is really good, otherwise it is impossible for the real householder to know that Kyoko Yokoyama still has such a shrewd and capable connotation under the silly appearance.

"Well, I'm used to it. If it's really useful, wouldn't I make it?" Yokoyama Kyoko chuckled and responded with a little cunning.

"It's up to you, it's already like this anyway." Mado Akatsuki shook his head.

After a meal, he told Yokoyama Kyoko what he had observed during the day.

"As for the purpose of the task, how should I put it... The temper is quite good. It will not get angry easily, nor will it be easy because other things are not pleasing to the eye. Of course, it may be that we are currently exposed The things that can't arouse his anger, so he is so peaceful and ordinary, but his character is very problematic!"

"There is a problem? What's the problem." Yokoyama Kyoko asked in surprise.

"Didn’t you see it just now? That guy is just a hooligan! So you must be careful when you stay with him, don’t let her take advantage of him, then you will be true There's nowhere to cry." Akatsuki Mato warned Yokoyama Kyoko with a serious face.

"Senior Akatsuki is taken advantage of by him?" Yokoyama Kyoko asked in surprise.

The emotions revealed in his eyes were full of gossip, and he almost jumped out of the little devil directly to his face, and kept urging him on the well-known face.

"That guy..." Mato Akatsuki gritted his teeth and said in a bitter voice, "That guy spanked my **** when I was not paying attention! Except when I was a child, no opposite **** has ever spanked my ass."

"Huh, haven't Akatsuki ever made a boyfriend?" Yokoyama Kyoko asked more and more interested.

But he completely forgot about Qin Heqing's affairs, and turned to care about the well-known gossip.


Fortunately, Madokura didn't give it for nothing. After saying "No", he immediately recovered, staring at Kyoko Yokoyama and said, "We are talking about Qin Heqing! It is not my private life."

"Yes, yes, I see, I will pay more attention to Akatsuki." Yokoyama Kyoko said bored.

Isn’t it just taking advantage~www.ltnovel.com~ So what's the matter? If you are really taken advantage of, you can find it! The other party is not bad, has a face, has money, and has high strength. It is completely the best boyfriend candidate for our special professional group staff!

Why not give it to him?

Even Yokoyama Kyoko has already figured it out. If Qin and Halal can't help themselves to take advantage of them, then give it to him! He even took the initiative to seduce the other party to take advantage, in order to complete his ambition of catching the beetle-in-law, completely break away from the current work and become his full-time wife.

"Okay, you go back, remember to pay more attention to that person's intelligence." Matoaki who had already walked to the door asked again.

"Yes, I will pay attention." Yokoyama Kyoko also said seriously.

Then the two separated until Akatsuki Mado completely disappeared from Yokoyama Kyoko’s sight. Yokoyama Kyoko took a brisk step, returning to Qin Heqing’s office like a carefree silly Baitian, and becoming him again. Interim administrative secretary.

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