High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1059: Outing

"You didn't think of this as a countermeasures bureau? But as a result, has the environment improved after so long?" Qin Heqing asked, spreading his hands.

"Then what countermeasures ability is so bad?!" Cuizi asked incredulously.

Qin Heqing estimated that she regarded the situation of the countermeasure bureau as the yin and yang of the era she lived in, thinking that everyone in the countermeasure bureau was an expert who could stand alone and could easily suppress the chaos in this world. However, I forgot that this is not ancient times, and this time and space is not the spread of monsters that she lives in. Mage, priests, and warriors from all walks of life, as long as those who dare to slay demons and slayers are the special time and space of strongmen, the inheritance of Onmyoji As early as the rise of Yixiangzong and Buddhism, they were chopped down one after another. In addition to the Meiji Restoration policy that onmyo and onmyoji were completely outlawed, the orthodox inheritance of onmyojis can be said to be early. It has been cut off!

What can be passed down now is not like the Qin clan and Tuyumen covered in shinto skin, or it is mixed with a large number of Buddhist routines, said to be onmyoji, but it looks more like a sideline inheritance of Dharma.

Not to mention that it is not very systematic, and many important magic methods do not exist.

This has caused the general strength of the special people in this era and time and space, and the so-called miscellaneous goods have become the mainstream.

Since there is no way to be like the ancient Onmyoji, he would dare to open up if he didn't agree with him. If the environment was not good, he would dare to use Feng Shui to pit people, and suppress all dangers at the beginning of the outbreak.

"I can't say that they are bad, I can only say that this time the situation is a bit wrong, and the complexity is far less simple than we saw." Qin Heqing smiled bitterly.

Not to mention the Oda army that ran out of hell, and what Amakusa Shiro, the turmoil in the **** alone gave people a very uneasy feeling, let alone, after so long, Qin Heqing did not even pick up It's the slightest instruction from the wine master, which is very different from his past experience!

At least it was replaced by something like this a year ago, the wine master jumped out early and gave himself instructions.

Just like when dealing with Jianshan Huangquan.

But now, the world is about to turn the sky, Jiu Gong such as the great **** who can directly contact him does not need to find him, the land **** has called four or five, and the same news has not been revealed, if there is nothing in it. Qin Heqing didn't believe anything that Qin Heqing said because there is something tricky.

As for whether this is because he became the immortal in the pot, he was inherently blocked from contacting him by methods such as the **** of wine and the gods...

He can't get in touch, isn't there still Yueer?

Isn’t the moon okay, isn’t there still Ayukawa?

As the first meeting gift that Jiu Gong took and gave to Qin Heqing, Qin Heqing didn't believe that Jiu Gong could not descend to Ayu Chuan, and revealed some information through her mouth.

"Then watch the world being invaded like this without being indifferent?" Cuizi said dissatisfied.

"Then what do you mean..." Qin Heqing asked back.

"I'm ready to travel to the island country of this era, take a good look at the situation of this era, and investigate the reasons for environmental changes by the way, and then solve the problem of ghosts and monsters from the source." Cuizi replied without hesitation.

Obviously, it is the answer after careful consideration.

"Do you mean that too?" Qin Heqing didn't say anything, but turned his head to look aside, no matter the appearance and temperament are very similar, he asked Kikyo, who gave a sense of sacredness.

"Yes." Kikyo affirmed.

"All right. Then I will ask you to get two bank cards for you, and then get the various documents of the two of you, you can set off. With the strength of the two of you, as long as there is no special situation or curse Forbidden people, basically, there are no people or monsters in this land that will be your opponents.” After a while, he continued, “Of course, if you encounter one, don’t panic, just call me and I will let Ayu Chuan will support you in the past and take your own safety as the top priority. As for the rest, you can take care of it.

"Don't worry, we are not kids." Cuizi chuckles, who has already passed the grade that needs others to worry about.

After that, Qin Heqing didn't bother, and called Fumi Zhongchuan to let her go through the various procedures. He talked to Cuizi and Campanulaceae about the various situations of this era and some common problems.

After all, the two talents have not been active in this time and space. No matter how smart they are, they will not be able to change their way of thinking from the ancient way of respecting power to the way of thinking based on the law. It still needs to adapt and get used to it. Need to learn and understand, otherwise the ghost knows what kind of troubles and yaozi they will encounter in their respective travels.


"I want to go out too." After the problem with Cuizi and Kikyo was settled, Jianshan Huangquan suddenly said again.

"Huh? Are you going out too?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

"Is there a problem?" Huang Quan asked, tilting his head.

"The question is no, but I don’t understand what you are going to do when you go out. You don’t have a strong sense of justice and values ​​like Cuizi and Kikyo. You don’t see ordinary people suffering from ghosts and monsters. You want to change the environment and let society To restore calm, or to say... Are you going to trouble with the countermeasures?" At the end, Qin Heqing frowned, and his expression seemed to be a headache.

"The countermeasure... seems to be a good choice." After a while, after watching Qin Heqing for a while, he said quietly, "But if I really do this, I will probably never be free again. Is it active? I don't imagine being a canary, being held by you forever."

"Then tell me what you want to go out for." Qin Heqing nodded and asked again.

"Go to meet someone." Huang Quan turned away his eyes and said slowly.

"Sacred music?" Qin Heqing guessed.


"Then you and her are really strong enough. They entangled each other before they were alive, and after death, they couldn't forget the other party's existence, or just like that."

"What?" Huang Quan asked curiously.

"You find a way to dig her out of the countermeasures ~www.ltnovel.com~ and become my person." Qin Heqing suggested.

"Become yours? I don't want Kagura to be eaten by you." Huang Quan said with a disdainful face.

"Then you are willing to look at her like this, and you belong to two sides, seeing each other but not knowing?"

"Even so, I can't let her fall into your tiger's den." Then, before Qin Heqing could speak again, he interrupted in advance, "Okay, just tell me, don't you agree that I go out to see her." "

"As long as you can promise not to take the initiative to find trouble with the Bureau, I will agree with you to find Kagura."

"Okay, I promise you."

After the matter ended, Kanyama Huangquan became the third dangerous person to go out alone after Cuizi and Kikyo.

For a while, Qin Heqing's side was quiet again, leaving only Yue'er, Ayukawa, Yunv, and Kagura to stay with him and accompany him through his ordinary daily life.

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