High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1047: track

"The house in front is the final foothold of Kiyoji Kashiwagi we tracked down." At this time, on a street in a residential town, a man sitting in the co-pilot position pointed to the houses not far from the car. Qin Heqing, who rushed to the back, and the two well-known people introduced.

At this time, it has been a day since Qin Heqing and Kato Hui dated. And in the past day, Qin and Qingguo really pursued the greatest greatness of the world. As long as it is not the end of the world and the sinking of Tokyo, they will stay with her all day long, and stay with Kato. After a day of shopping in Shinjuku, Shibuya, Asakusa, and even Ikebukuro, I also played for a day.

Then they returned to the apartment and talked about their lovesickness through two-person interactive games.

However, even the information that the Intelligence Department spent the night to investigate the information was ignored, and it was aired to the side. It was not until the next day, that is, this morning, that on the basis of bidding farewell to Kato Kei, he came with Akatsuki Mahato. Here.

"Are you sure that the person is still inside?" Qin Heqing looked at the building not far away through the front window of the car.

"It should be there..." the man in the front seat hesitated.

"Should?" Real householder repeated dissatisfiedly.

"Because I didn't receive the order, I didn't dare to take any action rashly. I just kept people nearby for surveillance. But up to the current location, our people didn't see Kishiki Kashiwagi coming out of this house again, so I too. It's not very sure whether he still stayed hidden in the house or left here through other means." The man in the front seat glanced at Qin Heqing and replied with a wry smile.

Who, if you don't know the situation, blame him for not giving instructions?

Qin Heqing glanced at him, did not say much, and directly ordered "hands."

"Yes!" The man didn't talk nonsense, took out the radio walkie-talkie and ordered "Do it!"

Following this, the man and the driver sitting in a posture, as well as the door of a multi-seater SUV parked on the street on the other side of the house opened, and several people wearing black barrier-resistant uniforms featured by the Bureau of Countermeasures jumped out of it. The young men and women carefully leaned toward the house.

Then knock on the door--

No one opened.

So after hesitating for a while, under the command of the man in the front passenger seat, he broke the door semi-forcibly with a tool and rushed into the house...

It was not until a moment later that the man in the passenger seat of the suspected captain walked out again, waved his arms, and hit a big X in front of him.

The meaning is very simple, that is, no one in the house!

Neither the real owner nor the Kiyoshi Kashiwagi they were looking for existed.

Seeing this, Qin Heqing and Mahu Xiao got out of the car and walked towards Yihujian.

"What's the situation?" Mato Akatsuki asked.

"Watch it for yourself." The captain of the action team motioned to the room and sighed.

So the two did not hesitate, turned and followed the captain into the room——

It is a very ordinary Japanese-style one-family built interior, with tables, chairs, kitchens and various furnishings...

But the key point is that the furniture in the house, the various tools in the kitchen, and even the things in the refrigerator have no traces of being used, just as if no one has come in this room for a long time, even the floating dust is falling. At a shallow level, how could anyone live here?

If there is, I definitely won't leave even the slightest trace.

"Contact the headquarters, ask the staff of the headquarters to conduct mental intervention tests on all the executive team members present, and then find professional technicians to check the video cameras they carry with them to see if there are any traces of passiveness, and then report the results to me "Qin Heqing didn't say much nonsense, and directly ordered the real householder beside him.

"You mean...they were affected by Kiyoshi Kashiwagi?" Mado knew surprised.

"Otherwise, how to explain the current situation?" Qin Heqing asked rhetorically.


Suddenly, Real Household and Captain Qi Qi silently had to admit that there seemed to be no more reason to explain this scene.

"I am willing to accept the review." After a while, the operation captain replied very simply.

"Then I'll go to the contact person." Maeto Akatsuki also followed suit.

Qin Heqing didn't say anything, and searched the room aimlessly.

It's a pity that I still haven't found any clues. It's as if this place was found by Kiyoshi Kashiwagi casually to confuse the investigators of the Countermeasures Bureau and to delay the tracking time.

Then Qin Heqing walked out of the house, pondered for a moment, and then started calling the land in the block——

After all, this matter is somewhat related to him. If he hadn't let the key issues go unnoticed and went on a date with Kato Megumi, he wouldn't have delayed such a long tracing time and interrupted the tracking clues of the Countermeasures Bureau, so he would make up for it if he was reasonable. a bit.

Then Huang Huang's divine light flashed, and a man dressed like an ancient wealthy businessman appeared in front of Qin Heqing.

"Who are you, why can you summon me to wait for the land **** to appear!?" The man squinted his eyes as if examining some kind of goods, and asked Qin Heqing up and down.

"I am a priest, Qin Heqing, a descendant of the Qin family, the **** of wine. The land you have summoned you to show up is because there are things you want to ask the land for help." Qin Heqing didn't put himself too high, but introduced very modestly.

"Jiu Gong Qin's descendant priest?! It's no wonder that you have such a great scent, but you don't have any clergy characteristics. It seems that Jiu Gong has a successor." After the meal, he said again. "Say Well, what do you want me to do?"

"I want to ask the land to mobilize the secretary of the geography department in this area to help me check the whereabouts of this person." Qin Heqing didn't pretend to be hypocritical, and immediately stated his request, and revealed the appearance of Kishiki Kashiwagi in a magic technique .

"What's the time?" The land frowned and asked again.

"Just start at 10 o'clock the night before yesterday." Qin Heqing thought.

Because Qin Heqing is also not sure what the Countermeasures Bureau surveys are accurate, so don't ask at all, just start from the time period after Halloween.

"Then you pay attention."

Then the land didn't hesitate, and with a low drink, a special light wave screen suddenly appeared in front of Qin Heqing. The screen flashed, showing everything that had happened on this street after 10 o'clock the night before.

It's the same as watching monitoring.

And this is the role of the secretary of the earth-can record everything that has happened on the ground, and broadcast it when the earth **** needs it, to help the earth **** understand the major events in the jurisdiction and use it Tracking down certain enemies and monsters ~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, the **** of the earth must be exhausted, and then it will be possible to do nothing in detail, and can tell one, two, three, four or five.

"Trouble the land to speed up a bit." Qin Heqing begged, who was not in the mood to appreciate the content on a one-to-one basis.

When the land arrived, there was no rebuttal. As soon as my mind moved, the screen played back at three times the speed.

10 O'Clock.

11 o'clock.

12 o'clock.

Yesterday at 1 o'clock in the morning...

Finally, at a few minutes past 1:00, Qin Heqing found the trail of Kiyoshi Kashiwagi.



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