High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1044: Kiyoji Kashiwagi

With Yokoyama Kyoko, the internal staff of the Bureau of Countermeasures, the general security audit is naturally not a problem, so it didn’t take much effort that Qin and Qing passed the inspection and entered this building that looked the same as the factory office building and R&D center. Inside the building, came outside the warden's office.

"Boom boom boom."

"Come in."


Hengshan Xingzi opened the door and led Qin Heqing into the office.

"You are..." The middle-aged warden, who was a little blessed, but not greasy, frowned and asked Qin Heqing and Kyoko Yokoyama who were strangers in his eyes.

"Hello Hamaguchi Warden, I am a first-level officer of the Intelligence Department directly under the headquarters, Yokoyama Kyoko, here are my documents, please have a look." Yokoyama Kyoko took a few steps forward and walked to the desk and put his documents. Passed it with both hands.

"Yokoyama Kyoko, oh, you are here for Kiyoshi Kashiwagi." The warden was surprised at first, and then suddenly realized, "Waiting for you. It is also fortunate that you have the energy, at this point in time, and the energy to interrogate the prisoner. It's hard work."

With that, the warden of Hamaguchi got up and returned Yokoyama Kyoko's certificate to her.

"Where, everything is for work." Yokoyama Kyoko took the certificate and said.

"Yes, everything is for work." Binguchi warden laughed. Then walked around the desk and walked towards the door, while continuing to say "Let's go, I'll take you to see Kiyoshi Kashiwagi."

"Then trouble the warden Hamaguchi."

Then the three of them left the office together and walked towards the prison cell where the special type of felon was held——

It turned out to be on the second floor underground!

It seems that even among the so-called special types of criminals, Kiyoshi Kashiwagi is a relatively high-level and dangerous person.

In this way, Qin Heqing was even more certain. If it weren't for colluding with some people in the prison, it would be impossible to monitor from these three steps, one guard, five steps, one guard, between districts and districts. There is also an alarm barrier in between, which can be described as a silent escape from a high-protection prison.

These are not furnishings.

Following the three people through the corridor, they finally stopped in front of a confinement room that was made entirely of metal with a rectangular opening of 18 cm long and 56 cm wide in the cat's eye of an ordinary security door.

"Here." The warden of Hamaguchi opened the spying window, revealing Kiyoshi Kashiwagi who was being held inside.

"Open the door." Qin Heqing said.

"Yes." The warden nodded and turned to the guard who followed him and said, "Open the door."

"Yes." The latter then took out the key and stepped forward, opened the metal lock hanging on the metal fence door, pulled out a special metal horizontal bolt that was **** thick for an adult, and opened the heavy metal door. .


Then the situation of the entire cell was thoroughly presented before Qin Heqing's eyes.

How to put it, the situation is much better than Qin Heqing imagined.

The house, which is about thirty or forty square meters, is simply divided into two halves. Half is the bedroom, which is the place where the prisoners live, rest and move around. It is about 20 square meters. The inside is cleaned and tidy. Outside of a metal single bed whose four corners are welded to the ground, there is also a desk and a chair matching the desk in the entire bedroom.

There are books on the desk, which should be used by Kishiki Kashiwagi to pass time and study.

Then there are toilets and toilets, occupying the remaining room of a dozen square meters in the cell, without a door, of course, the prisoner does not need that thing, plus the washing stuff and toilet paper, constitute the entire cell environment , Can be described as extremely crude.

As a prisoner, Kiyoshi Kashiwagi was lying on the bed. He woke up vigilantly after hearing the sound. He glanced at the warden, and then dropped his head back on the pillow again. The appearance of bothering made the warden, who seemed to have a better face, feel very dissatisfied.

"Kashiwagi Kiyoshi, what's your attitude! Didn't you see me here?!" The warden of Hamaguchi rebuked unceremoniously.

"I saw it. But don't forget, the Warden of Hamaguchi. It's not visiting time. I'm going to rest too. But I'm not in the mood to chat with you in the middle of the night. So if you have anything to do, wait until tomorrow morning. "Kashiwagi Kiyoshi didn't raise his eyes or opened his head, just like I was, you could directly pull me up and beat me in response.

The tone was very irritating, so that the blue veins on the forehead of the warden of Binguchi appeared faintly.

"Kashiwagi Kiyoshi, do you still know me?" Seeing this, Qin Heqing reached out and stopped the Warden Hamaguchi who wanted to move or say something, and took a step forward, presenting his face more clearly so that Kiyoshi Kashiwagi could confirm Tao.

"You? Don't know." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi glanced up at him, his expression unchanged, and closed his eyes again and pretended to sleep.

"Really don't recognize me?" Qin Heqing asked a few steps forward.

"You..." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi was a little impatient, and wanted to get up and say something to him. Only when he opened his eyes, he was startled by Qin Heqing, who was already close at hand, "What are you going to do?!"

"You, are you sure you don't know me?" Qin Heqing continued to lean forward and pressed, and almost sent his face in front of Kiyoshi Kashiwagi, and asked in a deep voice.

"..." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi was silent, frowned and carefully observed him...

"I... I seem to have seen you somewhere." Kiyoshi Kashiwagi questioned, "Where did I come from?"

Qin Heqing didn't urge him, but straightened up and waited for his answer quietly.

Moreover, time did not make him wait too long, only about two or three minutes, Kashiwagi Kiyoshi's expression changed, with hatred in his face and said, "It's you! Why, it's not enough to send me here, I still think Do you want to kill, kill the roots?"

"Cut weeds and roots? I was thinking. But unfortunately, I missed the opportunity, but it doesn’t matter. Now the opportunity has appeared again, and it was delivered to me by you personally. For this point, I also want to thank you. That's it." Qin Heqing smiled, his expression was neither salty nor light~www.ltnovel.com~ but said with a very deep meaning.

"What do you mean by this?" Kiyoshi Kashiwagi blinked and asked in confusion.

"There is no need for you, the puppet substitute, to know." Qin Heqing shook his head.

Then turned around, the prison director of Chonghamakou and Kyoko Yokoyama said, "Okay, let's go out."

"Who do you think is the puppet substitute!?" Kiyoshi Kashiwagi couldn't hold onto his posture anymore, and stood up to question Qin Heqing's back.

But Qin Heqing did not answer him this time, and walked straight out of the cell into the corridor outside.

"This..." After the cell door was closed again, the Binkou Warden looked at Qin Heqing hesitantly.

"This is a special affairs consultant specially hired by the headquarters, Qin and Qing Qin adults." Apricot Yokoyama introduced Zhiji.


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