High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1028: Amakusa

"Finally it's done." Qin Heqing exhaled and summoned the eight-handed sword that flew out. At the same time, he remembered the male human who had been photographed by Ms. Higurashi from nowhere, and said to Ayukawa, "Ayukawa, go See if that guy is saved."

As he said, he gestured with his chin to the male body lying on the ground, seemingly dead.


Ayukawa nodded, and walked towards the affected man.

"Yue'er, check your surroundings and see if the ghost domain is lifted, if..." Qin Heqing, who had finished ordering Ayuchuan, turned his head and said to Yue'er next to him. Only halfway through, I was interrupted by a sudden noise——



Then Qin Heqing and Yue'er turned their heads and looked at the place where the sound came from-it turned out to be the place where Ayukawa was!

It's just that the situation is terrible. A **** palm sticks out of Ayukawa's back, soaked in blood, and disappears into Ayukawa's body the moment Qin and Qing look over it.


Ayukawa flew upside down and shot towards Qin Heqing.

Yue'er stepped forward and took Ayukawa down.

Then, the marble underneath the man who should have been dead softened, ripples like water waves, and the whole person sank below like a sunken corpse.

"Where to go!" Qin Heqing yelled and shook his finger. The marble swamp immersed in the male body instantly stopped, the ground became hard again, and the male body was forcibly embedded in the ground.

Five Elements Spells-Point the earth into steel!

After Qin Heqing's arm moved again, the eight-handed sword that still maintained the shape of the eight-faced Han sword shot out from his hand again, like a stream of light, it shot the man's body in the blink of an eye, blasting him to pieces. .


The red lotus-like flame rose, and the miserable screams also rang in the void.


It was the voice of Miss Higurashi who should have been suppressed by him!

However, it didn't last much time. It was only two or three seconds, and it was no longer heard. The entire space was like a mirage about to disappear, becoming indifferent in a rippling ripple.

"The ghost domain has disappeared." Yue'er reminded when she took out her phone and glanced at the signal on it.

"Then it seems that this time this time, Miss Higurashi has really been dealt with. We may have only dealt with her clone before. It is indeed a guy who can run out of hell. The methods are really weird and changeable. It seems that in the future When you encounter this kind of person again, you have to pay more attention." Qin Heqing said with emotion.

After a while, he turned to look at Ayukawa "How are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ayukawa shook his head.

"Really?" Qin Heqing asked again uncertainly.

"Yeah." Ayukawa smiled affirmatively.

"That's good. Okay, let's go down too." Qin Heqing said in a long breath.

After that, the three of them did not hesitate to take the elevator on this floor back to the lobby on the first floor, passing through the original lively but now dead silence. Both the hotel staff and visitors were unconscious, suspiciously dead and scattered all over the ground lobby. Arriving outside the hotel, Kyoko Yokoyama, who was waiting anxiously, and the person in charge of the Chiyoda Ward Branch of the Countermeasures Bureau, Hiroshi Aoba, appeared again.

"Come out!" Yokoyama Kyoko with sharp eyes immediately exclaimed in surprise.

Then quickly stepped forward to meet Qin Heqing.

"The matter is resolved?" Aoba Haozhi, who also followed up, asked expectantly.

"Well, it's solved. You can now call someone in to help the customers inside, but..." Qin and Qing Dynasty Qingye Haozhi explained.

"Just what?!" Hearing this, Qingye Haozhi's heart shook, and he asked in a hurry with some anxiety.

"The situation may not be too good." Qin Heqing sighed.

"..." Qingye Haozhi was stunned, and then didn't dare to talk to Qin He Qingduo, and immediately shouted at the men who were guarding aside, "Come on, come in with me to save people!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the reaction of the subordinates, he hurried past Qin Heqing and got into the hotel first.

"Very bad?" Hengshan Xingzi first followed Qin Heqing aside, and then asked with a slightly hesitant expression.

"Very bad." Qin Heqing affirmed.

"A lot of people died?" Yokoyama Kyoko asked again with a change of expression.

"I don't know, but..." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly, "You should wait for Qingye and the others to ask."

"Alright." Yokoyama Kyoko nodded her head and agreed.

"Then we are now..."

"Go back, anyway, even if you leave, you can still receive the news, then there is no need to stay here to get the eyes out and affect Captain Qingye and their actions." Qin Heqing decided.


Immediately, the two of them didn't make a lot of nuisance here, they returned to the helicopter when the branch members were busy, and bid farewell to the Ayukawa who was left to continue suppressing Chiyoda District, and took the helicopter back to the clubhouse in Setagaya Ward.

No matter what happened after that night, Qin Heqing slept peacefully until dawn...


At this time, let’s talk about the other side, in the martyrdom park in Amakusa City in Kyushu and Nagasaki Prefecture to commemorate the martyrdom of Amakusa Shiro and other celebrities, accompanied by a burst of fire, one is full of Oriental style and full of Western magic The huge magic array expands around the entire Martyr Park, like a big net, covering the nearly two hundred meters surrounding the Martyr Park.

The dim light flickered, awakening many residents who were sleeping around.

"Which bastard, turned on such a strong light in the middle of the night?!"

"What's so bright."


Then beams of light rose up, like a passage connecting heaven and earth, connecting heaven and earth.

"Sacrifice here ~ www.ltnovel.com~ the people of Amakusa who are sleeping here, believers of Chichidan, I, Shiro Amakusa, call again here, please wake up again from the long-term indulgence, and help me clean up the filth and evil in the world, Establish our pure kingdom on the ground! Please wake up!" Near the center of the magic circle, a middle-aged man in a white robe dressed like the people of the Middle East, but surrounded by fire, knelt on one knee. He folded his hands in front of his chest, bowed his head and closed his eyes, and shouted sincerely and sincerely.

"Come back, my comrades!"

Then the magic circle shined brightly, as if a round of the sun had suddenly fallen to the ground, and the entire Amakusa city, which was built from the living area of ​​the Amakusa people in the past, was illuminated, as if daylight.

"...It's the one who lives again. I have died, and now I live again, until I live forever and ever. And holding the keys of death and the underworld...."

Then a huge voice sounded, one after another dressed like the Amakusa Shiro on the ground, but thinner and more impoverished men and women seemed to have walked out of the illusion, and gradually condensed into reality, appearing in the middle of the magic circle.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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