High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1031: dream

"Heqing, thank you." After comforting his son, Ryoko Hirosue, who was the master, said with a soft touch on his face.

"It's nothing, I'm just trying to do this. Even if I don't do anything, your Shunsuke will wake up after a few days of sleep." Qin Heqing said with a smile.

This is not a clubhouse, and there are outsiders around-the second-married husband and children are present, but it is not as close and unscrupulous as when two people are alone.

"That being said, who knows if it’s a long time will do any harm to Shunsuke? So I’m grateful to thank you. It just so happens that our family will also find a place to eat later, so I just borrow flowers to offer Buddha, thank you You go." This time, before Hirosue Ryoko could speak again, after comforting Shunsuke's tattooed man, JUNE also walked over and smiled.

"Hello, I'm JUNE, CandleJUNE, Ryoko's husband, I've been listening to Ryoko about you before, but seeing him this time really shocked me."

"What?" Qin Heqing stretched out his hand and shook JUNE, questioning.

"I didn't expect you to be so young. You seem to be about two or three years older than Shunsuke. It is really hard to imagine that you are a priest with a wide reputation. You are indeed a young man, a dragon and a dragon." Complimented.

"JUNE is a good progenitor. Have you been to China?" Qin Heqing raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise.

"I studied there for a while when I was young."

"That's no wonder." Qin Heqing smiled.

Then the two chatted about the customs, culture, food, style, etc. of China, and let Hirosue Ryoko go to the doctor to help Shunsuke go through the discharge procedures, and make reservations for the high-end sushi restaurant. ready.

"Okay, the restaurant is booked. As long as Dr. Hinata has checked Shunsuke's body, we will be able to leave." Ryoko Hirosue, who had notified the doctor and finished the business, said.

"Which one did you book?" JUNE asked curiously.

"XX." Hirosue Ryoko said the name of a high-end sushi restaurant.

"That house, I heard that a sushi master has recently been hired. I don't know if it is true."

"It should be true. After all, it is XX. With their size and reputation, there is no need to use this method to falsely promote."

"What? Is that so-and-so famous?" Qin Heqing asked curiously.

After all, he has no love for sushi. Especially after knowing the proportion of the incidence of parasitic diseases in the island country, and the number of people who go to the hospital for the prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases each year, naturally they will not care about the so-called sushi master.

With that leisurely mind, he might as well go hook up with two more girls on the street, which is practical and interesting.


Fortunately, after a short time, just a few minutes later, a middle-aged doctor in a white coat took a nurse to the ward where Shunsuke was, and carefully checked Shunsuke’s condition, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual. , He issued a discharge certificate to Ryoko Hirosue, asked the nurse to help with the discharge procedures, and allowed Shunsuke to leave the hospital and go home to rest.

"Let's go, let's have a big meal." JUNE lifted his arms around the shoulders of Shunsuke who had changed his daily clothes.

"I want tuna sashimi!" Shunsuke cheered.

"Shunsuke, pay attention to etiquette." Hirosue Ryoko took out the majesty of his mother and reprimanded.

"Mato, tell the helicopter to go back first, for a short time I should not be able to use it." Qin Heqing, who was behind Ryoko Hirosue's family, said to Maho.

"Okay, I'll let him know." Mato Akatsuki responded.

Then the group of five left the hospital, got into the car driven by Ryoko Hirosue's family, started up, and moved towards the reserved restaurant.

"By the way, Shunsuke, did you encounter something yesterday? It was not enough to sleep for such a long time, so I thought that something was wrong with you, so I could only send you to the hospital for examination. "On the way, Hirosue Ryoko, who was prompted by Qin Heqing, turned halfway, and asked Shunsuke who was sitting on the right hand of Qin Heqing.

"No, it's normal class and club activities, and then go home to study. I didn't encounter anything on the road, and I didn't do any physical labor. I don't know why I fell asleep like this." Shunsuke Looking at Hirosue Ryoko in doubt, his face was also full of puzzled answers.

"Then before going to bed at night, or while sleeping, did you see or dream of anything?" Hirosue Ryoko remained unchanged, looking at her elder son and continued to ask.

"Dream? No, no." Shunsuke's expression changed when he heard the words, and then quickly shook his head.

The look of deliberate concealment, even if he didn't say anything himself, made everyone in the car understand that he was lying.

"Shunsuke, it's not right to lie, especially to mother. Or, Shunsuke no longer likes her mother, and he doesn't want to tell her his thoughts to his mother." Hirosue Ryoko looked at her son gravely. The tone was slightly harsh and sad.

"Sorry, mom, I was wrong." Shunsuke lowered his head embarrassedly and apologized, "I shouldn't lie to you."

He is really a good boy, not at all like the adolescents of ordinary people. His head is full of rebellion. Parents are impatient to ask more questions and want to run away.

It can be seen that the education is good.

"Can you tell mom then?" Hirosue Ryoko asked.

"Yeah." Shunsuke nodded, and then he didn't hide it again. After sorting out his words, he said in front of everyone in the car, "I had a dream when I slept yesterday. I dreamed that I was in school. My classmate, but I don’t know the person I dreamed of, just judging from the school uniform on her, she is a student in our school."

"She?" Hirosue Ryoko grabbed the point and said.

"Yeah." Shunsuke admitted shyly.

"Then, what did you dream of?" Hirosue Ryoko asked with great interest.

Here is the difference between the parents of the island country and the parents in the country. That is, the parents of the island country do not regard puppy love as a scourge. Not only do they not guard against it, they also encourage their children to fall in love on campus.

Beautifully called, enjoy youth.

However, we must take good care of it, so as not to harm our children because of negligence, and expose them to the pressure of life early.

This is also the reason why the island country's knowledge is so widespread, and even the life-intercepting devices flood the campus.

I really don’t know how to describe this culture.

So it’s no wonder that the attitude of Hirosue Ryoko before and after will suddenly become so different~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s nothing, but I was scolded by the strange girl and said some messy things, as for what it was. ,I do not remember. Shunsuke stated with a wry smile.

"Only these?" Hirosue Ryoko asked suspiciously.

What do you suspect?

Naturally, my children are shy and dare not tell the truth.

"Only these." Shunsuke quickly replied solemnly.

"What else? Have you ever had any dreams?" Hirosue Ryoko looked at him, and looked at Qin Heqing without a trace, and finally asked his child again.

"No, I had this dream." After the meal, I suddenly remembered something. "Oh, yes, I remember that I was kidnapped by that girl in that dream and locked in the school's sports warehouse. No one came to rescue me no matter how I called for help until I woke up."

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