High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1068: Calm Nobunaga

The next moment, the rain falling from the sky burst out with a dazzling light, as if it had been added with a fluorescent agent, it landed quickly, and hit the Oda army fighting in the rain and the staff of the countermeasure bureau. .

But in exchange it showed two completely different results!

The former, that is, the ghosts, like ordinary people splashed with sulfuric acid, made a miserable and painful howling at the moment of exposure to light rain, and then the yin energy that formed the body collapsed, like smoke from their bodies Flew away quickly, until the ghost soldiers were completely wiped out.

As for the human beings, the members of the Countermeasures Bureau, although they were shocked by the changes in the ghost soldiers, they felt very alert and suspicious, but they did not show any reaction as if they had been attacked, and looked at each other. After seeing that the sudden rainstorm really had no effect on them, he decisively joined the slaughter army and started fighting against the chaotic ghosts.

It can be said that in just a moment, the entire formation has undergone a great change. The original Oda Army has the absolute upper hand, becoming stalemate...

"Did it start to finish..." Ayukawa who was hiding in the dark couldn't help but muttered.

Then he did not hesitate, showed his body shape, flew into the air, turned into a logistics staff, and helped the combatants of the countermeasure bureau by controlling the field.




Let the combatants of the countermeasure bureau become more unscrupulous and crazy when fighting.

Until after a while.


"Let's go." Qin Heqing turned his head and said to Kagura beside him.

Kagura did not make a sound, and stepped forward and released the feather hairpin on his head, turning into a flying boat, floating in mid-air, then jumping on the flying boat, and carrying a few people back to the hotel where they had settled. .


"Look at me." Qin Heqing, who walked off the flying boat, raised his hand and patted his forehead, shaking his head with annoyance.

"What's the matter?" Dudao Kongzi asked in confusion.

"I forgot to tell Yunv to let her solve the weather problem here after dealing with Oda's army." Qin Heqing sighed as he looked at the poison island beside him.

After all, one of their main purposes here is to take a vacation by the sea, and the other is to trouble Oda Nobunaga and figure out some things in hell.

But I didn't expect that as soon as this arrived, I immediately met the master and won the opponent in the first time...

This greatly reduced his troubles, and even solved the problem directly. Naturally, he should focus on another thing-vacation.

"It turned out to be this. It's not anxious." Dudao Kongzi said funny.

"I didn't want to see you wearing a bikini." Qin He Qingtian said with a grin.

"You just want to see me in a bikini?" Dudao Suozi smiled lightly, retorted with Noyu's face.

"Of course, I still want to see more." Qin Heqing stretched out his hand to embrace Dudao Kongzi's waist, hehe smirked.

Then several people set off into the hotel, took the elevator, and returned to the room they had booked.


"Here." Soon after, Ayukawa, who returned to the business room with Yunv, handed a few sealed **** to Qin Heqing.

"You also caught ghosts?" Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

Since he didn't appear at the time, it means that he didn't like the soldiers of the Oda Army, and he could let Ayukawa and Amame kill at will. This can shorten the fighting time and avoid some unnecessary troubles, allowing them to deal with everything more calmly.

Unexpectedly, Ayukawa could still think of such things.

I have to say that Ayukawa is far more caring than the others, even Yue'er, in terms of Shijin's obedience and consideration bias.

I don't know if it was Ayukawa, or that Sadako himself was doing trouble with this kind of thoughtful temperament, or just thinking about it.

Qin Heqing felt very happy anyway.

"It's a general in the Oda Army. I don't know if it will be useful to you, so I took them down together while fighting." Ayukawa explained.

"I'm interested." Qin Heqing praised.

Then he didn't say much nonsense, and brought Tokojima Tsukiko, Tsukier, Ayukawa, Amame and Kagura to re-enter the pot world, and appeared in front of the suppressed Oda Nobunaga and others.

"It's you!" Oda Nobunaga didn't know if he calmed down, or if he had other thoughts, he said in a rather calm voice.

"Despicable villain!" Zhendaluo who still looks like a sickly noble man, but now has no legs, cursed in a low voice with full of resentment.

"The king and the loser, since they are enemies, there is no such thing as being mean or not." Qin Heqing glanced at him and said quietly.

"You are right, the winner is the king and the loser. As long as it is an enemy, then there is no problem even if you are despicable and shameless. What's more, your behavior is at best undeclared war, and this kind of evaluation is not necessary. We will be defeated only because our skills are not as good as humans." Oda Nobunaga looked openly, or said in a low voice with a domineering mind.

"On the point of magnanimity and heart, you are worthy of Oda Nobunaga, the overlord of the Warring States period. It is a pity that your strength is a little too weak, and I am very disappointed in you. I feel that you are not worthy of the sixth day demon king. This kind of supreme demon's name." Qin Heqing looked at him for a while, shook his head, and sighed.

"That's just the title I gave myself to fight against Yixiangzong, but I didn't think that I was really the sixth day demon lord, which caused you a misunderstanding. That's really embarrassing."

"Forget it, this is also my problem-because I have seen the reincarnation body of Bishamontian, I naturally regard you who claim to be the sixth demon king as the reincarnation body of the demon lord. Time is different, the fact that you have already died once." Qin Heqing shook his head slightly and said softly.

"Visamonten...you mean ~www.ltnovel.com~ Uesugi Kenshin? Have you seen him?! He has come to this world too?" Oda Nobunaga hesitated, and asked some incredible questions.

"Why, does this one like you go to **** after death?" Qin Heqing asked in astonishment.

That is the reincarnation of Pishamon, the Buddha in the present world, even if he is slaughtered because of the tribulation, but based on his performance in history-never set off an unrighteous battle, never actively attacked others without reason. From the three points of never killing lives easily, his merits are much higher than the karma caused by killing.

In addition to his own Buddha status, even if he cannot ascend to heaven after death, he shouldn't go to the smoky place like hell.

"Of course. As the warring states princes, who set off to kill countless warriors, why can he be an exception without going to **** to be tortured?" Oda Nobunaga asked with a natural tone.

"Speaking of which, do you need to be tortured in hell?" Qin Heqing nodded somewhat, and then looked at Oda Nobunaga and asked curiously.

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