High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1065: ripple


Still in Okinawa, somewhere in an unknown residence, a ghost dressed as a ninja suddenly emerged from the ground and shouted at Oda Nobunaga who was sitting in front of the computer and playing the gloriously produced Sengoku game.


"The people from the Countermeasures Bureau retreated."

"Huh? Retreated? What's the matter." Oda Nobunaga stopped the game in his hand and turned to look at the ninja on the ground in amazement.

"It seems that there was an accident on the Musashi country, and there was an urgent need for a large number of people to go there to sit there. So, except for those who were originally in charge of Okinawa, most of the masters of the Bureau of Countermeasures returned to Edo by plane ten minutes ago." The ninja replied.

"There is an accident in Musashi country?" Oda Nobunaga asked in doubt.

"Do you know what the accident was?"

"It seems to be related to a person named Kiyoshi Kashiwagi, but the subordinates did not find out what the matter was."

"Then I'm exploring! If you don't work, I will send someone to Musashi country. I need to know what is the situation that can make the Countermeasures Bureau even ignore us, and I have to send people back to Edo." Oda Nobunaga Shen Sheng said.

"Yes. The subordinate will make arrangements."

"and many more."

The ninja stopped his figure and looked at Oda.

"How many people are still in the resident countermeasures bureau?" Oda asked.

"Including non-combatants, there are about eighty people."

"Eighty people, the withdrawal is really thorough." After a pause, Oda Nobunaga's face showed a smile that belonged to the overlord. "In this case, the general smiled unceremoniously. . After the notification, half an hour later, I will initiate a total of the station of the countermeasures bureau, and completely take down all the area north of Okinawa!"


Afterwards, the ninja disappeared, entrenched in the area north of Okinawa Oshima, and all the Oda forces that were fighting with the countermeasures bureau were mobilized, ignoring the impact of the heavy rain, and half an hour later officially launched an annihilating impact on the headquarters of the countermeasures bureau. .


"Heqing, there is a situation." On the other side, in the hotel where Qin Heqing stayed, because it was easier to use her abilities on rainy days, the voice of the rain girl who was dispatched by Qin Heqing alone to investigate the whereabouts of the Oda Army suddenly sounded in the room. .

"What?" Qin Heqing stopped his movements and got up from the bed.

"Just now, there are a lot of ghost spirits rising in Okinawa City, gathering, moving quickly in a certain direction, it seems to be launching some action." Yumai replied with a wet figure.

"Okinawa City..." Qin Heqing groaned, "Let's go over and take a look."

"I'll be with you, too." Said Toshima Tsuiko, who got up from the bed and tidyed up the pleated shirt and stray hair.

"Also." Qin Heqing thought for a while and agreed.

Unlike other people, Kenko is a serious martial arts master and a swordsman, so taking her to act together will not only not be dragged down by her, but also can form an effective help, making her actions easier and more varied. .

This is the reason why Qin Heqing will invite her to Okinawa for vacation.

Otherwise, there are so many targets to choose from, why shouldn't you just choose her?

Then Qin Heqing called out the windshield Kagura again, and after a brief introduction, he asked Kagura to use her feather hairpin to turn into a feather boat, carrying him, Tsuiko, and Ayukawa Jiyue who hadn't appeared. Together, they flew towards Okinawa City under the guidance of Rain Girl.

And the speed was very fast, and in just a few moments, I reached the sky over Okinawa City, and came to the place where the rain girl had observed the unusual gathering of ghosts——

It turned out to be a place called Miri Park.

A large number of ghosts and monsters gathered here, strangling attacks on the attached buildings in the park and the people in the buildings—the soldiers of the Countermeasures Bureau.

"Da da da da..."

"Shoo, boom!"



The violent explosion sound and the interweaving sound of firearms, as well as the screams of the ghostly death of the personnel, crossed the rain curtain and passed into the ears of Qin Heqing and others.

"Sure enough, the ghosts who use the heat weapons can no longer look at them with the eyes of the past." After a meal, Toshishima Suizi added quite sighingly, "Especially when they themselves were still ancient soldiers who were killed in battle. , It is horrible to happen. If there is no large-scale and organized suppression of personnel, ordinary people or ordinary troops will almost not be opponents when facing them!"

"Why are the staff of the Countermeasures Bureau so small?" Qin Heqing wondered at the countermeasures bureau soldiers who were suppressed, and after a large number of casualties, they were increasingly struggling to make ends meet.

"Yeah, how come you are such a human?" Dudao Suizi also echoed with a puzzled face. "And it seems that there are no masters... Is it abandoned?"

"Ayukawa, go down and bring someone up." Qin Heqing didn't bother to think too much, and directly instructed Ayukawa next to him.


Then Ayukawa disappeared and appeared on the edge of the fighting crowd below. After searching for a while, he decisively took a shot and grabbed a member of the countermeasures bureau who looked dying, while using his ability to stabilize his injury, he was simply treated. Healed, while using illusion techniques to affect the surrounding area, to avoid being noticed by her flying attitude, only then took the person up and flew back to the sky with her hands.

"It's time to ask," said Ayukawa who returned to the feather boat and hypnotized the captive.

"What's the situation on your side?" Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and asked the guy whose eyes were empty and didn't even know his name.

"The Oda Army attacked," the captive replied.

"Then why are there so few people on your side, what about the others?"

"Everyone else is gone."

"Gone? What did you do."

"It is said that a major disaster occurred in Tokyo~www.ltnovel.com~ It is extremely necessary for a large number of manpower to go back to guard Tokyo, so the annihilation plan of the Oda Army is temporarily abandoned, and only basic surveillance and confrontation are maintained, so except for a small number of combat personnel In addition, a large number of masters from the headquarters returned to Tokyo with the leaders of the headquarters by special plane more than half an hour ago.


Well, after a long time of trouble, it was because of what Kishi Kashiwagi had done.

But when I think about it, I don't understand it.

After all, what is Okinawa? To put it bluntly, it is a remote island far away from the political center of Tokyo, and since it belongs to the island country, it has always been separated from the island country and is not harmonious with Germany. What about Tokyo? It is the political and economic center of the entire island country. Not only cabinet officials and government agencies are located here, but even the nominal head of state, the Emperor, also lives here, so if Okinawa is abolished, it will be abolished, but big things will happen in Tokyo...

Therefore, abandoning Okinawa's defense and ensuring the safety of Tokyo has become a natural choice.

It's just a pity that the combatants who stayed in Okinawa have suffered.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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