High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1033: Kikue

After the simple greeting, Mr. Gao Jian took Hirosue Ryoko, Qin Heqing and others to get up and running.

"This is the student roster of the class I manage. Let Shunsuke look at it first to see if there is anyone you are looking for, and then talk about others." Teacher Gao Jian took out the class roster prepared in advance and handed it over To Hirosue Ryoko.

The roster, as the name implies, is a booklet that records the names of students. It is different from the school status that belongs to the archives. In addition to the names and student numbers of the students in the class, it is at most some teachers’ special comments on the students. All are the student's ID photos. There are no confidential content such as family information and contact phone numbers. They are non-confidential content.

However, it is only for teachers and some related parties. For people outside the school, without permission, it is also the content of the information that cannot be observed.

"Is this only one?" Hirosue Ryoko changed hands and handed the roster to Shunsuke next to him, somewhat dissatisfied.

After all, the role of this roster is that it belongs to the type of free gift. Even if there is no such book, Shunsuke can recognize all the students in the class as a student in Gao Jian's class.

Unless, there is a legendary extra person in the class.

That is, the redundant classmates in urban legends!

It is a special existence. It is better not to recognize it when it is unnecessary, otherwise...

Shunsuke didn't say much, and flipped through the roster.

"Although I have been prompted by the principal, the roster is not so good for people outside the school to watch. Even if there is a reason for it, if possible, I still recommend that Ms. Ryoko directly recognize people from class to class. "Teacher Gao Jian said with a wry smile, apologetically, Okihirosue Ryoko said.

"Will that disturb other students?" Hirosue Ryoko frowned.

If possible, she still doesn't want to affect other students' studies because of her and her family's affairs. After all, the impact is not very good.

"It's okay to just peek at the door of the class." Teacher Gao Jian smiled.

This is the same as domestic teachers who always sneak up on the back door of the classroom or peek through the glass of the front door. As long as you are not paying attention and not making a sound, you will not affect many people, and it is not a troublesome thing.

"That can only be so." Hirosue Ryoko said helplessly.

"Is there?" Qin Heqing asked, looking at Junsuke next to him.

As for Ryoko Hirosue’s current second-married husband, Mr. JUNE, because he has tattoos on his body, he did not come in with everyone, so except for the key factor of Ryoko Hirosue, his mother and Shunsuke, it’s Qin. Two people, Heqing and Masaho, followed by their side.

"No." Shunsuke handed the roster to Teacher Gao Jian, shaking his head.

"That seems to have to be checked from class to class." Teacher Gao Jian responded with the roster.

Without hesitation, he put the roster on his desk, and left the staff office with Ryoko Hirosue, Shunsuke, Qin Heqing, and Akatsuki Mato and walked around the school building.

Class C for 3 years.

Class B for 2 years.

Class F...

When he reached Class 1 D, which is the class next door to Class C of Year 1 where Shunsuke was, Shunsuke finally changed his expression and whispered, "I recognize it, that's the girl!"

"Which?" Teacher Gao Jian asked in doubt.

"It's the third-to-last table in the middle row, the girl with ponytails and glasses on her face." Shunsuke said.

"Are you sure?" Qin Heqing glanced into the class next to Teacher Gao Jian, then turned to confirm Shunsuke.

"Although I don't know her name, I am sure she is the girl I dreamt of! They look exactly the same." Shunsuke resolutely said with a serious face.

Then, maybe it was because Shunsuke's voice was too noisy. The male teacher who was teaching history in the classroom suddenly stopped teaching, frowned, turned and walked towards the door.

"Teacher Gao Jian, is there anything wrong with you?" the history teacher asked with some dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shize, I interrupted your class, but we do have something we want to talk to a student in your class, so can I trouble you to call that student out?" Teacher Gao Jian was the representative and the person in front of you The history teacher negotiated.

"Student? Who is it?" The history teacher glanced at Takasue Ryoko next to the teacher-a famous celebrity, he knew, and Shunsuke behind-this was also a student in the class he was in charge of, and he was familiar, but in addition He didn't know the two young people, but he could somewhat guess that there should be something to talk about, so he didn't refuse when he arrived, and he asked straightforwardly.

"It's the third from the bottom in the middle row, the female student with glasses." Teacher Gao Jian pointed.

"Student Xi Jiujiang?" History stunned.

"I don't know her name, but we do want to check with her about something." Teacher Gao Jian said.

"Can you tell me what it is?" the history teacher asked curiously.

Of course, it is not entirely because of curiosity, but also the meaning of wanting to be responsible to the students. After all, the girl named Kijiu is her own student and was called away while she is teaching, so even if there are some people who call her As a colleague, Teacher Gao Jian was here, he had to ask one more sentence to avoid problems.

"Uh..." Mr. Takami hesitated and turned to look at Ryoko Hirosue.

"That's it." Ryoko Hirosue didn't hesitate when he arrived, and said what he wanted to check with Kikue to obtain permission from the history teacher in front of him.

"Really absurd." The history teacher said silently.

But I didn't say anything more, turned around and walked into the classroom, and shouted at Xi Jiu Jiang, "Student Xi Jiu Jiang, come out, Gao Jian teacher has something to look for you."

"Teacher Gao? Looking for me?" The girl named Xi Jiujiang looked up at Teacher Gao Jian who was standing at the door, stood up and walked towards the door.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?" Xi Jiu Jiang looked at the crowd in the corridor, and said in confusion~www.ltnovel.com~ Yes, Xi Jiu Jiang, can you please go to the interview room with us. "Teacher Gao Jian asked.

"Ok, I'm fine."

Then the group of six people turned and left, and walked over to the interview room dedicated to approach talks and parent talks in the teaching building.


"Teacher, can you tell me why I called me over now." After entering the interview room, Kikue asked Mr. Takami, who was the supervisor of the conversation.

"It's not Teacher Gao Jian who is talking to you, but me." Qin Heqing, who was sitting next to Ryoko Hirosue, said.

"you are……?"

"My name is Qin Heqing. I am a priest."


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